Koko the sign language gorilla has an estimated IQ of up to 95...

Koko the sign language gorilla has an estimated IQ of up to 95. Koko the gorilla is smarter than almost half of all humans.
>tfw Koko is smarter than half of the people reading this

Attached: koko_and_smoky1.jpg (660x540, 82K)

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Too bad the average person 'estimates' their iq at 120+

Video related.

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An expert's estimation and a subhuman 4channer's self-estimation are two different things.

Attached: 6gorillion.png (1516x1316, 476K)

>implying anyone on Jow Forums has an IQ of 95+


>mfw the man with the highest IQ in the world is a red pilled right winger who probably posts on Jow Forums

Attached: nazisaluterebel.jpg (686x627, 87K)