The girl that used to be my best friend doesn't talk to me anymore

I'm a man, by the way.
We used to be great friends, she used to ask to walk with me and to talk with me, until an evil fat woman, jealous of our friendship, told her mother a lie, attributed to me, that resulted in a great argument between her and her mother.

Then she wouldn't talk to me anymore, and I didn't have a clue why. She didn't block me, but deleted our photos together, wouldn't respond me with anything but short, rude sentences, and wouldn't look at my face when we would bump in each other in the street.
Until a day I finally met her alongside her mother and asked what the fuck had happened.
Her mother told me about the lie, how she got extremely depressed, how her daughter felt bad and couldn't even sleep properly anymore. My friend confirmed it, said she couldn't even confront me about it.
After I clarified what happened, she was happy again, REALLY happy.

But then... never ever talked to me again. I tried texting her and she would only answer with short sentences again. And it's being like this for about two months. Tried it a few hours ago, same thing.
I believe that if she really didn't wanted to talk to me anymore, she would just outright block me and unfriend me on Facebook, but that's not the case.

Actually, some time before this mess happened she was already acting a bit strange. Got closer to me emotionally but farther physically, and was usually grumpy. Got absolutely mad when I called her "children" as she's way younger than me.
Some said that she was in love with me, but if she was, I never noticed it. Sometimes I thought she was in love with someone, but not me.

I want my friend back. I feel that after this she also lost her direction. She does not draw anymore, quit her acting classes and seems to be unhappy and in bad company.

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Did you perhaps post hear last year about being friends with an underage girl? I'm not giving you shit, but damn this all sounds familiar.
>I want my friend back. I feel that after this she also lost her direction. She does not draw anymore, quit her acting classes and seems to be unhappy and in bad company.
Could you perhaps talk to her mother? Also, keep this in mind:
If she's not contacting you, she's either not strong enough or doesn't care enough. It's not really your place to force it, because then it'd be about you and not your friendship.

As about a week after my first post I found what had actually happened, I didn't felt that bothered by it anymore. I was also busy with work, new activities, new friends and a potential love interest (I'm not into young girls).
Until I noticed that there's still something strange going on and she seems lost since this happened.

At the time of my first thread, I thought she didn't care. But if she was moved to the point of having a breakdown, she clearly cared. Her mother said that the she trusted me so much, and that she was so shocked that she wanted to bury that part of her life, to not even think about it.

About if she was in love with me or not, I don't think she was, but there's something.
I asked her about why she deleted our photos together, and she said that she didn't like the photos anymore, as she looked too childish at the time. Then I inquired if she wanted me to see her not as a cute girl, but as a sexy woman, to what she just replied "of course!"
And then we never spoke again till some hours ago, when I asked how she was doing.

I fear that this kind of shock could lead her to a unhappy life, drugs and all those bad things, as she is from a really poor neighborhood, almost a slum.

I need to talk to her again in person.

>Then I inquired if she wanted me to see her not as a cute girl, but as a sexy woman, to what she just replied "of course!"

This doesn't sound like an appropriate thing to say to an underage girl when you're way older than her.

I would usually agree, but we had enough intimacy to talk about those kind of subjects, although I would usually dodge some questions.


Move on man. She was thrilled in person probably because that’s just her personality. Women can be duplicitous as all fuck just to get out of an uncomfortable situation, like a creep guy chatting her up, and just do what’s necessary to get out of there safely.

Yeah that’s inappropriate no matter how “intimate” you are. You’re lucky you haven’t been reported to the Feds for grooming minors.

Link the damn thread.

I am going to murder her

No. She is doing this and I'm going to hurt her.

Get over it dude. What's done is done. People are going to be moving in and out of your life until the day you die. There's literally no reason to be this upset, let alone upset for this long.

No. It is to late now. She had something to do with this.

Don't worry i wont rape her. Also im going to fuck up this old ladies car. Maybe the house too. After I move out.

I'm not Playing and you can't stop me

proof or gtfo

no dude, you're just a fucked up weirdo

And people here are just being dicks.
This shouldn't be /b/.

I'm just worried with my friend. We used to talk almost every day, we were always together, there was nothing weird in this.
I'm not a weirdo, or some basement dweller. I have a job, I work with children, I work in acting and dancing, I'm regarded as a nice guy.

You're not me.

ask her why is she acting like that, if she says like what then explain to her.

I'm Mate, c'mon. She doesn't want a friendship with you. She wants a relationship. She sees in you stability that she does not have, that young men around her do not have. Plus you continuously refer to her as a friend, instead of a protege or pupil or daughter. She, with her young mind, can only fall for someone more mature who gives her attention as an equal, and she can't fathom why you're not advancing the friendship to more than friends. You need to lay ALL your cards on the table with her, that you don't see her romantically, that you want to continue being friends. Then leave it up to her to decide to continue to see you. Anything else is selfish.

OP you know you can have more than one friend, right? A normal person will have many close friends or "best friends" as they go through different stages in their life. You've probably creeped her out. You've creeped me out a bit. Don't chase down you juvenile "friend".

I think you may be right, as she seemed annoyed each time i called her a friend, or "little friend", or "kid".
But I may be pretty dumb, as I still cannot realize she was interested in me, as she never manifested anything. I thought I wasn't her type.

Well, I was sure that she would tell me if this was the case, but I was also sure that she would confront me in the case of something wrong between us. And I was wrong.
I know of some cases of people that endured decades, or even their entire lives without ever telling what they really felt for someone.

What's really bothering me is that she's clearly lost, she's in bad company, while she used to be really determined and serious. And that's why I tried to talk to her again, after months.

I have many friends. Some have been my friends for about 20 years. And I care for each one.
Some are from the acting classes, and they usually ask what the hell happened with her, as she simply vanished and never talked to anyone again.

I believe the way I'm writing makes me sound creepy, as english isn't my first language.

Who was the evil fat woman

The mother of a ex mutual friend.

The evil fat woman couldn't understand why I liked my friend more than her daughter, and why my said friend stopped talking to her daughter.
They used to walk together to the acting classes (along with me) and to the church, but they weren't actually friends, they just knew each other. My friend was tired of how childish was fat woman's daughter, and wanted to be alone with me to have more mature and serious conversations.

She's also jealous of my friend, as my friend looks good and it's not a sick drunk fat piece of shit.

Last bump.

I just need to bump into her again and try to ask what's wrong.

Holy shit man at this point you need to leave her alone. I've already told you twice, now a third time, she fucking loves you and is sad you don't love her. That's what's wrong. Let her know you're there for her in a platonic sense, and leave her the fuck alone. At first it was nice, I didn't even mind your thread last year, but you're bordering on being a fucking moron about this.