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Other urls found in this thread:

that's so fucking jewish that you just have to take a step back and be impressed

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>facts and propositions of generalized knowledge that are so universally known that they cannoy reasonably be subject of dispute

lmao the absolute state of Commiefornians

I'm a pretty well bersed holocaust revisionist, and I actually responded to a thread asking for deniers to state their case. It was posted here, so I went and took one for the team.
My post was the only relevant response, and was also the most downvoted post in the thread. I got overwhelmed with replies calling me evil etc. And their downvote based reply timer made it impossible to continue BTFOing them.


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judge says "duh everyone knows it happened, pay up"? what the heck

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jews are satans children confirmed

synagogue of satan

>considering globo homo law legitimate
>paying the money and not simply defying the pathetic police

But I did get a few people thanking me privately for explaining the truth. All it takes is a few at a time, and the numbers add up over time. Imagine being a normie watching kikes flail trying trying to shut it down, and resorting to obscure letters and speeches to prove the holocaust is real. They give away the game so easy. If you're rational, you see it immediately.

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I'm surprised they didn't throw everyone in the group in jail too

i had to cry myself to sleep after reading the top post before they deleted evertything

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Reddit is ruined by Europeans who have never had any idea what freedom of speech means

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The way they immediately roll over when you point out lies and oddities. Then come back with shitty old documents that don't prove anything, then say that they of course kept it all a secret, then say it was discussed openly at wanasee, and blah blah. Then you ask, "why keep it a secret? Were they planning to lose the war or something?" And if they talked about it openly, then why did they hide it in their documents?

The kike shills start grasping for straws and you can feel plebbitors start screeching.

post your reply

>fucks you over on some bullshit loophole
>proceeds to take another 40k because fuck you for asking goy

Link to the bread, if you don't mind?

Lemme search

yeah but plebbit is a private company and they can do whatever they want!
I'll be by your house later to pick up my faggot cake shaped like a cock, if it's not ready I'll see you in court.

Can't find it. It was years ago. Sorry.

What level of Jewry are we operating on here?

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No prob man. I thought you meant you responded in the threat that the OP posted the screencap of.


Shut down the devil sound

>Mel Mermelstein
Is this real life?

My comment on that thread. I tried to be tactfull as it causes and instant ban and trying to redpill normies must be done carefull.

Took all my godamn power not to say the kike loving judge and his kike friend presented a fucking written letter by him with no fucking factual proof just like you’d expect from a Jew

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>155 children
wtf does that mean, I'm not familiar with r*ddit

Just a wild guess
>judge is a kike

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I think if they really had wanted to the Germans could have wiped out all the Jews. They were all rounded up ffs. Knowing what I know about Germans, they could not have been extermination or gassing camps because had they been, the Germans would have done a full job and not let so many walk off and live on another 7 decades

It means the number of replies to a reply.

Next time just ask for an account from a non-Jewish survivor. You know, of the supposed 5-7 million non Jews killed, at least one must've survived if all these Jews outside of 6 million could survive...

Can you give a quick but somewhat detailed rundown? I'm familiar with some of the basics but still haven't seen a concrete case layed out. Can you also give me an estimate as to an accurate number in your mind?

Since you can reply to a reply, and create a sort of thread within a thread, they call them children
Never been to plebbit either but I think that's how it works

This case,
Proves 99.9% of the Judges in American are compromised!
No proof, but this case confirms it!



>Why do you think it's your right to question things I take for granted?
The absolute state of r*dditors

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>It happened so there is no need for proof that it happened.
Is there anything like the Holocaust that is given such "You can't question it" attitude in society?

What an absolutely fucking NPC comment.

The Earth being round.

I'll just leave this here:

Jow Forums mods are no better than plebbit mods, they will shut this thread down too. JIDF doesn't like people talking about the Holohoax here anymore.

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You have been Blackmirrored. You re not popular so you dont exist.

You can question the earth being round without being forced to pay a kike $50k

>downvote based reply timer
LMAO what?


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Top kek

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And if you offer $50K for proof, somebody will take you to the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway so you can see it for yourself. If you offer a few million, they'll send you up in a rocket to see the curve of the Earth with your own eyes.

Although I wouldn't put it past a judge in Commiefornia to rule that you have to pay some asshole $50K plus an extra $40K because fuck you.

If you have negative post karma youre allowed 1 post every 9 minutes. Its incredibly infuriating if youre in a discussion. Im so downvoted because i support brexit, it doesnt go down well on reddit

Does this extend to outside of a topic/thread? Is your posting "throttled" because of wrongthink in entirely different topics?

>Next time just ask for an account from a non-Jewish survivor.

Fuck, I just realized i've never heard of one.

