New Girlfriend - red flag?

Is it a red flag that this new girlfriend has mainly male friends? She says she gets along better with guys? She also says that she wants to meet my male friend more than female ones because she doesn't get along as well.

We all know its questionable whether or not these "friendships" really work. I currently don't have any close female friends. The ones I have had in the past and drifted away from - I would have all willingly fucked given the chance. I even developed a crush on a couple.

She claims that she doesn't hug them and makes it known that they are friend zoned.

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Nah this is normal. It probably means she's chill too.

Girls are bitchy. Out of my good friends over the years, none of my guy friends have slept with my boyfriend or the guy I like. Can't say the same for my female friends.

Friendship isn't about gender, it's about getting along, having things in common, etc.

what? so you think its normal? she claims she is super loyal and doesnt even look at other guys when shes in a relationship.

but words don't mean shit, I have to see her actions. i just feel like she might be an attention whore who will always have a pool of orbiters around her for when i slip up.

Every girl that ive ever dated with only or majority of male friends. Has cheated on me. She probly riding one of em now

she has a low number and isn't very motivated by sex.

you can't just apply that to every girl. the only girl to cheat on me, had only female friends.

I hate to start a sentence with this but I'm a girl, and I have mostly male friends. Having no reason to lie to you and I can wholeheartedly tell you it's simply because I have more in common with men.

I also find women to be inherently bitchy, I know that's a misogynistic view but it's hard for me to ignore so many negative experiences with female friends. Guys are comparatively no-stress, and honestly I have much more fun hanging out with the guys than a "girls night".

but have you fucked any of them? have you encountered a jealous boyfriend of yours who doesn't approve or is skeptical? did that jealous turn you off him on a sub-conscious level?

she said the exact same thing. she has a low number and seems trustworthy. we just became exclusive on the weekend and she showed me some betas she had floating around asking her out, which she was stringing along whilst hoping id want more from her. it sorta made me feel weird knowing she was replying to them. although the replies were nothing like what she would send me, and not responding to them for 2+ days etc.

she said it was because she thought i might hurt her. so my anxiety has made me look at the fact she has all these male friends.

I've dated several girls that claimed to have all these male friends and it was just a ploy to get me interested in her more, the red flag is when they start talking about relationships she has had with guys. If a girl wants to meet your male friends it in my experience is because she wants to find out more about you not because she's looking to bang your friends or some shit

yeh thats an interesting point of view. cheers,

makes me feel better. she has said she wants to meet them to make sure im still the same me with them. not change personalities.

It's impossible to tell what this girl is like. The only way to find out is to actually spend time with her.

Or you can read generalized responses from people on here, become "red pilled" and end up thinking that this girl, and every other girl is a total slut and cannot be trusted.

There you go then, have you met her friends ? They usually like to show off a guy they are into

I actually try to give valid advice from my past experiences to people in hopes it saves others the mistakes I have made, that saying I don't think all woman are evil or any more so than a lot of us guys they just play the game different

yeh i have.

Its more of a red flag that you are freaking out about this.

It sounds like they're just friends, she obviously gives you preferential treatment and you're different to them, I really don't think it's a red flag at all.
My partner of 3 years gets very jealous. At first I thought that was kind of neat (in a "wow he must really like me" kind of way) but now I absolutely hate it. I feel like I hurt him without actually doing a single thing wrong, and I resent that it makes me feel like I need to choose between the man I love and all of my friends.
I think you need to stop being so insecure, she obviously likes you and until she gives you a reason not to trust her all you're doing is feeding your self-doubt and risking offending her a lot.

so the guy i mentioned wasn't a friend. i met her on tinder a month ago and he added her around then since she plays basketball and hes on her team. hes been gaming her etc. she dropped a few hints to me over the last week that although we're only sleeping together exclusively, she is still single until shes locked down... so i locked her down and thats when i saw the messages to this guy. so she did say she had been keeping some guys dangling.

anyways, you are right. ill cut out the beta.

