Does going on dating sites make you worse at approaching women IRL? I feel like maybe it does.
Does going on dating sites make you worse at approaching women IRL? I feel like maybe it does
Well I feel like it does
And I feel like I deserve a million dollars
Fuck outta here
no its just unadvised because its likely to expose you to some of the lowest quality of women which will then make you want to kill yourself
it's 99% fat single mothers
but so is real life so...
No because real people made all those profiles (most of them anyways) and real people write/respond to the messages (most of them anyways).
Dating sites are a menu tho and you should treat them as such. Of course even irl you lie to impress people and put your best foot forward so there's essentially no difference
No, there is nothing wrong with dating websites.
Stop using that fags picture.
>essentially no difference
There's a huge difference, dumbass. You must be a woman.
>there is nothing wrong with dating websites
Another woman. That wasn't even the topic.
No, but there actually is a psychological reason why being active on dating sites may make us feel less motivated to pursue dating IRL. When we feel an internal pressure to do something, we want to alleviate that pressure. Ideally, we alleviate that pressure by doing that thing we want to resolve.
However, there are easier shortcuts we can take to justify to ourselves that we're fixing our situation or addressing that problem, when we really aren't doing anything.
Say you're fat and want to get fit. You could eat right and exercise, but fewer people do those things than the alternative, which is drinking diet coke, eating gluten-free, and going to a karate lesson once a week. The people doing the latter aren't actually helping their situation at all, but they feel like they are.
Say you want to get your life together. You could write out daily schedules for yourself, get your work done, and figure out social events to attend. Or you could watch hours of videos of people like Jordan Peterson on YouTube, telling you to get your shit together. The former is boring; the latter is easy. Doesn't fix the problem, but makes you feel better about yourself.
Same thing here. You could go out with friends, or ask that cute girl from your class to go get something to eat. Or you could spend 15 minutes swiping people on Tinder. Both will make you feel like you're accomplishing something; one's just more hollow than the other.
It doesn't matter. You need to stop looking for excuses.
Excuses for what, dumbass
/thread. If anything it's about the best cure for inexperience in approaching that there is.
Also looking at OP's bullshit, I'm reasonably certain this is a bait thread. Stop responding.
huh, not OP but that's a pretty good answer
When I haven't been on dating sites for a while I feel more motivated to approach women. Same with fapping and porn, all these three things kill my urge to approach women.
It's just his hypothesis. But he says it like it's a fact. I don't think it's the whole truth or even the truth at all. To me I think it's more to do with a negative peception of myself I get when using dating sites.
As always nothing but idiots on Jow Forums.
You just bumped a super dead thread to post this, what does that say about you
I also don't like badoo because they're always trying to scam you. They had charged me for an amount I'm pretty sure I didn't authorize to pay.