for my senior year which i was 18 years old the entire time(i was always the oldest in my grade) i was forced to stay in an abusive treatment facility where i was not allowed to use a computer or phone and had a compromised education, what legal action can i take against my parents and the facility for forcing me to stay there?
Forced inside treatment facility as an adult
were you the victim or the cause of abuse?
Victim I was not allowed to leave a gated facility and the police were called on me if I escaped, the entire time I was over 18
Does not sound like you were a victim
How I was held as a child while I was over 18
committing you to a facility that restricted your personal freedom is not automatically a crime.
you're going to need to give more context, OP.
Yeah and I'm sure you were there for no reason too
False reports of my autism were used to put me in a facility specializing in autism
>abusive treatment facility
I sincerely doubt this.
>compromised education
I also sincerely doubt this.
You are probably autistic honestly.
The point is I should have had the choice to leave as an adult, so I could use my phone and have computer access when I chose
why do you say they were they false?
Call the police if you're so sure it was illegal
In any case adults with autism have the same rights as other adults
this is not an answer.
OP is not being forthcoming about actual circumstance. I highly suspect it is because they know it will cast themselves in an unfavorable light, and they are unwilling to do that even anonymously.
Why don't you call the law and find out.
The circumstances were that I was admitted by parents for autism a few months before 18 in the summer and only got out next summer
this does not sufficiently explain the other circumstances you've posted.
you've also not clarified how this facility has abused you other than a restriction on personal freedom, which is not automatically criminal.
Everybody knows that you don't get admitted for having autism, you get admitted for being a danger to yourself or others
This. You can literally just say you want to leave and they have to let you leave in any normal situation. OP was involuntarily committed or his parents had an adult guardianship of him such that they could make those sorts of decisions for him.
thanks thats what i thought and always told the staff there i was an adult and had the right to leave this was ignored
But you weren't there for a normal situation and now you're lying on the internet
I hope they put you back desu
Yeah I don't believe you. Sorry.
In any event, it was probably better for you to do that rather than being on the street.
still not legal and in normal circumstances my wealthy parents should have let me stay in my old room for a few months
It's legal to lock up crazy people, yes
i wasn't crazy and there was no order saying i should be locked up
The fact that you won't elaborate on the circumstances of your "imprisonment" leads me to believe you're too ashamed to admit that you're crazy and you deserved it
OP doesn't want Jow Forums, op wants vindication for their perceived indignation.
I love how OP reveals his massive autism, by how focused he is on how "adults" cannot be forced against their will. Child-tier mindset. I would bet a lot of money on you being locked up was totally by the book. Maybe you needed some more time in there.
What could have kept me there though as far as I know there wasn’t a reason
The fact that you can't figure out the reason means that you needed to be there
This is my favorite larp so far, keep it up pls
>What could have kept me there though as far as I know there wasn’t a reason
Not that I believe you, but if you are now being honest, had you considered the possibility of something existing outside your current knowledge of why they put you there?
i have all their files my dad kept it on his computer
i was sent there for autism and emotional disturbance, but there was never any evidence they could keep me over 18
>emotional disturbance
30 posts in and this is the first time you mention this, are you sure there are no incidents that caused your parents to label you an "emotional disturbance"?
>in normal circumstances my wealthy parents should have let me stay in my old room for a few months
They could've kicked you right to the curb the moment you turned 18. You should be grateful.
>emotional disturbance
There it is. You were probably a threat to yourself or to others.
i tried to commit suicide once at age 16 but there was never any authorization to keep me held there past 18
Jesus, I can't believe I'm biting at this bait thread but here goes.
Were you ever in a courtroom OP? For any reason?
Tens of thousands of teenagers attempt suicide and aren't held for a year. I have multiple teenagers in my family that have spent weeks in the state hospital for mental illness and misbehavior. One robbed a gas station at 16. He was held for two weeks. To be held for a year takes something real big that you're not letting on.
nothing i didn't do anything i was suicidal for a short time
Were you ever assessed by a psychiatrist or psychologist who didn't go on to treat you?
yes i have all their stupid reports too on my laptop
What country is this?
>has reports
Oh okay, this means that they were psych assessments for some kind of judicial purpose, mental health professionals do not release their assessments or give "reports" to their patients or their parents. They just tell them in person, either during the session or (if the parent is involved) afterwards. The only time they prepare reports is when there's a legal need for them.
You were probably adjudicated mentally defective or your parents obtained legal guardianship over you as an adult because you are incapable of caring for yourself. You need not necessarily have had to appear in court or give testimony for this to happen.
Sounds pretty open and shut to me. Case closed.
both false i was never judged mentally defective or had guardianship over me either i have all the reports
It wouldn't be in there. There's a judicial record that you probably don't have.
where can i check if thats true my parents say there isn't anything i just asked them
my dad just said there weren't any actions like this
>on friendly terms with his parents
>wants to sue them and the hospital that saved his life
If you're this fucking helpless then you probably deserved whatever happened. Of course you're from california; only the imbecile snowflakes raised there would consider suing their parents cuz they're butthurt. Your parents are still caring for you for some reason and you want to bite the hand that feeds. Ridiculous. I hope your parents are ashamed at how much of a failure as a person you are
Ask him why you had to go away for a whole year, not just a few weeks like other people
Honestly this. Idiot's looking at all these records like it means anything. Hasn't even asked his parents.
i guess i shouldn't bite the hand that feeds