What types of people enjoy smooth jazz? It’s unironically good for your soul.
What types of people enjoy smooth jazz? It’s unironically good for your soul
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People with good taste.
Almost everyone I know except maybe the 28yo who's still into screamo will be happy to sit with some smooth jazz.
But all my friends are the kinds of folk who sing along with Louis Armstrong too, again with aforementioned exception.
I prefer Baroque
Listen to Handel or Purcell, top notch music. Really lifts the spirits
THE EARTH IS FLAT FAGGOT, yeah I like Purcell too
People who sing as more than a hobby, play an instrument or have done some form of theater
Ur welcome
People who don't know shit about or even enjoy jazz but think listening to some cheesy shit makes them cool or something
>What types of people enjoy smooth jazz?
Those who haven't heard not-smooth jazz.
If you like smooth jazz you should probably just tell people you like jazz fusion
as if you're any better
my boss listens to country radio music. It's the most generic music in the world with the shittiest most cliched lyrics but it's not that bad. It kinda makes me appreciate it because it's funny listening to rednecks sing about beer and small town girls.
actually it's only ironically good for your soul
I enjoy smooth jazz of this variety, I can say that much. This is one of my favorite songs ever actually.
What's the end result for your soul then?
total death of the soul
i cant handle this rn
good for your soul?
not on the day ronnie james dio left us cunt
I'm a 19 year old INFP with a fear of rejection. I make music on FL studio and have no aquaintances or friends. Most of my musical tastes derive from funk/jazz and any off shoot of those genres like hiphop for example or even house music. I'm a procrastinator and lazy unless i am interested in something. I'm observant and more of a listener than talker
I like Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble
Fuck Jazz, the only time I hear it is when I'm waiting in the hospital
>smooth jazz
Meh. Always sounded like easy listening music to me. Nu jazz and acid jazz are tops.
This. Smooth jazz isn't even jazz, it's practically covers with jazzy instruments; the genre.
25yo into screamo here and I love jazz too
>"Smooth jazz isn't even jazz"
>posts cheesy jap smooth jazz
My boomer parents.
Chet Baker is the fucking man.