Say you've done something for over 25,000 hours and it's getting in the way of life, how do you stop?
Say you've done something for over 25,000 hours and it's getting in the way of life, how do you stop?
You don't stop and you instead use your skill to get paid.
Gib me deets
>25000 hours
That's the equivalent of 12 years of full-time employment.
What the hell is it? And it'd better not be some meme like "sleeping" or "going to school".
Instead of going to school, having a job, making friends, etc., I've spent the majority of the last 10 years(23 now) inside, in my room in front of a screen, watching videos, browsing Jow Forums, looking at sites, jacking off, listening to music, fucking my sleep schedule and playing video games. I'm in college somehow now and I'm suffering from this lifestyle.
25,000 hours is an understatement, this has been my existence as a young adult. I cannot make a career or a fulfilling life out of this.
>I play vidya too much and don't know how to make friends, but I'm in college and still in my early 20s
Ah okay, it was a meme "25,000 hours". You can fuck off now.
I just need advice. I mentioned the hours because it shows a pattern that a brain has been wired to follow, I want to know how to change that.
>but I'm in college
I'm on my last straw with college, this has ruined me. I'm nearing my 5th year attempting a 2 year undergraduate's degree due to a lack of motivation to follow anything but my routine. I don't want to impress you with the stupid fucking number, I want help.
I concur. Fuck off and die, op.
>I'm nearing my 5th year attempting a 2 year undergraduate's degree
Why would you get a two-year degree anyway? Those are pretty much worthless.
It's a transfer degree. AA -> BA.
Nobody actually does this. They just take classes and then transfer.
Also if you've not gotten it after 5 years, that means you've got a shit GPA and no four-year school will take you as a transfer.
It's above the requirement(which is 2.5 for this school my current college has a program with).
Bump. I did something destructive enough that it's rewritten my mind and I want help.
>It's above the requirement(which is 2.5 for this school my current college has a program with).
I love how people see "requirement" and think it means they'll get in.
You realize the minimum GPA for transfer means that if it's below that they don't even consider your application? If it's above, you are in competition with all the other applicants for a limited number of slots.
It wasn't destructive enough. You're not dead. Better try again.
It’s like your said it’s written in your mind.
The only thing your can really do is start to write something else. It’s hard at first but just like any book you don’t start by just mentioning every character and scene. You write them one by one so the reader gets to know them.
You write the characters you have into the new story, you don’t have to abandon them until it’s their proper time to exit (unless a character dies they usually don’t just disappear and even when they do it affects the other characters)
I’d suggest you make a list of 10 things you want to do more often and HOW MUCH MORE OFTEN BE SPECIFIC. “I want to read more, one book a month after reading an hour a day everyday” for example.
Then start introducing these new characters one by one, after you’ve learned about the most recent one enough that they are established. You’ll see certain characters start to leave on their own. You’ll see some get forced out.
But the only thing you can do is just start writing something else.
I vaguely recall something like a guaranteed acceptance for those in this program and know that people with worse GPAs than mine have gotten in but that's been so long. This entire thing has turned to something amorphous and vague.
I don't want to die anymore, it used to be on my mind a lot but if I can get better I can do better things and that would be better than being dead.
This resonates with me, I have been good at writing things down and I could get started on this immediately. I hope it helps, thank you.
>I vaguely recall something like a guaranteed acceptance for those in this program and know that people with worse GPAs than mine have gotten in but that's been so long. This entire thing has turned to something amorphous and vague.
I bet you've not looked at it in five years. Watch it have changed.
I looked it up and you have to be apart of the program for guaranteed admission. I have no idea if I got in that or not when I enrolled so I'm glad you mentioned all of this. I guess I'll find out if I should just do something else next time I go to an advisor.
>pattern that a brain has been wired to follow, I want to know how to change that.
you literally just change it. you control your brain m8.
Chastity cage. Stop fapping to skyrim sex mods
you're not getting much advice here, are you? well i can only speak about my own experience but i did have a similar problem some years ago and managed to change my life to the better. sadly the whole process of starting a new life style started with a trauma. but what i did was i started spending as much time away from the tinges that was having a negative impact on my life, such as spending too much time on the computer, smoking weed, jacking off and constantly listening to music. basically what i tried to do was to force myself to enjoy life without any filters. for many years i lived in pain and i couldn't keep away from my bad habits for very long but i was hard on myself and didn't quit trying.
now i don't want to give you any false hope, you will probably never be able to quit your lifestyle but one thing that would be a good start is to try to get into your head that its not the TIME you spend in front of your computer thats the problem its WHAT you do on there. so to quit gaming for hours at the time would be a good start. seriously consider cutting down on masturbation, nofap is not a meme, do some reading on the matter. exercise is such a dull advice but at least buy some wights to use if you ever feel like it. a magical slogan i used to play in my head whenever i felt like i had wasted too much time to ever forgive myself was that all time i ever spent was spend with the intention to make yourself a favor, never to intentionally ruin you life. don't feel bad, you just didn't know any better. and since your not 25 yet its a great time to start changing things. by 25 its definitely time to stop fucking around man.
but they're so good