Didn't see one.. I can feel something edition
Didn't see one.. I can feel something edition
I just want to love and be loved in return.
I want to be the lively, uninhibited man full of bravado I used to be instead of an empty shell of a man I am now.
My older brother molested me for three years of my life. Now we're good friends but a part of me will never forgive him.
I feel guilty that I recently broke up with my gf of 5 years and feel basically nothing. I know it was devastating to her and I hope she has a great life, but other than that, nothing.
I would think after 5 years of what was by most measures a good relationship, I would feel something. But it's like we never even happened and I'm just thinking about the next girl.
I really don't why this is, but it bothers me a little.
it just wasn't in the cards for some of us
I want to be a flat trap so badly with this hair and more mature then my last expression of my identity. I don’t want to take my lithium. I want to feel this way. I lost 43 pounds for this delusions I can loose 27 more and be me! I want to be this pic so badly.
I want to be flat I want to be skinny and have an outie again. But I don’t want to get addicted to stimulants. Please oh gods of medicine grant me my wish. Replace lithium and give me Ritalin!
there will never be a moment in my life where the girl I like actually likes me too. if ever such a moment does happen it will be when I'm old and all that spark has left me and I don't want it at that point
Anyone here ever break up with their gf to try to get back with their ex, only to have that not work out and get taken back by the gf?
I'm glad she took me back, but during the in between time, I felt like
Realizing that the person you're attracted to is a pretty lame person sucks.
Some of the stuff she's said recently is just... She's more of a basic bitch than I thought. Asking our opinions about something "technically" being cheating, and constantly talking about hot guys, and constantly listening to terrible, terrible music that's just dudes rapping about sex and pussy. How was I so blind to not see how fucking lame she is
Why did you get back with her if you didn't feel anything for her?
I'm totally crazy in so many ways yet I'm ok with this because I see everybody has a touch of crazy about them and maybe it is a part of being human and you come to terms with the things that harm nobody else. Recently I was measuring out my supplements and thought yeah this is pretty crazy, I take like 15-16 tablets a day and have a whole organiser and it is pretty much at a low point at the moment.
I just realized again that I can't form any relationship or friendship because I cannot keep conversations going.
Also on the verge to break of any contact I had made in the past few months because of this.
>finally decide to man it up, beeee myself, and ask the girl I like for a date
>think all scenarios through
>if she says yes, hell fucking yeah
>if she says no, it's a shame, but at least I asked and I can finally move on
>the day comes, mom's spaghetti levels reaching critical
>ask if she would like to go out with me next weekend to movies with me and then maybe grab a bite afterwards
>she says nothing, absolutely nothing, but she's shy so I just give her a minute to process it
>she finally opens her mouth and says "maybe"
>she didn't say yes, she didn't say no, but "maybe"
>I tell her it's okay and she can inform he later when she has thought it over
>it's been a week and she still hasn't messaged me
Why do I even bother to "beeeeeee myself" when things like this keep happening? What is the point of being honest and open about things if nobody else does the same? It took me so much mental energy to ask her out, and she didn't even bother to reject me directly.
I wanted to not feel anything for her to make it easier to do what I did, but I was just lying to myself.
How did she take you back? I have a similar situation and she will not forgive me.
The average is only the average because enough people fell past it.
Listen, just keep trying. You took the first step to walking out of this land of virgin fags
Keep being yourself. Don't let rejection bring you down.
Practice makes perfect
>likes rap
Are you ? What did you do?
Basically, I just told the truth. I think because it was so out of the blue in my case, she knew I was just going through a mid-life crisis or something.
did you love your girlfriend? what if the thing did work out, would you just forget about her?
He was likely molested as well
Yea I love her. I wouldn't have forgotten about her. I tried to forget about my ex, and that's how this happened.
I'm sure she's overlooked things you've said and done.
I have a crush on a fellow student :D
We had a coffee with 2 other guys between lectures today. I guess that allows me to sit next to him next week.
Started to smoke weed again, I can't take this solitude sober anymore.
The problem is that I reverted back into a recluse again after my last failed romance.
I don't know how to break out of my shell, since my feelings were really hurt this time. It's been two years since I've been this way and I find it hard to get back on track and it's really messing with my life.
How to prevent myself from falling out of love?
Don't get me wrong dude, I'm nowhere near perfect, I'm super lame. I just am realizing that the image of her I had in my head is not really accurate, and that the real life version of her is much closer to people that usually repulse me. I was obsessed for almost a year and now I'm just wondering why
>tfw you never knew what its like to have a girl like you more than you like her
>tfw you're never the first choice, or even a choice at all
>tfw every opportunity is ruined or just goes nowhere
>tfw you're socially retarded but good looking friends get a qt gf while you're the exact opposite and have noone
I need to lie down
I lost motivation to self improve. I was actually going somewhere and then one day its back to wanting to an hero. What the actual fuck, I thought I'll never see that place again after all I've done, where do I get the motivation from now?
had to do a friend break up yesterday. it was pretty gay and i hope i made the right choice
I'm going to fix this. She and him won't last. I'll take years to self-improve, and when they break it off, I'll pick her back up, and love her properly. Just have to tell her that I'm going to start over. I have to believe in this.
