I'm afraid of brown people

I'm afraid of brown people

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lets go over a scenario. you role-play as yourself, and I'll be a brown person.



okay lets start over. This time I'm a less threatening race, like Italian.



laughed out loud at that

"good morning"

"Why didn't you just say that to begin with?"

"My English is... not so good."

"But you're speaking it right now and I get it just fine, man."

Ooga booga ima cum fo yo sista

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okay we're getting nowhere. Why don't you draw a picture of a brown person. Just pull up MSpaint and give me a general idea of what you see when you think "brown person"

>I'm afraid of brown people
The feeling is mutual.

Go outside and stay off Jow Forums

lmao traveling only made me even more racist

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Ok I'm bumping this shit cuase it made me laugh

Gimme day bike shieeeeeeet

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what's so scary about that?

Which is ironic, because historically speaking, brown people should be waaaaaay more scared of you.

He is a namefag who terrorizes Jow Forums

There's a lot of bad brown people, but there's also a few nice ones. So let's say 9/10 are evil and want to destroy america. That's still unfair to the 1/10 that's nice.

>Go outside

Attached: mom_shoots_nigger.webm (640x352, 1.94M)

childish gambino: "this is America!"

hot. Would marry and have kids with.