everyone is talking about the video "this is america", and they think the message is that they ignore violence with entertainment
well the message is clear since the beggining : the niggers are the cause of the violence
we need to stop niggers, and in fact we need to clean the world of them (look at what they did to africa, south america and usa, its a complete shithole)
how do you deal with niggers and what is your plan tho exterminate this plague?
Everyone is talking about the video "this is america"...
but libshits prolly will nuke this thread
then we gas them too
NIce bait. Also, why are you so angry? No white woman is interested in you, so you're channeling your frustration? And don't get me wrong, I am a White nationalist, but I am not a racist. I acknowledge that all races and ethnicities are different, and I think we should have our borders, because multiculturalism and multiethnicism breed conflicts and destroy our diversity. But you... You are a special kind of retard I wouldn't want in my ethnostate.
nice meme niggee lover
angry? i just pointed the truth that niggers are a problem
retard? youre the only retard here for now.
>pulls the "Hahah no white woman wants you that's why you're racist" card
>"I'm a white nationalist"
>"but I am nit a racist"
Pretty sure real white nationalists don't care if they're called racists
Yes, I don't care if I called racist because I'm not. I don't think one race is superior to all others. I don't think we should kill people because of their race. I am just a racial and ethnical segregationalist, because that's how world peace can be achieved.
Niggers die
Sure is summer isnt it.
Jow Forums isnt your personal blog.
I didn’t know about this video until you mentioned it. So I looked it up.
I’m angry that you made me waste several minutes watching this shit and giving their channel a view.
Deep down everyone knows they are a huge problem they just want to act like they don't feel that way so they can look down on those who do. I have several black friends who I do things with all the time and even they don't trust other blacks
Okay you sound smart, im a racial segregationist ass well trying to come to terms with my brother dicking this hispanic chick, so what am i going to do about it? their both really into literature art and culture witch makes me boil down to a screaming mess, with sweaty armpits shitting all over myself with these beautiful genetics made in the image of gods own intestines! pls help me, why can't cultural inheritance stay the fuck inside its prerequisite underlying biology? Ought they get their own separate country or should i just kill us all?
It depends on what kind of a hispanic chick she is. What if she's majorly Spaniard? Then she's practically white, and their children will be white too.
Well actually she does look mostly white, besides her right arm and leg, its almost as if you can see the transition of white growing darker towards the end of her toes and fingertips.. I've considered getting together with some of my boys cutting the dark parts of her limbs off, but were having a real though time deciding exactly where we ought to slice, according to this color palette.. can somebody pls help me? Im still very afraid, pigments of her brown genes will show trough thou, if they decide on having kids in the future.. its shit like this making me dream of someday, becoming great great scientist, smoothing out our differences. Too bad im fucking retarded
I'm a white euroslav so heed my words with a grain of salt.
Maybe Donglover's message was that the black community is in shambles due to the cycle of perpetual violence and crime surrounding them, and not 'hurr durr nigger problem'.
As a poorfaggot from a commie ridden shithole, I can sympathize with US blacks, despite hating niggers, be that as it may.
Wy hate blacks?
I don't hate hate them, I just don't want to live around them, since they bring crime wherever they gaze upon. Sure I don't mind a normal black guy with whom I share interests, but a pack of nogs gives everyone second thoughts.
They're also hypocrites, because every half decent dude gets called an uncle tom or a house nigger because they refuse to partake in drugs or other degenerate behaviours, yet the hoods get moral highground through shaming and ostracizing the decent folk and blaming the "white race" for their shitty life choices. Similar to communism, is what it is.
In reality, life just sucks for everybody
Something something you're a woman and your opinion doesn't count
You need to live in a shitty white neighborhood for a while
I live in the balkans my dude, this whole geographic area is a shitty white neighbourhood.
Yet I can keep my car unlocked, forget wallet or phone at a bar, and not run into junkies.
No reason to post this on Jow Forums, there's no advice being solicited here
OP, your mother must be so proud of you
>no advice is being solicited
>how do you deal with niggers and how do you plan to exterminate them
I mean, he's soliciting advice.
But he should fuck off back to Jow Forums anyway.
Lmao no you don't and no you can't. If you did that shit in the Balkans the roma would have made off with your shit before you were out of earshot.