The problem is, that I'm a very honest person and I always tell people the truth how I mean it.
I have been driving well with it until now, but somewhere on the way I just became "better" for the lack of a better word then my peers.
And the problem is that it's objectively true, and everyone knows it, I tried very hard to relativise it, but it really didn't work.
Just look at how arrogant this all sounds but the problem is that I only want to express the truth in the most accurate way I see it, and I don't think I'm wrong. God, I hate myself for it, but what should I do?
It's really a problem that needs fixing.
How do I deal with an inflated ego?
Realise that you said ‘better then’ instead of ‘better than’, so you’re far from perfect.
In all seriousness, being something doesn’t mean you have to talk about it. I can’t imagine your abilities are a constant topic of conversation in your life, unless you’re bringing them up. Just be unapologetically you, but be humble, and don’t get your self worth from other people’s praise or lack of it.
>so you’re far from perfect
I have flaws, but most of them are things like writing "then" instead of "than", needing to lose a few pounds to have a sixpack, and having less than perfect grades in some subjects at uni.
>I can’t imagine your abilities are a constant topic of conversation in your life
>Come back from another country
"user, what are your plans now"
"Oh user, you are so arrogant"
So you are saying I should just avoid the topic, and be silent("humble") when asked about it? I thought that the problem was more with my conception of self, so you think it's ok to think about myself like this? I thought that was toxic in itself...
OP, you’re an arrogant little shit with an inflated sense of self importance. Why? Because someone as “better” as you claim to be.... wouldn’t phrase it as, “Herpa derpa, I’m better then [sic] them.”
You want some “truth”? You deal with an inflated ego by understanding that it’s inflated.
The fact that it’s difficult for you to understand that simple fact... means you’re kind of dumb. Sorry.
Go see how well you can take a real survival situation, go be a nomad for 3 days.
Feeling like you can’t express yourself or be proud of yourself or be ambitious is toxic, and people who make you feel this way should be avoided. This example is not what I imagined, that’s very rude, unless your plans were unrealistic and they were just trying to tell you that. Evenso though, people probably just can’t handle your ambition.
>The problem is I'm a very honest person
No, the problem is you're an idiot that doesn't know how to be honest without being an asshole. Maybe you should actually develop social skills.
Dude. I am tb same as you. Just a lot older. Life is pretty OK. Everyone nows that you're an honest guy. You'll get a lot of breaks cos people realise that your not going to cheat them. And even when you tell these small white lies people will still believe you.
Downside. You can't joke and make fun of people jokingly. Cos they will believe its true. In the work place. Strict rules apply. And your gonna fuck up somewhere. Your gonna need to lie cos some younger ignorant shit who wants to make a name for himself wants to his brownie points. But you're brains not able to make an excuse to lie. Busted.
My advice. Carry on. But make sure people know that you got a great poker face. And you can joke and be bad ass. As much as the next guy.
What you learn in life is. The moment you consider yourself a master at something, you start to lose. Its really fucked up but in experience thats how it happens.
I thought I was perfect also but the moment someone puts a "I can't learn anymore" sign on their desk, is the moment they are dead in the world. Which is ofc inperfect as fuck.
Always stay a student. Its how the masters stay masters.
Hahahaha, anons, I phrase it like this here. HERE.
Do you think I didn't phrase it in the bluntest way I could possibly do it, so it's obvious where the problem lies?
>You deal with an inflated ego by understanding that it’s inflated.
>Maybe you should actually develop social skills.
You should both kill yourselves, you don't even know a thing about me.
I already know that it wouldn't be very fun, and I would probably go back home after 1 day, no need to prove anything here.
The problem is that I was meeting again with my friends from college, who took the same courses as me... But they dropped out, and now work at MacDonnalds(comparable), so how should I react to that? Should I tell them that it's cool? Should I give awkward silence? What I did was say, that I believe they have a lot of potentials and are wasting it with what they are doing, and if I made it, then they can do it, too. But we all know that they have lost too much time now to really catch up.
