Why am I so unhappy?

Why am I so unhappy?

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Combination of isolation and lack of goals.

and stop posting frogs

Wow, that really is true. How do I fix myself?

Jow Forums. neonazism. “mysticism”. drugs. junk food. more social isolation. not forming any goals. self pity. theatrics. empty suicidal gestures. surrounding yourself with people who are even worse. not paying attention to your health needs.

Fix your diet and form a regular sleep schedule is a good first step

Men are capable of doing great things when they are focused, achievement will make you happy and people flock towards men that get shit done.

The problem is that nowadays there is little worth dying for and people don't spend enough time trying to figure out what makes them tick.

>Doesn't water plant for ages
>Why is it dead?

So the answer to depression is to drink more water?

Because we're all evolved apes trying to pretend we're something more. Everything about our society goes against our true nature. Everyone is unhappy and anyone who says differently is lying.

I like to think if you're useful its hard to feel depressed, ya know cause people depend on you and you know that they need you. It helped me, maybe it'll help you?

If you have to ask yourself that, chances are you already have what you need to be happy and it's just your outlook on life that is making you unhappy. Reevaluate and change your perspective.

this is bullshit

Then why are you unhappy. If it's because of you're situation then you fucking know don't you? Do you have clinical depression? Then there you go. Why are you asking then dipshit.

>Because we're all evolved apes trying to pretend we're something more.
Atheism is cancer and it shows how little you actually understand about this world.

maybe you could tip him off to something better instead of just acting self-righteous towards him

No, dumbass, it's to take care of yourself.

Take it from me. I'm the best in the world at not taking care of myself. It's like a gift. I do exactly the thing that will bite me in the ass, without fail, every single time. I land myself in jobs that I am not meant for. I make friends with people who only leave me sour after spending time with them. I make preparations for arrangements I have no interest in keeping. I say the opposite of what I want to say. I don't rise up when the moment calls for it. I stay loyal to the people who don't care and put the least effort in those who do. I spend money I don't have. I take responsibility for things I can't handle and pass the buck on things I can. And when the moment comes to be merry or mourn a loss I shy away. I also never drink, never smoke, and never do drugs, despite feeling tense most hours I'm awake. I'm a walking abomination. But it's more common to be one than you think, and everyone has this problem at least a little bit, and I'll tell you that it's no way to live. You will never have the life you want unless you take care of yourself.

this was inspiring

how do you live with yourself and the situations you put yourself into? do you see yourself as a character?

Fucking faggots, always going around spewing bullshit about how you have to be social and have goals to not be unhappy.
Goddammit fucking faggots.

he's not wrong

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The tip with the goals and schedule is spot on.

Furthermore be aware that there's no such thing as the happiness you may long for. Important is that you trust your instincts on what you lack/long for and try to route your efforts in said direction.

Many people are often unhappy because they just lack good genes, a good social circle, good sex, good upbringing and a place in society that makes them feel worth something. Or they have the feeling they're not really wanted by the opposite sex.

On a more goal oriented note... the hardest part may be determining what you really want and then commit to it to reach some of the things you're longing for.

What makes you unhappy right now if I may ask?

Not OP but working a job I don't like and being miserable/directionless in uni

>What makes you unhappy right now if I may ask?
>lack [of] good genes, a good social circle, good sex, good upbringing and a place in society that makes them feel worth something, [plus] the feeling they're not really wanted by the opposite sex.

OP here, I don't really know, I just feel empty. I see my life is just void, I don't have any social media and not many friends, never had girlfriend, just feel like I've accomplished nothing.

Have you held a job?

So, lie to myself?

refer to


The hard part for me is determining what I really want

I make up all these things that I think I want like a lot of money or to be super attractive or be really funny but all I actually want is for people to like me. It’s sort of pathetic and I have no idea how to fix it

Then you've accomplished something. Everything surrounding you from the walls of your room to the keys of your keyboard are made in part by menial labor, digging driving or turning a screwdriver. Every job by itself is insignificant, it's when all the parts of society come together that it's meaningful.

But this post won't help because you have chronic depression, get some meds