Will China send special forces into Canada to free her?

Otherwise Xi is cucked forever

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>chinks "supersmart"
>entrusted weedman with their economy


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>Will China send special forces into Canada to free her?
They could just kick half of the population out of our houses and tell us to go get her.

China wont get their way this time.

gj leaf bros

The Chinese are stupid enough to do anything! haha

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It’s only a matter of time before JT gives her a lot of money for her arrest

Your welcome Mutts

I feel bad for them. What happened?

>Chinese special forces
I don't think Chinese soldiers do very well against anyone but unarmed college kids, they'd probably get mugged by Toronto scumbags ten minutes into the mission.

I'm an insider helping out with some tertiary negotiations.
They are very heated, of course China is demanding the return of this executive, but they didn't expect Canada to demand they also take Trudeau in return.

Did you see any of the china hate threads? If they can disregard their own and their fellow countrymen lives, what to you think they do with limp-wristed Canadians?


nice one leafs. keep it up


Nig my grandfather fought in Korea and killed so many Chinese they were using frozen corpses as sandbags to reinforce his MG. At one point his nerves were breaking because he killed 30 or 40 and they didnt stop the wave attacks. Never doubt the insanity of a cruel master and his Chinaman. He also fought the Japs for a few months in WW2 and said the Chinks were even more suicidal, the Japs were obsessed with stabbing you but the Chinese didnt give two shits about hiding, shotblockers or smoke like the Japs did. They just ran at you.

Spec ops? Nah they don't need to. They've got a million ways they can bend Canada over the fucking table at this point because of Trudeau's weakness. If they honestly want her back (At the end of the day the party only does what's best for the party, and if they don't actually give a shit about her, this might just be posturing), they'll get her back. They could fuck the shit out of them with tariffs, or hell, given how many chinks own property there, they could really fuck up their real estate game.

That's offensive Ivan I mean we did kick ass in hindu kush while you ran like little bitches. I mean you can't even deal with Ukraine and Jews punk your ass two weeks ago and you can't do shit. Is the f35 still shit? Just curious because it's teabagging iranian positions under your s400 cover.

Unlike your country we stand by our treaties. She'll be coming your way; china will be mad at you.

Nigs, General MacArthur only advocated dropping the bomb in one situation, and it wasn't on the nips. He was actually very pissed off that we nuked Japan because he didn't deem it necessary. The one time he wanted to unleash Nuclear destruction was in Korea. Not against the Koreans necessarily. He wanted to nuke the border between Korea and China, because he knew that Chinamen would win the Korean war, not the Koreans. That suggestion was the end of his career, although he was right at the end of the day. Don't underestimate the chinks. They won a war back when their tactics were "throw enough bodies at machine gun fire until they run out of bullets", and they've come a long way since then.

No problem, we can take it.

She violated US trade sanctions again Iran. God damn jews at it again..

They were kind of shitty before communism and also to allow communism to happen though. Like there was an age where they were an empire and had some of the brightest minds and tactical geniuses on the planet and now it's a bunch of fucking retards with the smart ones all being killed because they're trying to escape their ratty fucking country or trying to fight against a totalitarian military.
What's the big one fuck up that sent them down this path? WW2?

This, we will have to pay reparations to every rice eater on the planet now for sure. Once again the Trudeau government can't do anything right.

Honestly, I haven't been following this at all, but I take it she's being extradited here for some shit or another? I unno, fuck it, I'd give her back for some steel or easing of tariffs, or some such beneficial shit. She traded with Iran? Easy bargaining chip for us and you guys yet again have cucked to the demands of a foreign power by arresting her for us. Should have took her for yourselves, stuck a gun to her head, and demanded your fucking real estate back from Chinese nationals.

based leafs. are they, dare i say it, uncucking themselves from the yellow menace?

i demand china burn in hell
where's my interview and headline?

There's going to be chink protests across the country over this one. Whites and other non-chinese immigrants here are going to be redpilled about just how much influence Chinese have in this country. This is so good for the long term for uncucking our country against the CPC.

Also, should I show up to one of theee chink protests holding a sign that says "Thanks Trump!"?

It will certainly display the loyalties of Chinese citizens, whether or not they're actually fleeing from the fucked up Chinese government, or spying for them. Can't wait, this is going to be great

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PRC will annex Canada on behalf of the majority ethnic Han Chinese population.

China has already made Canada its bitch.

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Repeatedly invaded and conquered for thousands of years. Nothing but mongrel rape baby insects remain.

The PRC probably have dirt on Trudeau.

based leaf

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What timeline is this? That Canada is cucking China? LOL no way

America's order

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lmao leafs absolutely cucked, half their country is owned and run by chinks and now they're a vassal state because of their own apathy.

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Honestly, all canada has to do is give her to the us and blame the us for pressuring canada. Xi ain't going to walk away from trade negotiations as things are already getting shitty before it escalates.

Chadnadians are back in business. Throw that little faggot out of office and put a veteran Mountie in there.

