Run after girl in my uni class for 7 months

>run after girl in my uni class for 7 months
>we got along very good, but only in a friendship/just chilling watching animu way
>get enough of it and just make a confession
>"I like you very much, but not in that way, im sorry."

>2 weeks pass by, havent texted or spoken in uni
>meet her in the subway, sits in front of me, start talking, greet each other
>ask her what she had going on the last weekend
>as soon as i ask that, reaches out and touches my cheek for a few seconds and keeps deep eye contact with me
>just ask the question again and now get a reply
>Conversation goes on normally

Why the fuck is she mindfucking me so hard? I dont get it. What does it mean? Has she missed me already?

Pic unrelated

Attached: 23348240_1702121489858463_7976305854141956096_n_1.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)

This doesn't mean anything. She was just pitying you.

don't talk to her at all. The lack of attention on your part makes her crave it.
Be cool, offstandish, and do not, I repeat, DO NOT mention your inquiry or contact her first.



ya, don't give her the attention that she seeks. it's difficult to make a cut between just being friends while you have feelings. you can either try and focus spending less time or none at all with her. less would mean that you accept your failure and keep this person around in case you need something (having contacts is always good) or you break of contact entirely and come of as the typical dick.

i'd say go for the last one

She sounds manipulative. I'd be very cautious next time you see her.

I second this. I can imagine her thinking poor spaz is trying to win me over again.

If you acted like a friend all the time she might have been surprised and needs more time to evaluate you as possible mate.

In a situation where she's not sure and thinks she needs to give a yes or no, the no will come out easier.

For that she must be evil incarnate tho

that picture. That picture right there is why so many women are emotionally and mentally destroyed by the time they hit 30

if thats you in the picture, i hope you get murdered

Are you sure the pic is not related?

>as soon as i ask that, reaches out and touches my cheek for a few seconds and keeps deep eye contact with me
Yeah that’s confusing, but don’t read too deeply into it.

so vanilla

She probably panicked when you sprung the question on her the first time. Then she panicked again when you were gone gone.

She might like you but wants to keep it causally.
> as soon as i ask that, reaches out and touches my cheek for a few seconds and keeps deep eye contact with me
Thats a pretty fucking intimate action. I wouldn't put it past you that she wants a causal encounter with the third leg, if you catch my drift. I would try to hangout out with her alone in a relaxed environment. No strings attached, no "be my gf"shit, and don't call it a date. Keep calm and just keep doing what you are doing with her. see what happens.

Attached: original.gif (540x224, 2.35M)

kys degenerate faggot
beta douche nigger like you need to beat on women to make up for your eternal cowardice a pathetic genetic makeup.

Biscum male here and sometimes I would fucking love to be treated like that by a guy.

Other user is correct, you are vanilla.

Women are condescending pieces of shit. She knows she has the privelage of never being lonely as a woman and she' flexing that on you.
Never talk to her again. Use that spite to drive whatever goal you have right now

Niceguy virgin spotted. Poor fella cant seem to wrap his head around a partner being into things he likely isn't in bed and finding the commonground.

I'd stay friends and see where it goes OP. Strong relationships grow from strong bonds rather than current flicks that trap people together imo.

Shes a stupid bitch that wants to friend zone you hard

Stay friends and ask again a few months later.

this, what a fucking cunt

Or even seeing what you next actions would be. Women love loyal orbiters.