Whitey was racist again seemingly overnight

Honestly, why is racism such a fucking issue seemingly overnight? I dont mean last night, as this shits been building and building for over a year. But before the year 2016, like towards the end of 2016 I never even HEARD of racism being spoken of except black history month, and if someone was ACTUALLY BEING A RACIST... Why is it THE biggest issue since a year or so ago? I still cant figure out why my former favorite news/documentary source is completely corrupted by the left, and it now has sooooooo many articles about how its so hard in life to be a fucking black person,and how white people are so fucking evil. Thats disgusting in itself, but its not for this thread.

>Why is there so much debate, focus, and energy spent on "Racism"? Where did it come from?
>More importantly, why the FUCK are we still talking about it?
>What is the end goal of so-called anti-racists? (Reality is, the ones im talking about are really just anti-white)? Kill all white people? Black people crowned rulers of the fucking Earth?
>I just want them to fucking stop this shit. Its been annoying and continues to be. Its not even funny or entertaining anymore.
>The shit the left makes up
>The terms the left makes up to support the anti-whitey agenda
>The stories they make up
>The articles they shit out, full of bullshit

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>why is racism such a fucking issue seemingly overnight?
Classwar turned into race war. Thank the Jew World Order.

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white president.

we have always been niggers and spic's paypigs.

once the free money runs out they will go feral. they are literally why we dont have nice things like affordable healthcare. we are to busy dropping checks in the mail monthly and giving them 12k tax returns for anything nice.

times are getting harder. money isnt going as far. When white men who are the paypigs of this system are dying due to preventable diseases and donkretia gets to go to the doctor 2 times a week on the healthcare whitey is paying for things become apparent that otherwise would not be so if we were in the land of plenty.

It just seems like everyone knew about, accepted, and was trying to be better,BE PEACEFUL AND SLOWLY MOVE ON after the days of slavery and jim crow laws...which, again, slavery was abolished in 1865. Jim Crow Laws were abolished in 1964...itsfucking 2018 almost 2019...Its been almost 50 fucking years since jim crow laws, let alone slavery has been abolished, and NOW people are acting like the shit ended the other week, and they all have got something to say about those damn laws or slavery. Which they do all have some shit to say, yet NONE are affected BY IT. WHAT THE FUCK!!! HELP ME AT LEAST UNDERSTAND WHERE THEY ARE COMING FROM!!! IM A MAN OF LOGIC HELP ME UNDERSTAND!!

>But before the year 2016, like towards the end of 2016 I never even HEARD of racism being spoken of except black history month
Because you haven't been paying attention for at least a decade.

Care to elaborate, Kiwi?

minorities are so deathly afraid of their paypigs freeing themselves that they are irrational. they see trump as a catalyst for this even though he isnt going to do shit. This is why they hate him. They know that once we quit paying their bills though a plethora of social programs that the whole mountain of bullshit will come crashing down along with their false sense of superiority.

The irony is that this will inevitably happen anyways when the hard demographic shift that will occur a decade from now becomes painfully apparent. There will not be enough paypigs to support the system. Minorities lack this kind of foresight and this is why their countries operate the way they always have since the beginning of recorded history. This is also why that despite receiving 10k+ tax returns, living in subsidized apartments for a lifetime, and having free healthcare that they often do not have reliable transportation of a home. Think about it... many are given over a quarter million dollars in their lifetimes and all it amounts to is pile of jordans, repo'd chargers, and giant rims over and over again.

They do not want this ride to stop. The white man pays yet receives nothing. In short, they are like slave owners afraid of Trump getting up on his pulpit and shouting out decrees of freedom to the white slaves. This is not what is happening, but they feel the white man getting tired and are reacting with great hostility at the mere possibility of such a thing ever happening.

TL:DR fuck niggers, spics, and jews

Is pic an example of how Muslims are unoriginal and have to borrow everything to seem legit?
>stained glass
>combination of arches and domes
>even the mosaics predate Islam

a race of destroyers that hold nothing sacred.


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The jews are prepping white people to be genocided once they become a minority. As this happens, they will be establishing Israel as a super power

I believe it is formerly a catholic temple from the crusades that has been renovated into a muslim temple if I am remembering correctly.

