Operation leaf rake

So, Italy is deporting about 2,000 shitskins a month.* The question is, where do they go? Back to their home countries? That’s far too dangerous!
But I have a solution. I think these future doctors and scientists should find a home in Canada.
All we need to do is create a movement on social media urging Justin Trudeau to offer asylum to these poor refugees. These people will get to live the Canadian dream, and Canada will get cultural enrichment. It’s win/win.
What’s a good, catchy hashtag to get this ball rolling?
*source: breitbart.com/europe/2018/12/04/around-2000-migrants-expected-leave-italy-per-month-new-migration-decree-rules/

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One of Canada’s critical strategic weaknesses is the underdeveloped North. We must populate and develop regions of the tundra and Sub-Arctic, in order to deter Russian aggression and land claims in the Arctic

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You idiot, We'll have to build a second wall

>implying you've built a first

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When Canada inevitably collapses they will all become your problem burger. So yes, by all means speed up the destruction of our economy, that's what a lot of us who can't afford to buy homes want anyway.

This is a fine we robbed the native americans of living in paradise lead by them we deserve everything coming to us for being evil demons

Based Schlomo

>All we need to do is create a movement on social media

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I can't imagine being faggy enough to have this worldview. Why not just kill yourself?

Speak for yourself kike.

I believe they should be sent to Canada.

>advocating for the downfall of leafland
>believes the shitskins will confine themselves to said wasteland and not flee across the border en-masse
Careful what you wish for, dandee.

>2000 each month

Hahaha you fucking retard it has been only 89

This. I don't want to have to build a 2nd wall. Canada is too poor, they couldn't even pay for it.

Yeah I think everyone should just send us their migrants if the country collapses they will all die in the winter

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yes send them all north

Canada and US should join forces

It would be nice if you actually had a force to join.

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who pays for the flights?

Canada will pay for it.

at this rate we're gonna need a northern border wall goddamnit

The ride never ends.

nobody moves there u fucking asshole

if the dropping point is the north atlantic we could pay for them

No, the real problem is the north has no cultural diversity! It's only really the Inuit who live up there, and as we all know, a lack of diversity is terrible!

Therefore, we can help the Inuit out by dropping off as many refugees as we can!

Hey man I know a lot of confusion exists; but we have merit based migration. You know the type your president is begging for.

If you have a speeding kicked over 120mph you don't ever get in my country. Get it ok. Look it up.

no that's all prime real estate in global warming. Just wait for awhile