The war in afghanistan

The Taliban won the war.

Attached: taliban.png (1207x779, 1.26M)

Everyone knew this already

Oil families (bush, Rockefeller) and defense welfare families won this and all modern us wars.

Jews won the war, shill

the US has the most oil, drills the most oil, and refines the most oil
the oil theory was such a jew-denying cop out

Discuss changes?


Don't they know what happened to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan?

The DRA did the same thing when the Soviets announced a withdrawal and in a few years the DRA was overthrown and their leader was hanged.

Attached: Flag_of_Afghanistan_(1987–1992).svg.png (720x360, 35K)

We surrender!

By Allah we obtained victory.

Attached: talibanmujahideen.png (1600x1067, 1.62M)

Also this, the Afghan “government” is finished

Another draw! America remains undefeated in war.

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america loses wars all the time, big whoop

So this is how Vietnam veterans felt...

Attached: c3b.jpg (456x320, 14K)

Who the fuck names their daughter Lolita?

Spics being spics

Actually, the Taliban would be an effective antiJew force there anyway. They put an end to opium production, prostitution, Bacha bazi, kiddie fucking, and so on.

Based and redpilled in so many fucking levels

>brown people
>ending child fucking

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what do you mean. first of all vietnam was deadly, you wars werent. second, you got paid, are you saying you had some higher reason to kill in the middle east?

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its true. they put an end to all that shit before we came

The Afghan "constitution" was written by the ((((State Department)))). It doesn't fucking work.


Of course they did. Anybody with half a brain and a history textbook can tell you Afghanistan is a waste of time, money, and lives. Why we were there in the first place boggles my mind

>17 years of war
>some $trillions spended
>tens of thousans civilians dead
>millions of refugees in europe

So Jesus must be proud of you

>CIA installs a corrupt, thieving drug cartel and puppet leaders who serve the spooks
>turns out Afghanis preferred the other guys
Thank god we wasted 17 years there and trillions of dollars. We taught them a real lesson!

Just type "bacha bazi" into Google.

Getting rid of it in Afghanistan would have involved an American ordering an Afghan to do something, so it wasn't done.

Yeah we won the war in the first 6 months. Everything since then has just been an excuse to test weapons & tactics and spend an assload of money.

In like 100 years we’ll invade again and it will probably take 48 hours.

That is a recent development. We did extract great deals of oil from the middle east but more importantly, we stopped a Russian a Chinese influence there and northern Africa. Both oil and jews security were ancillary to the objectives we set.
You don't build empires through resource and ally management. You build them by preventing others from expanding. Resource and ally management are simply means to an end.

No, I just liked it. Why would you need a higher reason? Modern war from the US standpoint is like a prolonged camping trip as a kid.

>invade a foreign country with no clear objectives
>stay there for almost two decades
>act surprised when nothing goes the way you want it
You don't win wars with "nation building". That shit only works in civilized white nations. You win wars by obliterating your enemies, destroying the population, despoiling the land, and looting anything of value on your way out.

At least the JEWS feel safe.
>invade Iraq and Afghanistan for the Chosen, goyim
>you can use the bases you build there to attack Iran for us :^)

We could have killed OBL without invading Afghanistan using JSOC, just like we actually ended up doing in Pakistan. But that didn't serve the neocon Jews' interests. They wanted us in the Middle East permanently. Hence the dancing, cheering Israelis on 9/11.

in 100 years that'll be a territorial possession of the greater Chinese empire.

I honestly doubt it because the second we’re out of there we’re going to start giving them weapons again. Probably to resist Pakistan.

Chinese will probably mine the whole country out from under them though.

>this meme again
Chinese expansion isn't permanent. In fact, it's already beginning to fade because their seemingly inevitable ascendancy was in fact the product of the Jews cucking the West on purpose. Now they're surrounded on all sides by countries that hate them and are buying American weaponry, and their economy is floated on shadow money and unpaid debts whose value cannot be accurately determined (although it's likely much, much higher than the total American debt).