>be me
>fencing at a tournament because I fence
>see qt Asian girl
>decide to talk to her
>expecting to get rejected but whatever
>trying to be more social and I need the expirience
>things go well for some reason
>manage to get her number
>agree to go on a date
>find out she's still in high school
>I'm 22, she's 18
>Also realize the low chance a potential relationship between us would have of succeeding since we'd be an interracial couple
>I'm Hispanic btw
>mestizo for you Jow Forums autists
>decide it's best to cut her off but don't want to be an asshole about it because she treats me nice
>can't think of a nice way of telling her
>weeks go by
>go on more dates
>she even invited me over for dinner to meet her parents
>nice cool folks btw
>realize "fugg, the longer I wait the more painful this'll be"
>Screw it
>"I had fun and thank you for everything but I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment"
>told her that while on a fencing date
>she tired to take it in stride but could tell she was upset
>when we bouted she stabbed with more force that she usually does
>shit actually hurt
>drove her home
>haven't heard from her in a week
>also can't text her or call her because I had to restore my Iphone a day later and I lost all my contacts.
So how'd I do?
Did I do the right thing?
Other urls found in this thread:
>taking pol seriously
Just date her
Congrats. You cucked yourself.
>how‘d i do?
Like a god damn fucking sperg.
I mean, wtf is wrong with you? Do you deliberately try to die lonely?
Why would you ruin something that‘s going perfectly fine? Just because fucking „statistics“? You‘re aware that there are a lot of very good and functional interracial relationships, right? Now she‘ll have to go trough trying to figure out what your god damn problem was. Shemll linely think that she die something wrong or that she‘s not good enough or whatever. Good job, asshole. I hope she finds a guy who actually values her.
You did fuckin' terrible. You broke up with her for literally no reason. You're a retard.
I understand it may seem heartless but I don't see it working it our in the long run due the fact Asians and Hispanics so rarely pair up. On the off chance that it did any potential offspring we might have would be born with all the issues regarding identity that comes from being a product of a mixed race marriage.
We had allot in common and got along well but I figured the best course of action would be to end it as soon as possible.
You‘re a fucking idiot that got brainwashed. Your life is not a god damn statistic.
If i would go with the statistics, my marriage should be a pain in the ass and doomed. So far it‘s nothing but awesome.
Kids only have issues if you fail to help them deal with them.
My interracial marriage is appeased that you won't procreate.
>what is the philipines
I'm willing to accept that not all interracial marriages/relationships end in disaster but I don't agree entirely with what you said regarding life not being able to be condensed into numbers. I'm not a gambler and I don't like doing things unless I know there is a high chance of success. When looking at the numbers interracial relationships have a low chance of success, obstacles to overcome that can be easily avoided by simply not taking part in them.Plus the fact that interracial couples are seen as disgusting doesn't sit well with me. I don't mind too much what people think of me but I just don't want her to go through that because she's a nice girl.
She's Taiwanese
Crap! I want to provide links but Jow Forums thinks it's spam
>I understand it may seem heartless but I don't see it working it our in the long run due the fact Asians and Hispanics so rarely pair up.
>I'm not a gambler and I don't like doing things unless I know there is a high chance of success.
This is the most retarded shit I've ever read. This is literally not how you apply statistics and/or science. Correlation does not imply causation. What exactly about being an asian/hispanic couple has a low success rate? Do those factors, if they even exist apply to you? How reliable are those statistics your posting, ever looked into how your sources got them?
I don't think you care about anything of the above honestly. The vast majority of people only do research to find an excuse to do something they already planned on doing. Maybe u weren't doing that on purpose, or you actually believe thats how you should live your life. Anyway, fucking stop it you retard.
> Find a nice girl
> Cut it off because of Jow Forums-tier reasons
You done goofed, nigga
You can condense life into numbers, but you will always have to gamble. You can't predict what is going to happen in life, there are an infinite amount of variables. At first I thought you were just a fuckin' retard but now I realize your a sad little bitch who's to scared of being hurt to take any risks.
