Why aren't all welfare recipients drug tested?
Why aren't all welfare recipients drug tested?
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Why do you think? muh 'dehumanizing to be drug tested for getting free shit while not working'. This is why we shouldn't even have welfare in the first place...The left would have jobless niggers who do nothing all day to be able to live in mansions and drive sports cars if it would secure elections for them.
Cuz das raycis
Why in the UK do we give them cash instead of food stamps?
Supposedly it'd be expensive and only a small percent of them would actually be drug users.
Great question, would anyone care to answer?
Because UK is a monarchy and cash is the king.
Best fake bewbs ever.
Because your overlords want to spend as much as possible on bullshit and invest in things that will make your life hell.
because its a waste of money
ava addams
people would just fake them unless they pay to send every test to a lab
Why haven't the anti-rich Leftist started killing the rich?
Yeah let's just make welfare even more expensive to maintain. Fuck niggers and fuck gibs. Poorfags should starve.
Because the administration costs of the stamps is as much or more than simply giving them the money.
>fake boobs
>weird bumps around belly button
>buttons on bra and panties don't work
Hard Pass
>t. drug test manufacturer
The real question is why are there people who need to be on welfare
Ava Addams
>The real question is why are there people who need to be on welfare
Because some kike claimed White countries need non-Whites and opened the floodgates.
Dont do it user
Do it user, it's satan speaking. Big milf titties user
this x1000
Absolutely willing to pay the extra taxes.
Lab time is expensive. You're looking at doubling the cost, easily.
Because if they were sober, the slaves to the system would be more likely to get jobs or otherwise gain independence from the welfare system
>1 post by this ID
>softcore porn
into the trash it goes
It's been tried, cost more than it saves.
More like they would be in a fit state to burn something down.
i'll never understand zoomer humor, that meme gave me fucking anal cancer.
spot on
It would be fair, IF law makers and admin folks were ALSO tested.
Oh god what happened to Ava Adams. She looks terrible.
well, thats fairly true, some capitalist wanted cheap labor is the way to say it though ;^)
Top bantz
why isn't congress?
start w/ lawmakers.....
Her tits still look great even with implants because they were already big to begin with.
There's always the risk of ruining something good but I feel like fake tits always look better when coupled with naturally big ones, so long as you don't go overboard.
Quit watching porn user
who knew getting fucked raw constantly would be unhealthy
Why aren't you feeding the homeless and talking about the JQ with them as you break bread together? One day we could arm the homeless.
I dont give a flying fuck if they are on drugs, as long as they are sterilized.
show bobs
The wall.
>dumbasses it’s another slide thread.
stupid use of porn for a stupid thread
He's indian, what the fuck do you care?
the same reason they don't drug test politicians
Because then a bunch of drug addicts would starve to death or rob more.
>fall on hard times once and the state comes and cuts your balls off
Well aren't you a little psycho.
More like kikes want to subvert their white hosts, commie.
They're doped up for the same reasons wagecucks are all on anti-depressants... misery.
Yes she’s Jewish in case you’re wondering.
>be morbidly obese welfare kween
>give birth to extra 10 welfare leeches
I was in this anti poorfag thread and I suggested that poorfags need to quit going to bars and smoking weed/cigarettes. Then some British faggot came and told me I'm a Jew because I'm against people having fun. Was that you?
There is a far less insane way to deal with that: cut gibs after X amount of kids.
No, but I would agree to a point. Being unemployed for a while doesn't mean you need to live like a monk. A drink or two means you don't go postal.
Having a PBR with your other poor friends, in one of your apartments, is a lot cheaper than going to a bar. People make dumb financial decisions when they're drunk in public with their debit card.
She doesn't look funny.
They all get plastic surgery.
Sure people make dumb decisions. But they spend the money, then it's gone. If they then try to get more out of you you tell them to cry more faggot.
Stop it user no
Because welfare is cake. Let them eat it.