I love you, Moe
So apparently I fuck up a lot of the basics while lifting.
So I have just been wasting time that I could have been Jow Forums. At this point I think I may never make it.
I'm in this weird position. I'm somewhat attractive physically which leads to a lot of flirting and primary interest from women but when I start spending time with them they invariably just want to be friends or outright walk out of my life. I've never been one for the scattershot dating tactic. It's really frustrating and just makes me want to give up altogether. I don't want to stop being true to myself so I can live up to some archetype or match my looks. I'm losing hope that there is someone out there for me.
Have you spoken to this girl before starting your spaghetti-fest, or did you more or less cold approach her and try asking her out on a formal date? You need to have built some rapport with a girl before you start asking them to go places with you.
Also regarding rejections, get used to those sideways rejections really fucking quick. No girl wants to be upfront and tell a man that they don't know or are uncomfortable/scared of "no" after the man approaches them and asks them for a date.
how do I accept that I will always be a socially inept retard
I dream of the day where I actually speak to a girl who shows signs of interest who is actually single.
Seriously, I only ever seem to attract women who are taken.
I haven't heard from her since Monday. My message says delivered by not read.
She told me she has two midterm projects nextweek due so that could explain the disappearance from social media.
Idk. I'm just lonely and insecure. But she can never know that
They're not attracted to you then. They just seek friends or attention
A few years ago I had an extremely toxic relationship with a chick. It ended badly and I've had baggage over it for years. A few months ago I googled her name and saw she had registered at a Babies R' Us in her homestate. I gave it the benefit of the doubt. It could be just a coincidence after all. Today, her mom (I never bothered unfriending her family) checked into a hospital saying "About to have a grandbaby". Essentially confirming my suspicions. She got knocked up with some loser's kid, moved back to her shithole state(we're talking the shithole state for all the other shithole states), and has ended up EXACTLY where she never wanted to end up.
I thought I would feel sorry for her if it was true. I knew this life was her greatest fear. She wanted to be an artist. A free woman. Someone who goes her own way. For her to end up like this, knowing who she is, is a little tragic. But I don't feel bad. In one instant, I feel like all of the baggage I had around her has lifted. I feel great. I've been laughing like a supervillain for the past half hour. I know I'm an asshole, but the schadenfreude has literally made my day.
I never thought having an ex get knocked up would feel so great for my own self-esteem.
You again????
I love you
For the first time in 11 years I had a gf. We broke up after 2 months. Pathetic I know. All due to my incompetence.
What's done is done, I don't suppose there is a chance of getting back with her. But it hurts, life with her was pretty good, if only for a brief period.
I now regret everything, and I miss her, I wonder how long the feeling will last. I'm kinda sad that this is the case. Now that we're not together of course she doesn't even respond to my texts.
Damn I miss her. feelsbadman
are you me?
We had talked plenty of times before. Even flirted, but now I start to doubt what even is considered flirting. Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. I wouldn't want to be with someone who doesn't communicate with me anyway.
things will work out for us one day
Today I realized that I am the toxic element of all my relationships, and even I have no idea who I really am.
Don't know if I should leave family as to not be a burden on them, or stay, and continue to repeat this cycle that always ends up hurting the ones I love.
I shouldn't have kept holding out hope we'd get back together. I should have listened and cut ties with you after you dumped me but said we should still be friends and support each-other. Now we talk some more about the breakup 6 months later and you admit you like someone else now after I inquire about it.
In a way I'm happy I asked because now I know it's real. You're gone and never coming back. I deleted the messaging app and didn't have social media anyway so now I won't see you again. In a way, I'm finally free. I just wonder how long it will be until you no longer haunt my thoughts and heart.
With university finishing, I feel as if I'm going to drift away from the little friends I have (we're really close), but with everyone now going into the real world. How can I make sure this doesn't happen and that we stay connected and continue to go out and have good times? I've had it happen too much in my life already. The little friends I have is what keeps me together and my mind off my fucked mental health. I'm afraid of losing them. What do?
