I have a mental illness where I think someone killed themselves because I hurt them and it makes me want to cut myself and kill myself? I hate going to psychologists because they all look at me like I'm a bad person. Pic unrelated.
I have a mental illness where I think someone killed themselves because I hurt them and it makes me want to cut myself...
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just read "12 Rules for Life" by Jordan Peterson.
Some people are just doomer, and you cannot help them, OP.
How did you hurt them
When we get mad at each other, we try and psychologically dismantle the other person and their sense of self.
What was it?
>I cheated on her and laughed at her for crying
Oh okay fuck you then I'd do it again if I could, would fuck your girlfriend twice in one hour. I've done shit you couldn't dream of buddy
You look at you like a bad person. Not getting help is only going to fuck you over. Ironically, not getting help is what might make you into a bad person.
Coincidentally, I just watched this. Yes, it’s Peterson, but I’m not a fanboy and the video is directly relevant to your topic.
That's right. Once fucked four women in one night with the help of a bi friend. You can fuck right off if you're gonna do this whole "wooow" bullshit, fucking incel robot faggot.
Thanks man, appreciate it
>wah I got called out for being a huge asshole you're an incel
lmaoooo, didn't realize I could hammer a nerve this hard with just two letters :^)
>she tells me if you contact me again i'll call the police
>i drop out from the only class i have with her
>i see her later extremely depressed
if she kills herself or killed herself i will blame myself and kill myself
Ah, an weeaboo virgin from Jow Forums I see? Ok faggot, have a nice day jerking off later today while I pull some
Got what I wanted anyways, from Jow Forums and the girl
You're not even OP, enjoy shitposting
And if you are, say hi to Billy Mays for me when you get to hell.
Yeah I am. I tried to confront you about a genuine issue of mine and all you could do was reply with "Wooow" like some kind of 'Frisco faggot. Fuck off if you're not gonna help me
>Billy Mays
Holy shit how about you both stop being enormous faggots
Sorry buddy, no sympathy here. That was pretty fucked up of you and the last fucks I had to give are going to this Vindicator that needs to stop bullying my Orion. Good luck with the suicide!
Fuck both of you faggots; I don't need luck for the suicide, she already OD'd fagggggs
You need a good look at her thinky meats brother. No shame in it. Everyone should talk to a therapist. Don't stress, it's good for ya.
Well fuck that shit, good on you getting a mental illness, eat the karma dipshit.
Unless she's a bitch, that's just ain't nice at all.