As a guy with only guy friends, I agree.
Although a girls night out is fun too (where I am the only guy)
Guys are less judgemental about things like looks opinions etc. Girls are less judgemental about actions.
What this means is if you want to sing, dance or whatever, girls are more fun to do that with. If you just want to play some fußball, drink and talk, guys are more fun to do that with.
I am not big on dancing, so I choose to surround myself with guys.

Huge red flag. Every girl I’ve met with “only make friends” has been a fucking thot. She fucks those male friends. She will probably cheat on you OP, especially if she looks similar to pic related. Although, there’s a chance I could be wrong and she actually just gets along better with men, but like I said it’s not typical.

It sounds like she said that so you would cut the bullshit and lock it down. She obviously likes you a lot, maybe she's playing games to keep you interested~

Like I said, until she gives you a real reason to worry i wouldn't sweat it. She sounds into you, so obviously you have something those guys don't.

Femanon here. Both my career (CS) and hobbies (videogames/anime) have more males than females in it, so having more male friends is a result of that. I personally feel that environments with less females tend to have less drama (comparing jobs I've been in with mostly females vs mostly males), so another point in favor of male company.

You can be sure that a lot of those male friends secretly (and not so secretly) want to fuck her, and if things ever go wrong in your relationship she has a hefty pool of replacements to choose from (looking back at my teenage years, at least half of my male friends confessed their sexual/romantic interest in me at some point. I dated two of them -not at the same time- and still remain friends with one, and I'm still friends with the ones that got friendzoned from the start). But it takes two to dance, so it's up to her to keep them at bay, and it's up to you to judge how much trust you place in the relationship to not feel threatened by her abundance of choices. And even if she stays faithful, you have to be really honest with yourself about how you handle your fears/insecurities, I've withnessed relationships (everything from teenage love to people in ther 50s) get completely wrecked by jealousy even when their partner was completely faithful.

That's a good thing like I said girls like to show off their men it makes them feel validated that they made a good choice when they get the approval of their friends, it's when they don't want you meeting friends and family things are bad. Really they are a lot like us in this respect

This is me too, I prefer beers, pub meals and split-screens to dancing and exaggerated "dnm's". If you like that, cool, but it's not me so I hang out with guys.
If I feel like a guy is obviously into me I'll pursue it or drop him if he doesn't get the message - it's really not about wanting orbiters at all. It's just about wanting to relax with some cool dudes after work.

>Is it a red flag that this new girlfriend has mainly male friends?

yes that is the biggest red flag of them all. she is needy and desperate for male attention. also she is insure of being alone and has them as backup.

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well yeh, she liked me a lot - i know it. she wants to hang out with me 4 days a week or so and is already planning the future.

has said a lot of positive stuff etc. she was upset last night tho when we were talking things through and voiced some suspicions about me getting bored of her and maybe using her for sex. i assured her this wasn't the case.

no shit you do one wrong move in the relationship and she is out fucking one of them behind your back while you slave at work. same shit happen to my friend.

the reason she doesn't have female friends is because females know she'll probably steal their bf's. Your girl loves the adoration that comes from many men. Having many if she's single not a problem but if she says she's in a committed relationship she should start weeding out those that are just hovering for a shot and not balls to the wall looking to cultivate more.

So you are saying there is a chance

Maybe, maybe not. But I know from experience I don't do well in relationships where this is the case. In fact it's been the main reason for the break up.

Sure she might be loyal, but why take that chance? Unless she's an absolutely 10/10 in looks in personality, why bother? There's plenty of other normal girls that have normal friendships with other girls. If I were, I'd save myself the stress of always wondering

OP what you have on your hands is a hoe. Good for cum dumping but the reality is she is probably already getting strange on the side and wants to meet your friends because you're a middle man for bigger and better dick.

Don't get attached and definitely don't be a fag when you find out she sucked off your m8 in your own house after a minor argument.