>realize the low chance a potential relationship between us would have of succeeding since we'd be an interracial couple
I'm sorry but I just don't see things the way you seem them. The fact that me and her both come from different genetic populations and the fact that interracial relationships are not the norm for a reason makes me think this a risk not worth taking for both our sake.
I don't really mind too much if other people want to take that risk. I have no control or right to dictate how they live their lives nor do I want to, but as for mine I like to be more calculating and pragmatic and not base my chances of success on overly optimistic off-chances that it will work out in the end.
May you find a loving and virtuous Hispanic gf in the future, user.
You know this board is for advice right?
Not pol greentext stories that's r9k
I agree risk is necessary if one wants to have a fulfilling life but when it comes to big decisions like getting into a relationship and and knowing that the numbers are not on your side. Well, why bother? It's not like she's the only girl in the world.
>I'm sorry but I just don't see things the way you seem them.
You either ignored or did not understand how I see things.
>but as for mine I like to be more calculating and pragmatic and not base my chances of success on overly optimistic off-chances that it will work out in the end.
Nothing I posted prevents you from doing that.
You just asked people if you did wrong. When they tell you did wrong you try to argue that your not. You obviously did not come here for advice.
I'm out.
>>I'm sorry but I just don't see things the way you seem them.
>You either ignored or did not understand how I see things.
Let me correct that. I didn't even post how I stand on interracial marriage. All I told you is that ur applying your statistics, if correct in an unscientific way and you chose to ignore that and assume the position I held.
Now I'm out.
By wrong I meant if there was a better approach to ending it without hurting her feelings not whether or not I did a wrong thing by ending the relationship
>This thread
It's b8 right?
I couldn't google image search this, is this actually the girl?
This super hot girl?
At this point I wish it was because of the amount of bullying I've been getting.
It's her
I actually want to murder you.
Well you seem like a fucking retard anyway so she's way better off.
You realize Metizo is a result of a interracial pairing as well right?
He's both smart and moral.
>making it worse
Yes, but we've been condensed into one part of the world for so long, developing a unique culture and history that we might as well be our own ethnic group.
Can we all just pause whatever we were doing for a second to call op a fag?
I'll start.
Ops a fag.
find a girl you like, parents are cool with you, she's nice and you get along ..................... Well time to fuck this up. Christ what the literal fuck man. If this is real then you need to examine your life a little better bud
>making it worse
This too
Op is fag
Fag is not near a good enough term the amount of cock he has gurgled is legendary. OP you are a fag kys
My dude, just read the thread. I don't feel like repeating myself
>Sound of op sucking cocks
>mentioning Jow Forums "autists"
Clearly youre the autistic one since you allowed yourself to be influenced by that board to the extent that you dont believe interracial relationships can work.
>you dont believe interracial relationships can work.
Statistically, they don't. Mixing with blacks always end the worst, but any kind of interracial pairing (degenerate in its own right) has greatly elevated risks of divorce. The only area where it gets slightly muddled is Hispanic-white, because some Hispanics are fully white, others are upper-class castizos, and so on. But even there, the trend remains.
I've seen a lot of faggot ops in my time but this might be the most faggot op of all.
Doesnt mean case by case scenarios cant buck the trend, user.
Thanks Hitler
That's precisely the danger--because everyone then deludes themselves into thinking that *their* case is going to be the good one, when in reality they're all collectively dragging down their chances. Further, even one 'success' story, in a sea of failures, can through confirmation bias encourage others to take the risk.
The fact that there are outliers isn't an argument for taking an action against statistics. If anything, they require an even more active suppression and condemnation of the act to counterbalance it.
For example, there is the adage "once a cheater, always a cheater". Obviously it's not a universal truth--there are probably a fair number of people who cheated on their SO and then went on to have a stable and committed relationship. But if you let people believe that it is an acceptable risk to get with a cheater, and moreover let the cheaters be rewarded, you worsen the problem overall. Hence that rule of thumb.