>female friend gets closer to me
>can't say if she wants the D or attention or just be friends
I’m nervous that once I pay u back we won’t talk again. :/
You say my being here for you and loving you is more than you could ever ask for. Yet whenever I ask what's going on most of the time you ignore the call/text/or email. When we fought a few months back, you said I wasn't caring enough and yet I was just the same person the whole time. You just seem to shut yourself away. Yet, sometimes you do mention AFTER the fact (and in quite some detail) what did happen which I appreciate, but I wish you'd tell me as it was or shortly after. Sometimes going for 2 weeks straight without hearing from you is close to torture for me. Yes I know being severely depressed and having kids while changing medication takes a lot on you and you need to spend what little energy you have on your kids, but that still doesn't change the hurt I feel with no word from you.
And now you've been off a few days here and there, this week so far more days off than working, and I worry since I think you're already close to using doc allocated days and FMLA days. Which means calling out gets you points, points you need off your record if you want to further your career and achieve your dream job with your current company.
I just hope I have the strength and ability to get your to talk about this and understand next time we get together or at least talk.
Why would you tell me all those things and then refuse any date I asked you on? It makes no sense and this is the kind of shit that made me call you bipolar that time.
I love someone named Moe; who I was in a long term relationship with. I cannot talk to him anymore. This is my one outlet, it makes it easier to deal with my feelings. And on the off chance he ever reads it, as he does go on Jow Forums, I would like him to know he's loved.
I guess it's time to leave another message here in a vain attempt to reconnect with you. So here it is; I miss you. It played out like I said it would exactly, you abandoned me like I was trash that never mattered after promising that wasn't going to happen. Sorry I went from someone who knew you best, to not even worth your time. I know you arent doing well, and I will be here if you ever need me. No judgement, I forgive you.
I can never tell girls that I like that I like them. I'm not even bad looking, it's just that I spent too long playing vidya in my youth.
I miss life before smartphones and even instant messaging. Both things have damaged society in some really significant ways
I completely agree user. I have one now but I rarely use it.
Im pissed because i feel like I'm nobody's first person of choice.
I have a friend that is very very important to me. I always go with her when she invites me to something. This weekend she's helping organize some big Pentecost party thing for all the young Catholics in my area, and really wants me to go.
But there's also a heated abortion debate going on in my country. She's pro-life I think (Idk how hardcore), I'm pro-choice (but idk if she knows). And I'm worried this party thing is going to turn into a pro-life march since the invites on the internet are already asking everyone to wear something "light blue" and I suspect it's because it's the color pro-lifers chose. Would it be rude to not go or to leave or argue if the rest "force" me to wear something for pro-life or to "stand" with them?
Whoa I feel the same way, it bothers me a lot too.
Absolutely correct imo.
I want to stop having homosexual urges
Maybe work toward making it happen instead of bitching about it then
Every single fucking person I meet just wants me to carry their burdens for them and I can't decide between shooting all of them or shooting myself
>gf told me she has an overeating/purging problem
>does this maybe once a month for a few years
>shes super skinny and always afraid to eat too much
>stems from mom issues
what am I supposed to do? How can I help? I was expecting something like this and she told me about 9 months into our relationship.
Why cant you just message him this on fb or somewhere? Did he put a restriction order on you?
Tell her to fuck off, bulimics are disgusting!
I think you want me to go so I will. I'll miss you but if I make you unhappy I have to leave. You make me feel stupid... nobody treats me bad like you. I hope things get better for you, I'll always care for you.
I just gave up my 4 year perfect relationship with my boyfriend to pursue a higher degree
He’s moving to a different state far away because he got an excellent opportunity and i’m staying in school to get the degree
We talked about how we couldn’t make it work/how we were moving in different directions
It fucking hurts. I’m not even passionate about my career I just want money
I've had several people tell me I have a tendency to shut down/shut people out recently and it's true. I didn't even realize it but I'm extremely emotionally unavailable. I'm a kind and fun enough guy but when people start getting to close to the heart, I just stonewall or ghost them. I don't think I've ever really loved anyone, I just get attached to them for a while but when it gets to real, I'm outta there. I don't think I've ever really connected with someone.
My extended family is fucking retarded and cruel:
>at family gathering "hey, we could try to hook you up with this girl we know"
>look her up on facebook
>She is 9/10, smart, athletic, top of her class, comes from a rich family and so on.
>WAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY LEAGUE (im 4/10, can act smart but i'm dumb, lazy and so on)
why are they so dumb and cruel? I got nothing to offer this girl
Why do they make you feel stupid?
Do you want to connect with people, or do you honestly don't care? Because if it's the later, there's no real problem here.
>be a dumb and lazy uggo
>surprised that your family takes piss out of you
I quite desperately want to connect with people but being vulnerable turns me into tight ball of anxiety and some really destructive things start to happen. I keep everyone at an arm's length for fear of being perceived as needy.
He think that whatever he believe is true. He accuses me of things I didn't do. He make me feel like an idiot for loving him when I've known him for years. He treats me like I'm unimportant. He insults me a lot. I can tolerate all of it but i can't handle making him unhappy. It makes me really sad.
