>be me
>be 18
>have masturbated to pictures of children since i was 13
>know im fucked up
What should I do?
My strange addiction but gone wrong
Are you in danger of hurting a child or looking for cp?
You should consider suicide
>"strange addiction"
if you tell this to a psychologist they call the cops
only way out is cold turkey
Go see a therapist. Stop seeing them if they try to give you meds.
It's good to know you're only jerking off to pictures of children, but please, just in case, stay away from kids.
Im not in danger of hurting anyone. I just want to get better. And for the other person who said the thing about suicide. Ive already tried. Doesn't work. My therapist has tried to give me meds. Dont work. I just want a way out. I want to be a police officer not a pedo.
Start actually getting to know children, that way you won't feel the way you do anymore and you'll start to actually see them as little children instead of what you... do see them as. Good luck
Lol, yeah send an alcoholic to work at a bar, great advice user!
Maybe you want to be a police officer as some kind of complex you got from feeling guilty for your pedophillic urges. Just a guess.
In some cultures (NOT OURS) pedophilia is condoned. I think it’s a case of perversion, one of the darker paths of perversion. It’s like if I watch BDSM, and get off because someone’s hurt. You’re smart enough to know that, outside of a pure fantasy world, any child that has sex with an adult is going to be hurt by it. I’ve known young adults and mature adults who were molested, and it’s not good. They basically never get along in society, often to an extent that makes them want to kill themselves. Sometimes it manifests in their minds like a rape.
So you know all this, right? Just like someone who goes down a lighter path of perversion, you knew what you were getting into and you didn’t stop. And this probably causes you a lot of guilt. Now it’s a bad addiction like heroin, because everytime you masturbate to thoughts of children it goes against your core beliefs and therefore hurts your soul.
get the fuck out
Ugh, don't be a moron. Being EXPOSED to what you actually want to victimize has proven to help people with these kinds of problems. To OP; don't worry, seek jobs that require being around children, perhaps volunteer for church daycare? I would trust you with my little kids if you really recognized how beastly your fetish was
So I guess the answer to “how do I live successfully as a non-acting pedophile” is “like a recovered heroin addict times ten”
and the answer to the question “how do i stop being active in my addiction” is like “a heroin addict needs to try times ten.”
and obviously, the techniques for recovering from a addiction to pedophilia and an addiction to heroin are not going to be the same.
there are similarities between all addictions. some heroin addicts go on to become clean and act as beacons of hope for many, and others just wither, lose themselves, and die. plus everything in between.
this is a really dramatic and difficult situation on one hand, but luckily the objective is simple. STOP. do something else instead. DO ALMOST ANYTHING ELSE.
just kill yourself, in all seriousness
and no, im not talking to your troll person. im talking to you, in full sincerity.
I am not joking though, you insensitive cunt. In my country we offer treatment to these sorts of things and it actually works. He needs to be exposed to his weaknesses and work from there you little asshole
This is why I'm eternally grateful that I'm old enough to have been born and raised before the internet was this common household appliance
and OP you should totally stop doing that haha
They legally can't unless you tell them you are going to hurt someone
right. so youre giving him advice as a clinician trained to deal with pedophilia? obviously not. and the little hearts? get real. you’re coming off as some creepy pedophile yourself.
don’t kill yourself. i don’t know anything about you.
I'm a middle aged woman who has had family members in a similar situation, shut your little incel mouth and listen when I say treatment helps. This will help him
youre a creep is what you are
Wow, he can still do nothing but come up with half assed, mindless insults
Nah they just fly to Asia and rape kids there...
>you will never get to watch op's body be dragged through the street
frogs are worse than pedophiles, on the inside. frogs are mostly just too weak to carry out their violent, destructive fantasies. and when they do, it’s on innocent and unarmed victims.
Reprogram your brain by exclusively fucking women over 30. Fuck lots of women over 30, even if you don’t like it. Eventually, you will like it.
You need help brother. You need to tell a therapist. Get rid off all the kid pics you fap to. Talk to a therapist today. Now, talk to a therapist now. Talk to a fucking therapist right fucking now.