Went to an event with my girl and a group of drunk dudes commented on her big tits and pressured her as a group to show them.
She ended up doing it without even asking me if it was okay.
Should I be upset or just move on?
Went to an event with my girl and a group of drunk dudes commented on her big tits and pressured her as a group to show...
Dump her and move on
You don't need that thot shit in your life.
>tfw 6 years and this one time a guy touched my girlfriend's back and it ruined the night for both of us and we basically never went to that guy's parties again-- her request
Date you a loyal girl, stop settling for these fucking roastie toasties
Where the fuck do you even find these hookers?
Depends on the type of relationship you have. Generally this is fairly reasonable to be upset about, imho.
Just show girls your dick to get even or else you‘re officially a cuck.
Be both really upset and move on
Guys showing their dick to groups of women doesn't go down the same way it does for women showing their tits to men
>GF is easily pressured.
Get some anal, my man.
You‘re a real genius aren‘t you
Yeah, I got my certificate for it too.
Act very angry about it and see how she reacts. If she is conciliatory and wants to make it up to you have her buy you some material goods. It doesn't matter what just make sure it's expensive. Keep this up for as long as you think you can and then drop her on her fucking head, without question. How disrespectful can she be for fucks sake?
Why do you keep making these weird cuck fanfic threads?
Bait gets blown the fuck out on most boards-- as dubious as its genuine nature is, this board is about the only one that will naturally produce actual replies.
It's kind of like giving them Jow Forums if it fills the hole for a little while. Whatever makes 'em happy. Baiting Jow Forums is like stealing candy from a baby. You can, but why?
You're not white, are you?
the lower back or the upper back?
This is pretty good advice desu. Manipulate her for your benefit and then forget she ever existed.
This, but it's even better if you ask for degrading shit in bed instead. Money is just money, who cares.
You're retarded.
This. Unless the thread is bait, which it likely is.
>You're retarded.
Nah, I've literally done this before, tho for legit cheating.
Mhm, yeah, not sure what confused you there but that's not why I called you retarded. Give it a couple minutes, you might catch on.
Were you being sarcastic? Because I unironically have no issue with that advice taken as non-sarcasm.
depends what event it was. is that the lifestyle you and your gf live, or is this stuff just coming out of nowhere?
either way, your feelings are because you’re trying to put a ho in a white dress for more than 30 minutes. hoes can’t stay in white dresses for more than 15, typically.
so live with it. accept the girl is this way, or don’t and go separate ways. don’t kid yourself.
>kill the bitch
>kill the pervs
>go to jail
>get raped regularly
>no more relationship problems
GF pressured, key word pressured here, into showing tits by a group of guys, you actively don't do anything to get her out of this situation. Your a pussy and why are you mad at her when you should be mad at yourself for being such a pussy
>It's kind of like giving them Jow Forums if it fills the hole for a little while
i can't speak for these other anons, but that's basically why i come to this board. whether the thread is genuine or not, it's nice to be able to let off some steam by just posting about someone's issues or getting some shit off your chest for a little while.
I would definitely say it’s worth a conversation. Let her know how it made you feel, ask if there was anything you could have done better to help prevent the situation but let her know that maybe if she had asked you would have been okay or not with it. Communication should have been had on her part first but should still be had on your part now.
should have grown a nutsack
>were your balls in her purse?
I think you've just discovered a fraction of how your girl acts when you're not there. Now extrapolate and react accordingly.
I actually did have this happen at a concert ( she didn't show her tits though), 2 dudes started fucking with my gf, I didn't say shit walked over and laid both the drunk idiots out grabbed her hand and we walked on
Quiet roastie
what a meme gender
and you did nothing. man ... you deserve getting cucked, omega boi
You are a fucking pussy. Next time pull her panties down and tell them to climb on.
Leave her.
You don't even need to expect her to avoid parties, she's always gonna get harrassed. Expect her to say no and tell you how much she hates getting catcalled. Guys will try to prey on her, it's her reaction that matters.
At least tell her out and tell her to get the fuck out of your life. For something like that, that should have been your first reaction.
dump her
she will do it again
and again
and again
She is a weak slut with no brain. Bad at decision making.
Leave her! She would have obviously cheated on you if they were pressuring her into sucking cock and then ran up to you with tears in her eyes saying she was raped eventhough she lapped up every droplet up cum happily with her tongue.
How do I know which woman is worthy of taking my virginity?
They all are, men's virginity is meaningless.
but, counterintuitive to virginity being meaningless, promiscuity is not the way to go if you have to ask.
some people are naturally promiscuous and others aren't. don't go against your own grain out of loneliness or societal pressure.
People don't realize this but this is one of the reasons I believe in this.