You are very welcome, fellow Jow Forumsack.
All of these people calling you a faggot don't get it--you did her a favor, too. It would have been far, far worse if you stayed just to get your dick wet, only for the relationship to follow statistics and fall apart.
OP don't just absorb what these naive idiots are spouting at you without some critical thought. The interracial thing is definitely a possible issue, especially with her parents and all...
But the bigger issue is her age. She is still in high school, and likely going to college soon. You are past that age and ideally a working man (or in grad school). You too are at completely different stages in life likely on very different paths. Also you're both likely at very different maturity levels. Plus, she would likely want freedom of some kind while at college.
And even if she didn't and in theory wanted to remain loyal? Good luck with the long distance, especially while she would be surrounded by horny attractive guys her age constantly hitting on her.
You likely made the right move.
>You can't predict what is going to happen in life, there are an infinite amount of variables
Luck can be managed.
Life is full of variance you can't control, but you can manage what the outcome can be.
Say you get an education as a plumber.
You are setting yourself up to work as a plumber. Wether you be happy or not or whatever other measurement you use for success depends on a load of factors, but most of them are controllable.
How did such a faggot op get a girl who look like THAT?!
He didn't. This thread is literally Jow Forums bait.
I feel like I've this pic before
I’m the gender bend version of you guys
Shit doesn’t matter you just spoiled your fun
>she's into it
>arbitrarily reject a relationship over fucking Jow Forums tinfoil-hatting and obsoleted racism espoused now by people who have fewer teeth than fingers on a hand
You even go out of your way to mention that her parents are cool.
What am I reading?
>It's her
Oh lawd child, you is a retard.
>Different marurity levels
I don't know OP could catch up to her.
>You even go out of your way to mention that her parents are cool
I wanted to emphasize how well we were getting along but at the same time knowing how it will most likely end even if everything seems fine and dandy atm.
OP is a self sabotaging faggot.
Larp somewhere else.
you should have gotten some feet pics before you kicked her to the curb
Does he/they know you're Jewish?
Closest I got
>statistics are just random integers and not an actual numerical representation of reality
kys brainlet
Well not as autistic as you are trying to make it sound, the relevant set in op's situation would be much smaller but possibly the same conclusion.
On second thought, you may have done good.
>has greatly elevated risks of divorce. The only area where it gets slightly muddled is Hispanic-white, because some Hispanics are fully white, others are upper-class castizos, and so on. But even there, the trend remains.
In regards to Asians it isn't much statistically higher than a White-White American relationship.
Although for African-Americans it's very slanted for some reason.
>Although for African-Americans it's very slanted for some reason.
>for some reason
Also I'm pretty sure that is the modified MGTOW chart (note the promotion of male outbreeding but female endogamy). The actual statistics show an across-the-board increase.
>fails to acknowledge self-fulfilling prophecies
>doesn't believe in adversity breeding strength and character
You know, if you move over to almond milk you get less man-tit goin' on.
>Also I'm pretty sure that is the modified MGTOW chart
Nope. It's from the 2010 Census in the United States.
>The actual statistics show an across-the-board increase
Post them then.
Took some digging, and I was mistaken in that Asians had lower divorce rates even in interracial pairings (but far, far higher rates of divorce compared with Asian-Asian matches).
I'm not.
I'm a mischling of the 2nd degree, and if the Nuremberg laws were applied to whites as a whole, I would not only be barred from marrying Jews, I would also be shoehorned into marrying pure whites (with any resulting children being treated as white).
>ook some digging, and I was mistaken in that Asians had lower divorce rates even in interracial pairings
And that's why I said
>In regards to Asians it isn't much statistically higher than a White-White American relationship.
And that OP was being a fool
OP is Hispanic, and there isn't enough data on that pairing.
