Is it horrible to have not "made it" by your 30s? Because I'm 29 now.
I wanted to be an artist, but my creations are just as disappointing to me as I am to my own parents.
Is it horrible to have not "made it" by your 30s? Because I'm 29 now.
I wanted to be an artist, but my creations are just as disappointing to me as I am to my own parents.
Other urls found in this thread:
>my creations
OP, is pic related one of them?
Horrible? No. As long as you produce something somewhere
Most people never make it at all.
Welcome to life.
Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
There's sort of less stress and pressure once you realize you aren't special and that you don't automatically "deserve" to make it.
No I just love Mako
I'm going to torture that bitch. Hehe
Post work examples
If you haven't made it by 35 you probably won't. That said by 30 you should clearly see if you're on the path to making it or not
So what do I do? Spend the rest of my life as a piece of shit?
Well you should stop listening to teenagers and 20 year olds on Jow Forums about what it means to make it.
I'm about to turn 29 and going through something similar to OP.
I've feel ashamed that I haven't "made it" yet, like all my silicon valley heroes that were billionaires by my age.
Desperation, more than anything else, is what's been holding me back. It was only after I let go for a while that I could see things clearly and start moving in the right direction again.
You're not alone
What do you mean "piece of shit?"
You ate just a regular, ordinary person.
What's wrong with that?
Who is telling you that you are a "piece of shit?" Where did this idea come from?
Define “made it.”
Are you living with correct and virtuous action? Are you kind to yourself and others? Do you fight for your life and your rights as a human and a citizen (if you’re US)?
If your biggest problem is that no one likes your art... well you can work on that my friend. Van Gogh wasn’t popular until his death. He lived a life of misery and pain.
Should he have worried about “not making it”? Ponder it.
Met a guy that told me he's about to graduate in his 50s. Fuck it man, if there's something you want out of life, keep pursuing it.
People my age are doing amazing things. My friends are. I'm doing nothing important. I'm nobody.
Like what
I'm 29 too, virgin, no job, no degrees, I can fix computers and some electronics in general but I can't land a job, not even the lowest tier help desk job.
I honestly want to fucking die.
>he fell for the 'do what you feel' meme
Don't worry user, tons of people fell for this one. At least you're not a 'professional philosopher' or perma student , right?
Anyway, it's never too late to switch career it's just harder to choose.
Where you based, user? Got a resume of any sort?
Have kids. Learn from your mistakes so you know how to raise them.
Define your idea of "made it".
I live a middle income lifestyle, am continuing to save money each paycheck and properly invest, and am looking at a multimillion dollar retirement, that neither my parents, siblings, or friends growing up are going to enjoy, since they are all as old as i am, if not older just living paycheck to paycheck because they are dumb enough to think SS is going to pay back what they put in.
I know full well my own choices put me where i am at and accept everything that will come of it.
Im pretty happy with life, and id say i "made it". Especially if i look at the future in store for my peers.
You only need to be a successful as you want to be. Your worth , and happiness isn't defined by how many possessions you managed to collect.
If you don't like where you are at, change it. You have nobody but yourself to blame.
Oh, I'm so sorry user. Is it terminal?
You do realise that by definition 90% of the people will not be in the top 10%?
Plz don't die. Tell me lifehacks about repairing computers, instead.
Why it's not 50%?
Correct me if I'm wrong with the actual situation not vagueness. Sounds like you have been sponging off your parents or the government while spending very little time actually trying. You're twenty-nine but scared to show your work because the thread is a larp or because you've spent all these years doing nothing. My mother and sister are artists so I know how much time and effort. What have you actually been doing?
No details and purposely vague so I'm calling larp.
What kind of art are we talking?
t. BA Fine Art alumnus
Ok, half the world will be in the bottom half no matter what you do. Is this better?
changing how you go about your dreams is not the same as giving up on them. Maybe take a different approach then what youve been doing?
Ive seen just as many people not make it because they were so stubborn to do things the way they wanted. Life is about adapting to change. I work in movie production, nothing serious and you'll probably never know my name, but Im at least working in the industry as opposed to friends of mine that tried to force the
>im going to live out in a van and get discovered like brad pitt
plan, which did not work.
More-and-more people in the 18 - 35 age range these days are struggling to make something of their lives. We live in pretty shit times.
go to /ic/, check out their resources and work on it; if you keep going at it, eventually you will succeed
>my creations are just as disappointing to me as I am to my own parents.
Everyone in this thread should go join the navy and be gay on a boat instead of some shitty website.
Who's doing amazing things? All of them?
Let's be a real. A few people are doing "amazing" things, and an tinier, microscopic group is doing TRULY amazing things, but the majority of people are just normal fucks like you who are just getting along and living average lives on average wages.
Get over it dude. You aren't entitled to be beautiful, famous, rich, or talented.
no. particularly in art oriented careers people rarely ever 'make it' in their 30s. and what is 'making it'? life is less about an endgame and more about a constantly escalating journey. its like playing one of those online games. you can't beat it. you just keep leveling up thinking that once you get to the next level you'll finally be happy.