>weird blue lines on her tits
into the trash it goes
>Being this much of a faggot
wew lad
weak bait leaf
Because that would be insult to injury. Why make it harder for homeless people to get jobs when they already can't. In the first place, if people work during the week and pay taxes, why the fuck can't they take drugs on their days off if they want to? They aren't bothering you. Why can't people have the Fucking freedom to decide for themselves what they want to do on the days when they aren't Wageslaving away for the Jews? Would you take away that pleasure too? Would you have life be nothing but pain and suffering until death?
They tried to do this in florida but i think it was deemed an invasion or unconsti whatver, look it up retard yankee
I wouldn't even want to rub my dick up against that, foj for satan! hold da kæft for en forbandede gennembrugt kælling!!
Fuck your libertarian nonsense. People don't live in a bubble and the actions of my neighbors so impact my life. Drug culture causes all manner of societal ills.
Fucking simpleton.
It's not supposedly, it's been proven.
> defends welfare
> libertarian
Drugs only become a problem when people overuse them. If i want to smoke a joint on a Saturday and sit at home then im not impacting anyone, not my neighbors, my community, no one. Most people who use drugs and Aren't complete niggers about it fade into the background anyways. People should have the freedom to choose for themselves what they put into their bodies, and its not the governments job to hold peoples hand or smack it when they so something thats considered different from the groupthink. People are individuals, not ants.
what would that accomplish exactly?
Fucking this.
>inb4 degenerate
Just use the welfare budget to fund it, revenue neutral
Because of democrats.
Punish poor retards so they develop good habits or die.
because it's expensive in comparison to the money you "save" and also just cuz you're poor doesn't mean you shouldn't party lol
i'm not sure you realize how stupid this post is
Rather they grow to hate you (just as you hate them) then they realise they heavily outnumber you and act on it.
Small precent?? Lmao I guarantee 70% or more wouldn't be able to pass the UA
>I was looking for a job and then I found a job...-Morrissey.
drug tests are expensive
Care to elaborate?
Firstly you miss the point entirely. Food stamps isn't to save money, it's to make them able to only spend it on food and nothing else.
And second, physical food stamps haven't been used in decades. They give you a card called an EBT card (electronic benefits card) and your benefits are loaded onto that at the start of each month.
Every fucking time
So this EBT system is free is it?
What was the question again?
It's because when it was tried it was too costly. Turns out drug testing is expensive and paying for it for every welfare recipient costs a lot more than it saves by kicking junkies off welfare. Drug testing welfare recipients would mean paying for welfare for a worthless moral victory.
The only solution to the welfare problem is the elimination of it, not a costly and ultimately useless addition to it.
Think, you fucking retards, use yoyur goddamn brains for once.
people do get cash like if they get ssi or whatever but ebt is only for food and we cant give them or else they'll spend on drugs
They tried it in Florida.
Spent a large amount of money and caught almost no one.
Yes, if you qualify.
Payiing more for welfare. Drug testing would mean paying significantly more for welfare to kick very few people off the program. The only change to welfare programs should be cutting not expanding them and massive expansion is what drug testing would equate to. It would simply be more bureaucracy and more cost to the taxpayer.
The conversation is in relation to Britain. Here we don't care so much if they spend some money on booze and cigarettes. We don't treat the unemployed like second class citizens like you do.
I mean for the state.
>The conversation is in relation to Britain
Nobody gives a shit about your stupid island. America is the only country taht matters, any discussion of government policy is should be of American policy. YOus tupid British dumbfuck.
>ere we don't care so much if they spend some money on booze and cigarette
Fucking kill yourselfg.
>We don't treat the unemployed like second class citizens like you do
Well, they are. They're worthless tarsh. Simply eaters supported by the productive.
I was answering a fellow bong's question about how things are done in bongland, fuck face.
hmmm....I think you are the poor retard....
Scenario 1
On welfare, eat decent food, have TV, have my own roof over my head, dont work, get free money
Scenario 2
On welfare, eat shittier food, dont have TV, do drugs, share roof with someone else, dont work, get free money
It would seem that Scenario 2, would lead to quicker death to stop sucking welfare
Let welfare people do drugs, they will die quicker