But while we can say that as a whole he would have comparatively lower chances of divorce, she would not. It would be massively higher for her.
>But while we can say that as a whole he would have comparatively lower chances of divorce, she would not. It would be massively higher for her.
You said "any kind of interracial pairing" because you were arguing that (statistically) OP's marriage wasn't going to workout.
Now you're moving the goalpost because you're wrong and OP was proven to be a retard who stuck his own foot up his ass.
Goodness forbid two people try to work it out.
He still did the right thing, just for slightly different reasons. I always oppose racemixing regardless, and OP himself referenced the problems that mongrel kids would bring.
Calling me wrong on all levels because I missed a detail is jumping the gun.
>All these people daily that talk about how they voluntarily broke up for almost no fucking reason
Why can't you guys stop making us feel bad about being spergs that are ugly, fat, or/and social spergs?
If you think they're less spergo than you are you're sorely mistaken-- just try respecting yourself a little and if that doesn't work, make something of yourself to respect.
I know it's up there with 'bee u :^)' but it's legit advice. Even if you're working on small results at first, having something you've done yourself, reward you earned by your own effort, that's something you can be proud of. Even if it's just preparing soil for gardening, or something simple like that.
Can't get love without having love, and since you're not about to buy that shit you might as well start finding it within, right? You can only change you, really.
Wow, and I was guessing.
I do have some degree of depression over my lack of social skills and my body. But I just don't want to put in the time to better myself.
I'm just too lazy to lose weight. I feel like I have this weight above me that is keeping me in my chair and bed. I'm always fucking tired, and being this fat is taking a toll on me since I have to work 7 hours with a massive headache and tiredness, and as you know you can't say you feel bad in a retail job so I just suck it up and massage my feet as soon as I get home.
Sadly in situations like this the only advice is just fucking do it. All the information is online, any kind of advice or motivation is found easily. You just need to do it. Nobody can help you other than yourself.
The only thing I ever inherited from (((them))) is my neuroticism.
Nice dubs
OP you goddamn fool.
You didn't want the relationship, infact it sounds like you used Jow Forums as a excuse. It sounds like you just don't want the skills or tools to have a relationship because it might be foreign to you and instead of taking the dive and learning you went full retard.
You're actually fucking retarded, congratulaitons
My dude, did you even read the thread? Interracial relationships rarely work out and despite the fact that it's simply wrong because it destroys the genetic lineages and cultures of two peoples there is little incentive to try and make something work that has a high chance of failure. If I wanted a relationship I would go out with a Hispanic female and get the same benefits I would have gotten from this Asian girl (if not more) without having to worry about a variety of factors that might ruin the relationship.
My question is could I have cut her off without hurting her feelings? If the answer is yes then how?
Thank you user. The age thing is also something I was concerned about.
You just played yourself with Jow Forums memes.
Asians and Hispanics have similar values and Hispanics are native to this land. Jow Forums believes they and Trump can make a White ethnostate when 56% of the population is White, not including White Hispanics and Trump took a Slavish woman as his wife. That's how much you played yourself with memes.
This is stupid
The Anglos screwed up hard, and their neckbeard offspring are trying to recoup whats left of their ideal White America. The Spaniards are the ultimate victors.
The Spaniards should have kept it in their damn pants.
OP likes to think he's a rational, intelligent human being but he's really just socially inept and has no idea how the real world actually works because he sits takes life advice from fucking Jow Forums.
You fucked up.
How does that disprove everything me and Hitler have said throughout this whole thread?
Using Jow Forums logic, the only reason why you and your potential gf are having problems like this is because you are not in a country where your race and your relative's culture is the majority. Move there and you'll be better off.
Boy you're a fucking idio-
This board is like a documentary of male autism
I don’t think it’s so much about culture being a barrier because me and her as well as our families are pretty Americanized. The age difference and the problems that would arise if we got married and had offspring are more pressing issues imo
She got nice legs but face is average