So I had a conversation with a friend the other day about transgenderism and I eventually posed the question:

So I had a conversation with a friend the other day about transgenderism and I eventually posed the question:
>Since we can't define what men and women are, both everything and nothing is a man or a woman, correct?
He more or less said
>No we can, gender is a social construct and because of that we can redefine it
Ok, fair enough. But I responded with:
>If people we considered traditionally men can now be called women then what's a woman? How would you define a woman besides having XX chromosomes (speaking generally here, excluding people with complicating conditions like Klinefelter's)?
He replied:
>If they identify as a woman or not
I responded:
>"I feel like what you're doing is akin to including the word in the definition.
>For example, if I asked you 'So what are communists?' and you said:
>'People who identify as communists.'
>I mean ok but what exactly is communism?"

Replace communism with women and we have our dilemma. He hasn't responded to that last point yet.

But the entire conversation brought me to the realization that any attempt to define women utterly fails if we're operating under a leftist paradigm that gender is a social construct. Every definition eventually circles back to biology (a woman is defined as "an adult female" by Google, for example)
Can any of you think of some strong refutations to this chain of logic? It seems pretty solid to me.

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you can't beat these people with logic tho

>any attempt to define women utterly fails if we're operating under a leftist paradigm that gender is a social construct.
That's the whole point.

I don't mean "define" in an edgy way, I mean if some dude who had been living on a desert island his entire life asked me what a woman was and I couldn't rely on biology in my definition, I couldn't tell him. That's MY point.

One last bump

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Also bump

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In my experience you can’t argue with these people no matter how many facts you have or no matter how good your arguments are. They have their heads so far up their ass its ridiculous

>I mean if some dude who had been living on a desert island his entire life asked me what a woman was
Alright see that sand dune? Imagine it can talk. Now imagine it never stops talking. It never says anything worth listening to, but that doesn't stop it from talking. When it's not talking about some retarded shit, it's nagging your balls off to sweep up the desert or arrange your coconuts differently because they aren't good enough. Now imagine there's a little hole in it that you want to put your dick in so bad that you put up with the rest of the shit. That's what women are.

>But the entire conversation brought me to the realization that any attempt to define women utterly fails if we're operating under a leftist paradigm that gender is a social construct.
>But the entire conversation brought me to the realization that any attempt to define [anything] utterly fails if we're operating under a leftist paradigm that [everything] is a social construct.
The current leftist paradigm is absolutely corrupted, and these people can't be saved.

>>For example, if I asked you 'So what are communists?' and you said:
>>'People who identify as communists.'
>>I mean ok but what exactly is communism?"
This is actually a very important side question. Communists are apt to changing their name but retaining their core beliefs. Progressivism, judaism, feminism, socialism all contain aspects of communism thus someone does not need to identify as a communist to be a communist.

You beat them with crazy.
>A woman identifies as a woman
Fine, we're all gender

>arguing semantics with a leftist identitarian.

Stop wasting your time.
These are the 'academics' who hate debating ideas.

They often start entrenched with a conclusion, and work backwards from there.
>conclusion: blacks and whites are exactly the same
>socioeconomic differences exist
>that's because racism
>proof: there are differences but [see conclusion] so it must be racism
>the differences are proof of racism which causes the differences :^}

You’re absolutely right, but this is only one example of how utterly retarded these people are.

Also, how the fuck do you have a lefty friend at this point? They're literally trying to kill you

Some people live in metropolitan areas where they are outnumbered 5 to 1. I live in the SF Bay so I remember every conservative I meet because it almost never happens.

sounds like you make a logic mistake somewhere, but of course you can just represent your opponents' position as any crazy strawman that you want so I guess there's no way to tell.

but generally I'd say "man" and "woman" are concepts which are culturally and historically grown (and there's a very large biological component to it as well, yes) and exist in today's society.
that is the starting point of your friend's "theory".
starting from these predefined archetypical masculine and feminine traits you can then go and say "I have a vagina but I do not at all identify with this preconceived notion of femininity".

again, you can portray your friend's position as the biggest most retardest strawman possible (and that's usually how pol argues) and I guess I cant stop you, because your friend isnt here to defend his/her position.
but I strongly suspect you're the retard in this here scenario

My question still stands.

I get that you want to be inclusive and do something nice for the less fortunate, but why spend time with retards of all things?

You don't get it man. I only know one non leftist. Every fucking person is a leftist here, what are you gonna do, hide in your bomb shelter every day?

>critical theory
>the purpose of science is social change


> the biggest most retardest strawman possible

Imagine being this woman

postmodernists aren't edgy either (just evil or retarded): they truly believe nothing exists on its own, all is relative, and only power struggles matter

>sounds like you make a logic mistake somewhere
Feel like pointing that out big-brain man?
>but I strongly suspect you're the retard in this here scenario
I never called anybody retarded. This is not a strawman, these quotes are either accurately paraphrased or direct quotes.
I mean, there's not even a reason to make this stuff up. This type of rhetoric is incredibly common from the left.
If I wanted to make this post I wouldn't have to make up my friend saying this, I could easily go online and prompt the same responses from other leftists.

It's very simple.

There are only THREE genders

1: Male
2: Female
3: Mental Illness

That is all you need to know.

You don't to hide, but don't befriend the vermin

Get better friends you stupid faggot.

>I never called anybody retarded. This is not a strawman, these quotes are either accurately paraphrased or direct quotes.
I didnt say that you called anyone retarded, only that you represented your friend's views as a retarded caricature of the original. but even assuming you have no such ill intent and wanted to present his argument as accurately as you could, you already conceded that YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HIS ARGUMENT. you cannot accurately represent something that you yourself do not comprehend.

as an example: lets say I explain the banach-taski paradox to a 5 year old, and the 5yo then proceeds to make fun of me and says
>haha youre stupid you say you take one football and can make 2 footballs hahaha
In order to criticise a line of reasoning (even if it's delusional), you must first understand its logic.
and delusions in general have a logic to them. since you have by your own admission not yet grasped the logic of your friend's argument, I am incredulous in your ability to faithfully reproduce it here.

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>you already conceded that YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HIS ARGUMENT
Nope, I actually just wanted to make my argument as rock-solid as possible because I enjoy intellectual discussion, unlike you apparently.