>155 children
>155 (You)s

Its throughout the whole site yes, restrictions aren't limited to subreddits. I get the initial meaning for this is to prevent spammers and bots or whatever, but its clearly a broken system when redditors just downvote everything they dont agree with, it makes it feel like your opinions aren't valid

Whatever you do dont look into my very first Redpill, Mr. Death The Rise and Fall of Fred a Leuchter Jr.
>Documentary about Fred Leuchter, an engineer who became an expert on execution devices and was later hired by revisionist historian Ernst Zundel to "prove" that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. Leuchter published a controversial report confirming Zundel's position, which ultimately ruined his own career. Most of the footage is of Leuchter, puttering around execution facilities or chipping away at the walls of Auschwitz, but Morris also interviews various historians, associates, and neighbors.

This film and "The Human Lampshade" should be required to watch.

>, but its clearly a broken system when redditors just downvote everything they dont agree with, it makes it feel like your opinions aren't valid
>invalid opinions silenced
>broken system
No, that's the system working as intended.

I've met the son of a catholic survivor who said the catholics had to wear the purple triangles.
didn't go over too well with him when I told him what the purple triangles meant.


holy shit

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Next time just ask them to name one other instance where questioning something true results in legal action against you. Watching peoples heads spin after that one is always a hoot.


what'd they mean?

I never thought I would become a holocaust denier. I just came here to mock you guys. Fuck you Jow Forums.

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lmfao, shit gets hilarious over time


Sorry man I'm still at work.

you're welcome leaf

It's something I never even think about any more, we have plenty of enemies we have to deal with today.

This world will not heal until (((judges))) are burnt in public

you get used to it; having the forbidden knowledge

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Same here, user.

I remember being a teenager and the news reporting that the Iranian president, why, he was a HOLOCAUST DEINER!

I remember thinking that was so awful it'd be worth it to go to war just to take such a piece of shit OUT!

Shows how strong the propaganda is.

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tfw that's me

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Hits home

lol, stop making me laugh so hard, user. jesus

Why don't you guys post some evidence? Like I said above, I'm familiar with the typical pol memes but haven't seen anything concrete.

what about that flat earther who's offering 100k for proof of globe earth

holy shit, ahhhhh this makes me so mad!!!


i was a good liberal goy rolling in hedonism, i knew i was lying to myself to justify my behavior but i didn't care as long as the dopamine kept flowing. i literally came here from /b/ almost a decade ago to debate the evil conservatards and christfags

Yea, because the whole thing was faked. They were never slaves in Egypt either. Just told that story to not feel bad for getting kicked out.

Welcome to (((1984)))

Oh ok I get it now, so this guy Mermelstein claims he was in Auschwitz, sues contest owner after he refuses to pay him, and wins.

I guess just say you were there and saw it happen and you'll win?

Watch the human lampshade vid in the above post.
>Claim is nazis made lampshade from jewish skin, shrunken heads, framed skin with tattoos.
After the victory over Germany they setup tables of all of this macabre shit up outside the camp
>March townsfolk through camp waging finger and saying "look what you did"
>Scientist in modern times test lampshade
>Its made from cowskin
>was all propaganda
>Literally admitted made up atrocities, involving the townsfolk, and perpetuating it until concrete scientific proof says otherwise
>Still have to hear about much "6 gorrillion"

or the first video where the guy was in charge of all of the US prisons execution equipment and a defacto expert on the matter. They ruined his life even though all he did was run some scientific test and numbers. Also ruined Zundels life.


jews are disgusting

Yeah, like I said, I'm pretty familiar with the standard pol stuff. El Paso delousing, Red Cross numbers, etc. but I've still never seen a super concrete case - like one that addresses all the "debunks" and outlines what actually happened.

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why hasn't someone made an irrefutable website? everything I've seen on it always looks like it was put together by a schizo

same here user... same here...

>we have a code red

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Recovering reddit-fag here. It's per subreddit. It's incredibly infuriating and is one of the strongest tools to curb wrongthink on the site. Because of the way that voting is "supposed to be used" and how it is actually used is so wildly different they get away with it.. it's completely transparent especially when you push people on it. People use downvotes as a way to put down posts they disagree with, don't want to see more of, and don't want other people to see.

If a post is downvoted enough, it is by default *hidden from discussion* (this threshold is very low, IIRC, like -5 or -10 at most). If a single account is downvoted enough in one subreddit, it is throttled as described. This threshold is also low, but I don't really have a good idea of what it is. I've had accounts that had tons of positive karma in a sub get throttled after only a few unpopular posts, probably like -50 total if that (after hundreds or thousands of positive karma accrued in that sub).

Karma is one of the best tools to all but eliminate dissent and spread/validate propaganda.

just google "evidence the holocaust happened". find any article and scroll to the bottom. you will see something like "the original documents were destroyed", presumably by allied bombing. basically we only have american documents detailing the supposed genocide... documents that only came to be during the 60s

> Reddit rate-limiting based on down votes
Welcome to the club. I had something like 1000 down votes with only ~10 posts in politics. Couldn't stand trying to redpill people waiting 5 minutes to defend my position and attack their nonsense. It's a true art to write something that seems innocent, but still conveys the message to normies.

there was an uncircumcised kid inside