What did george bush pass to michele obama?

>George passed a note to Michelle. Watch his left hand. The end you see her opening it before camera moves.


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at 12.34.28 PM.png (527x290, 207K)

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>nigger t. gbs

her dilator

Trump's fucking face. What a douche.

It was a bag a coke


Attached: DButt.jpg (800x450, 25K)

>The South Remembers
>White Wedding starts playing

They are fucking bosom buddies.

Probably a note they’re friends

“I have such a boner. Do you?”

Attached: download.jpg (155x183, 5K)

Probably an inside joke, like a cough drop or something just as retarded.

Globalist love note


Yes, this. They have run charity together and are on good terms.

Fuck off, woman.

It is the nuclear codes. They are keeping them away from the Orange Man. The rules of etiquette dictate that they must be transferred in public.

Bush is a real man, the kind who'll fight anyone. He believes in the macho image and sometimes bending the rules (pic related). He was clearly asking her if she wanted to size up their penises.

Attached: George Bush delivers illegal, but gratifying right hook to opposing ball carrier. Former President G (374x450, 71K)


No, he sleeps in a big bed with his wife.

literally anything so the cameras could see him leanign past The Real President, publically snub him, and give the MSM something else to talk about for the hours that were viewer-tested to be showing signs of trump fatigue.

Attached: audience testing.jpg (600x400, 72K)

He's preop, as shown by all the ball-jiggling webms. Barack likes dick.

Yes he has a pretty waifu...

>Bush is a real man, the kind who'll fight anyone. He believes in the macho image and sometimes bending the rules (pic related). He was clearly asking her if she wanted to size up their penises.
Yup, bending the rules like assassinating the president of the US because he was going to end the cold war and the military industrial complex didnt want that.


In front of him? Savage.

You mean Michael?

Viagra, so Michael can fuck Zero.

"wash your balls"

Attached: 1hjbknlnjbhjbkjnlkMB.png (1280x720, 1.05M)

i couldnt imagine being such a stupid fuckin bong

>what did george bush pass to michele obama?
A crude line drawing of a penis, to remind "her" that she used to be considered as a man

>do you like me
>check yes or no

It read: Dad loved your dick

Attached: 8f90d56eed3631ef695ba876290324e9.jpg (536x540, 50K)

welfare check

thats some funny shit

Attached: 1535377552356.gif (225x300, 17K)

>The Internet said you had a penis, are you really packing?
>G dubz

it was candy. he gives her candy everytime they see each other. he's done it at other public events too.


"Meet me in the bathroom and let's compare cock sizes"

it's hilarious how cosy he is with Dems, the establishment working together against The Don. Fucking demons.

>Not knowing the Clinton's are employees of the Bush family.

Attached: Future Presidents Bill Clinton And George Bush with Governor George Wallace at a BBQ in 1983.jpg (639x573, 98K)

Whew what a fucking shot. Based Wallace.

Attached: bush note.jpg (836x676, 54K)

i mean, i would do that.

I know about Bill and GW, ex CIA, running coke through Arkansas, Bill being in the middle of a Bush sammich linearly

and I know they're cosy af

no mystery here chavvy

They have lost their normal communications.
They need these big events to pass comms.
Future proves past.


one of Jeb's turtles
they've still got a lot left over from 2016, just boxes and boxes of them, and GHWB's last words were "get rid of those fucking turtles"
George Jr. figures blacks like turtles because they're from the jungle so he gave her one

forgot pic

Attached: 1542237870651.jpg (636x382, 34K)

back in the day they gave out buttons,
why did jeb have to pick fucking turtles?

Attached: 1fe.png (200x201, 31K)

Attached: 1538767403895.gif (320x240, 698K)

Because "slow and steady wins the race"


sis boom bah

Attached: bushyyyy.png (500x522, 149K)

Underrated and checked