Is Space Fake?

Is the webm real? Is space fake? If they fake space, what would their motive be behind it.

Well, it is because if space is fake it destroys the myth of unlimited expansion. This is the same myth that capitalism is based off of. If we can keep progressing forever, and there is no limit, then that must be our ultimate goal - right?

The space myth feeds two separate lies. First, is that materialism as no end. Second, is the Science is the new religion. This is a major lie. They will tell you though, that science has all the answers, everything is based on the material, and that there is no limit.

If space is not real, then there is a limit. If we cannot expand endlessly into the material, what then is our purpose. It must of course be spiritual.

Talking along the lines of "Science is the New Religion" - could they not falsify the evolutionary theory as well as the "out of Africa" theory to perpetuate the belief that we are all equal? I am not denying that genetic permutations exist, I am denying the myth that we all stem from the same cell. This myth leads to the belief that we are all equal. Equality is a another false god. Only hierarchies exist in nature.

If they lied about space, could they not also lie about our evolution? Does this not lend more credence to the idea of creationism?

Capitalism is the endless pursuit of materialism. This pursuit along with excessive individualism leads the individual to place the material above the spiritual - which is the essence of satanism. Just watch the latest debate between Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro. Shapiro is all about the pursuit of he material AI trucks, which will displace millions - consequences be damned. This leads to breaking down our society, and our families, with the material or Science as the new religion.


Attached: FakeNasa.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

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They want you to think the earth is round because that would mean there are limited resources. The earth is flat and there is unlimited resources, over the arctic wall is another society that wants us to fight over the limited land so only the strongest society comes out on top to join the ice wall society

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Interesting. Will check it out. Going to go exercise, hoping for some interesting insights when I get back.

LOTR was a historical document. The rest of the earth beyond the walls are where the other races live

Also the race that created us.

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>Is space fake?
No. NASA is.

Space is fake. We are not leaving Earth.

If NASA is fake why would you believe space is real? Fucking kike.

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Eden, Agartha, Avalon, etc, are at the center of the earth (the north pole). Admiral Byrd saw it. The military told him to shut up and fuck off.

Space is an Illuminati conspiracy invented to keep the common man from discovering their secret Jew sky palaces.

Attached: Space Ape.webm (718x404, 2.15M)