Just say exactly what you said here to a trucker in a bar somewhere, the rest will sort itself out.
You might think I'm joking but getting punched in the face does wonders for ones arrogance
I know that you seem to have an issue being honest with people without it causing an issue. That generally isn't a problem for most honest people.
>Anons call him out on his conceited arrogant bullshit
>Kill yourself, you don't know me, I don't need to prove anything
Wow, you're a special boy aren't you? Very special indeed.
Thanks, user, that's great advice.
A true master is an eternal student.
This is actually an interesting thought. Because I really really don't know how I would talk to a trucker in a bar. I would never ever bring up this topic, and if it ever came up, then I would probably say something like: "It's an important job that needs to be done", but I wouldn't be able to not look down on him. sry, that's just the truth. If it's not the case for you people, then please tell me how you would come to a different conclusion.
It actually never caused an issue for me, all of my friends, know that I'm honest like that, but I'm just wondering if it might be in the future.
Yes user, you call me out on the thing I called myself out on by making this thread. Very useful, now go away.
Oh! He's mad at me. Let's see where this goes...
Ahem, oh ye of superior intellect please bless me with a small amount of your time. I wish to engage with you in conversation.
The only solution: spend time *honestly* evaluating the things you've done in your life. What's the worst thing you've ever done to someone? What things have you done that you would never tell to another living soul? Think about those sorts of things, and accept that regardless of how well you may be doing in one or two areas of your life, you're a shitty person.
>"user, what are your plans now"
>"Oh user, you are so arrogant"
How did you explain your plans and what these were? There was that one guy in my uni that absolutely everyone detested. He wouldn't stop talking about himself and what great things he had been doing although he is a brainlet and has no chance of accomplish any of it (he obviously didn't talk twice about any of these great things he's doing because he didn't actually do any work on it). Holy fuck.
>now I read
>But they dropped out, and now work at MacDonnalds(comparable), so how should I react to that?
>What I did was say, that I believe they have a lot of potentials and are wasting it with what they are doing
If you want to stay friends with them, don't tell them that they just could handle it like you did. They aren't you. There actually are people that can't handle college. If they actually tried hard to not drop out (I guess this is the case) I suppose they would feel frustrated when you told them that they could just make it as if it was easy. If they didn't I suppose they would feel frustrated because you said their decisions are outright wrong. I think what you have problem with is empathy and not honesty.
>how should I react to that?
Change the topic.
Also, I'm no specialist but I think you might have some need to prove that you're better. What you said sounded a just a tiny bit like "if you were a better man like me, you would handle it". I think that meeting people that are so much better at specific subjects would let you get back onto the ground unless you actually are one of these guys.
>I think that meeting people that are so much better at specific subjects would let you get back onto the ground unless you actually are one of these guys.
This would solve my problems 100%, but I'm really exceptional at my subjects. I met with the best guy from a contest where I was competing. I was only the best in my country. Turns out, he was 7 Years older than me and had more experience than me. That was THE BEST GUY. I promised him, that one day I would surpass him, it was nice meeting him and we got along soundly, but it was far from humbling, it's more like the opposite was the case.
>if you were a better man like me, you would handle it
hmm, that strikes close to home. Perhaps, I should just always change the topic and avoid talking about things like these from now on.
What was the contest? Beyblades? Yu-Gi-Oh? MTG?
Yes, user, it was Yu-Gi-Oh.
No, in all seriousness, it was competitive academic subject, that I won't reveal here, because it would probably be traceable.
>that strikes close to home
If it bothers you you could try talking to a therapist/psychologist. They could probably analyse it better than Jow Forums. You just might have some troubles with self-esteem, people are usually fucked up at some point. Most don't care though because there is no need to trouble oneself.
Oh. MTG then. What deck did you run?
>You just might have some troubles with self-esteem
>some need to prove that you're better
That just might be it.
And I even know where that comes from, it makes a lot of sense.
I was probably avoiding this conclusion.
Thanks, user, I will think about this point.