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He's saying you're a teenager

>this whole thing started in 2016

Can you be any more obvious that you're a kid?

Fucking retard.

this is true and already most of the way accomplished. now it's just a waiting game.

I would like to further this argument. Along with their access to free money comes access to wombs. We are literally being forced to pay them to fuck our women and I believe that this is why websites like Blacked are so popular. Many whites are demonstrating Stockholm syndrome due to a lifetime of financial abuse. If niggers and spics were separated from their welfare then they would not be seen as viable mates. Why fuck a white boy that works all the time for 30k a year when you can get a daykwon fresh off the lot with no wear or tear whom has free insurance, a free place to stay, food stamps, likely some miniscule job (sometimes), sells drugs and receives bigger tax returns despite paying in very little. These benefits amount to over 40k a year for doing very little. This means that daykwon has more time to sexually satisfy her and he a part of her life (however detrimental that may be). Women do not see "hard work" as a virtue and if you are breaking your back to receive less in life than daykwon they will view you as a loser. So here we are, paying niggers to fuck our women and financially rewarding both parties to do this.

Now back to the Stockholm syndrome... if many whites are feeling this way then it means that we are fairly well defeated. However, when a ethnicity, nation, religion, etc. feels defeated then their warriors tend to fight. This large minority of men willing to fight makes minorities nervous. Nothing is more scared and dangerous than an animal backed into a corner. We are already seeing this with the rise of mass shootings and violence demonstrated almost daily. It will only get worse. Few men want to be a slave without even fighting back even if it means employing underhanded methods of warfare. This mindset requires undergoing great hardship. likewise, At this point most are content to stick their heads in the sand.

hope you guys enjoyed my rant. I have to go to sleep so I can go to work in the morning in poor health to pay some niggers and spics to lay up and fuck.


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Im 26. Im going off real life experience my guy, stuff ive seen with my own two eyes, or on social media for example, but of people i know in real life.

>maybe if I would have been inside on my computer 24/7 with no real life experience to show for myself, and paying attention to politics all the time, id know as much as you do.

You must be young than. Let senpai share some of his wisdom.

Niggers will NEVER be productive in life. They're still in a prehistoric mindset and can't even grasp how to cultivate a field, build or take care of infrastructure, etc.

In short, they fucking useless and dumber than someone diagnosed with mild intellectual retardation.

What's worst is they have an universal mindset about vanity. E.g : they'll use the money they have to buy useless trinket and/or jewelry instead of using it to better themselves.

The fact that "racism" is now a hot new debate point to normie is just a symptom of long successful Jewish indoctrination & propaganda.

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what the fuck do we do

There has always been some racial rhetoric but it got kicked into overdrive after Trump won. The left/dems have ratcheted up the identity politics to 11. Trying to shame whites for voting for him and get them back in line and unify the pocs.

The sjw voices have become more mainstream than ever before as well. Their #1 enemy is straight white men of course.

Unironically how old are you? Did you never hear of Trayvon Martin or Ferguson?

Black-white relations are actually BETTER than they used to be a few years, policy brutality isn't nearly outrageous anymore these days especially when we see that the same things happen to whites too (vid related was innocent and escaping a crashed vehicle)

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they're trying to get you dumbasses to kill each other

a black guy was killed by cops just the other day, for doing literally nothing

I think the sjw backlash made impressionable 16 year old dimwits fall for old stormfag arguments.

just wait until they start paying taxes and really putting society under the microscope.

those old stormfag arguments are going to be refined to perfection.

You must be 18 or older to use this website

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognise the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums


You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographic, and memes. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

>Honestly, why is racism such a fucking issue seemingly overnight? I dont mean last night, as this shits been building and building for over a year. But before the year 2016, like towards the end of 2016 I never even HEARD of racism being spoken of except black history month,
are you honestly trolling or retarded?

oh hey, its the newfag with his "profound" copypasta of bullshit that is not self evident.

how convenient.

nonwhites are literally frothing at the mouth and waiting for the moment they can kill or subjugate white people for good. they literally hope and wish for a whites to die off and are eagerly awaiting it. they want us dead

It was literaly Jow Forums ops during campaign season. We redpilled a good portion of society, and the memes took root in their minds.