Are you me? For God's sake be careful getting into long term relationships because even if they seem different from all the others even they will hit a wall that is just too high and then even if you don't love them you'll probably still be invested in their well-being and the whole situation will become screwed up
the thing is that they think i am smart and hardworking cuz i am in uni
i miss my ex. its been a long time but i feel like ill never find anyone else like her. ive dated other girls but its just not the same same, even years later. i want to get back in contact with her but every time i do it turns into a shitty game and i hate that.
most of the time i dont think about her, but every now and then she comes back into my head. i feel like im never going to get over this until i meet someone so much better that i dont have to think about it anymore, but that seems impossible. lol oh well
Pick one trusted person who truly, deeply cares about you, and try to open up to them, little by little. Shit is difficult, I know. I used to think that discussing my past and feelings makes me vulnerable, and while to some extent it's true, being emotionally exposed is a very liberating feeling, a true catharsis. Especially if your person is really genuinely understanding.
Everything is fucked.
I've been suffering from idiopathic insomnia since I was a baby and lately it's been driving me to extreme aggression, as well as deep depression. I'll go 48 hours without feeling tired. The problem is that I have no hobbies, interests, or work (at the moment at least). Because of that, I'll spend those 48 hours bored with nobody to talk to (because nobody else is awake that long). As of late, the depression aspect has been taking its toll on me and I am really struggling to find something to distract me from it.
Working slave-tier job and the rest of the day drinking or suffering from the fact that i didn't buy anything to drink.
Going to work hungover almost daily with horrible back aches and breaking my back during work.
Constant back ache makes even sitting too much to bare sober.
Also never experience love, only been teased. I literally fall in love with anyone for example a girl was working next to me and had hard time even instructing her because i was anxious.
I have no clue how things would get better with no one to support me.
tell me about it
You're probably not her, but I didn't abandon you. I just can't stand being ignored by you of all people. If you have something you want to tell me, you know how to reach me.
I wish you would have trusted me.
I wish you would have trusted yourself.
I don’t know if it’s too late for us but I could have truly love you, I know that.
I've been single for almost 2 years now. I know everyone on this shitty board complains about being single or not knowing what to do in a relationship, but I'm starting to get that dumb lonely feeling you get where you fantasize every girl you see as being your girlfriend. I've been so used to having a girlfriend that I haven't gone this long without one in a while. I'm just getting tired of being alone, but I feel like I'm getting close to maybe finding someone. Maybe. But I can't say for sure. I hope so. I love sleeping next to someone that I love, then making love to them in the morning before work, listening to our favorite music and just hanging out. I miss that shit.
Sorry for the long shitpost-y post
It's a long story, but no, the most I could do is leave a voice message on his phone. I'd rather not bother him. And no, it's not one of those 'if you just reached out to him, you never know' situations.
my monthly loan payment is $2300. I make a lot of money but I can't enjoy that because for some reason a retarded teenager is allowed to sign himself up for decades of crushing debt
Sometime soon, I might die
Will you even cry?
it would kill me; it would kill everyone
all i want is to get in touch with >her and get her to admit she fucked up and thats why she got sacked from the job
her blaming me and cutting off all contact is a real HNNGGGGG
just admit you fucked god dammit
You need to actively work at getting over her or you'll be stuck in this shitty cycle forever.
I'm 33. When I was 13 I tried to kill myself. I was tired of feeling like I was the one on the outside looking in. The stranger in the snow. The one who watches. I mainly felt this way because of my so-called friends in school.
I'm 33 now. I'm married. I have two kids. My family makes me feel the same way. I'm so fucking tired of this. I'll never kill myself, but I'm still questioning what I have that's worth living for. Love is fake. It's an illusion, and I'm tired of deluding myself into thinking that it's real. I want money, for what? To maintain my own existence for pleasure's sake? To keep my family entertained enough as they quietly fade from my life? I have loved, but am no longer loved in return. I feel like a monster. Some kind of freak. I know, logically, it's my own biology that's betraying me. If I could shed myself of my feelings I would. Being human sucks ass.
Whoever said love was worth it lied to me. I hope they're dead now. I hope when I die they can tell me they were wrong.
Why does no one say goodbye any more? Everyone who’s left me has done so with no explanation, no goodbye. They just disappeared. Am I really not worth a reason why?
do you love your kids though? ive felt like an outsider looking for a long time, im 28.
ive thought alot about my life and i think the most meaningful thing i can do is to have kids and give them a good chance at life. is this stupidly naive as i think it is?
Sounds reasonable enough to me.
Normal doesn't have to be synonymous with ignorant.
Growing as an individual really just comes down to figuring out which parts of yourself are important enough to keep, and which you would do better without.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be in charge of your own health and lifestyle, but there is a problem with judging others by the standards you set for yourself. You see?