Can you image if China arrested the CEO of Apple while he was in Beijing for a business meeting? It would be fucking world war 4

srsly? 38 posts and no source let alone an archived source. there isn't even a reason for the arrest in these posts. shameful. SAD!

>They could just kick half of the population out of our houses and tell us to go get her.

China will just use back channels to order the Canadian politicians that they've bought to hand her over. The Chinese have infiltrated the government.

Saved as knobferatu.jpg

But it's ok when China arrests foreign executives.

Apple basically hides all their cash in Ireland or Scotland, I forget which, probably the former. He's not worth anything to us with current tax laws.

You don't think the media and the army of mac s0ys would be clamoring for war?

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>The Chinese have infiltrated the government.
They all have infiltrated our so called government.
Just look at out head of immigration ffs...

"Minister says 300,000 new immigrants a year is Canada's 'new normal'"

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So they arrested a foreign National to be extradited here because they violated OUR sanctions?


hes so dumb hes going to defeat all our enemies because they have no idea what dumbass shit hes going to do next. probably gets stoned as fuck when making important.

>duuude, like, wouldnt it be funny if i fucked over China even though they own most of our politicians?!

They would make it to Alberta and get fucked up by our Chad province. Rural Albertan rig pig types don’t fuck around.

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>entrusting your economy
>to this
this is a real picture

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>Chinese Speciar Folces are sent in to get her out
>Erite squad team driver Wong Wei dies during the trip to the maximum-security prison. A local liquor store's security camera shows him somehow falling out of, and getting run over by, the vehicle he was driving
>Infiltration expert "Zap" Ping is electrocuted while disabling the electric fence. The other team members find themselves unable to progress until his body catches fire, and they use the light to finish his work
>Team attempts to scale wall to top of cell block. Rookie member Fah Ring perishes after plastic rope he was using for the grapple snaps while he is three stories up. A later investigation reveals that the rope got wet during a training exercise a month prior, and he left it outside to dry in the sun for that entire month
>Roof is reached. "Steady Hands" Chow manages to puncture his own jugular vein with a Phillips-head screwdriver while taking the grill off a ventilation duct. He bleeds out after his injury is simply ignored by his squad-mates
>Cell located. Blowtorch specialist "Blind" Ding suffers a permanent, total loss of vision after using plastic Gray-Banz sunglasses in place of a welding helmet. Despite finishing his work, he too falls to his death after climbing over the safety railing on the edge of the walkway for no discernible reason
>Target acquired. Meng Wanzhou is now in custody. Proceeding back to extraction point. Last team member Dum Fuk is mutilated beyond repair after trying to retrieve a plastic carabiner he dropped too close to a fan in the ventilation duct. He instructs Wanzhou to find her way back to the getaway car, passing her the keys before finally succumbing to his injuries. Through some miracle or another, she does indeed make her way out of the prison, back down the wall, and beyond the fence to freedom

>Meng Wanzhou dies in unexplained explosion after attempting to start the team's vehicle

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What do you mean by his nerves were breaking? Like he started having ptsd from the amount of chinks he killed? Or did his adrenaline run out from such a long battle that he couldnt anymore?


i wish every post was like this

fuck china and the chinese

>Vancouver Metro area starts pro-PRC rebellion
>Interior BC joins Alberta
>Pipelines get built
>Saskatchewan starts siding with Alberta
>Trudeau hamfists the situation and accidentally splits country in two
>Alberta rig pigs basically stage Quebec Biker Wars 2: Redneck Boogaloo
>Greater Alberta aka Northwest Republic eventually forms.
>Roving gangs of lift kitted trucks become modern Cassock
>Transfer payments and gibs dry up forcing most of our human waste into Ontario
>Eventually make satraps of Quebec and the maritimes
>Newfie battlethralls drunk on Screech eventually subjugate the Ontario Panhandle
>Medical science reaches the point where we can resurrect Ralph Klein
>Leads Greater Alberta on a majority governement that will last 1000 years
>Year 2088 oil sands finally depleted we set our sights on the rich hydrocarbon reserves of Titan
>First man on Titan is Steve the Newfie
>"Lord tunderin' Jesus and I thought the patch was cold"
>Become type II civilization by 4023

My body is ready

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>china demands china


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this is fucking retarded, canadian chinese hate PRC, hate mainland chinese

That's hilarious!

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>Will China send special forces into Canada to free her?
No nothing like that. One of the workers will just undergo hormonal changes and become the new queen.



Think before you speak Juan

a pro prc rebellion would never happen in metro van
there are a lot of chinks, yeah, but there are also a greater amount of non chinks that would prevent that from happening, namely the koreans and last few remaining white people outside the city

How does it keep happening

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But what did she do? t. Huawai owner.

Why are Mongoloid males so inferior?

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Leafs if you release her I swear to god.

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Why would you carry around a chinese spybot?

I'd rather it be the gooks than the US desu.

sucki sucki fucki fucki wantan hankan.


I dare them to carpet bomb alberta

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