What happened to men Jow Forums?

Attached: men.jpg (535x585, 53K)


It's not about men, it's about the world. Men are meant to have time to themselves, but as the world gets more and more feminine, this necessary "alone time" is going away, to the point where the only place left for it is on the shitter.

does this count sleeping in a bathtub for 2 hours because that's when I feel relatively peaceful


>7 hours a year

they fell for the femoid companion meme
mgtow and you have a whole house for you to hide in

The fuck? Who actually does this? I can't even read in the bathroom because I shit so fast, and I can think of a dozen other places to avoid other people that are far less degrading than hiding from the world on a toilet seat.

Also, people who masturbate on the toilet are disgusting sub-humans and they are the source of scatological fetishes. The toilet is for human waste, not fapping or millennial meditation (crying).

that's just being a slav

yeah, it's almost as if those fuckers didn't have a study to retreat to