Do I have the ugly?
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Do I have the ugly?
Lurk more asshole
Yeah, man. Look a lot like me. Just mew and shit. That's helped me in the long run
Disgusting. Im a grill btw
Nah, you're like a 6/10 at worst. Usually when people take photos they can appear to be pretty different from the way they really are when you meet them so don't let a photo decide that for you. Remember, looks are only part of who you are if you are the kind of person that works hard to get what you want that also counts OP.
You look like a spic to me, dear. I'm not attracted to those myself though, so I couldn't tell you whether or not you're handsome
You're face is normal, personality will make or break you. Looks like an authors photo on a book flap.
You look like the kind of faggot who would take a picture next to a window for that oh so artsy contrast, put on a gay pouty looking face, apply a black and white filter then post it on Jow Forums. You're a pathetic sack of shit and you look like a virgin manlet
Be me, almost look like Osvaldo de L but I look like I was crossed with the Eastern side of the world.
You're not good looking but not hideous either
You look average. I think there are different hair styles that would frame your face better.
I think you're pretty handsome, ignore these fags. Long face, straight, defined brow, high cheekbones. You're objectively atttractive
You’re not bad. But for dating, the bottom section of attractiveness is usually ruled out entirely, meaning even an average or above average looking guy can effectively be below average.
Okay, for a translated version: You aren’t ugly, but the only reason women would date you(for looks) is because they are lowering their standards. Your looks aren’t a minus, but no one’s looking to date “average”, or 0. They’re a non factor for you. But if someone wants good looks, they won’t look up your alley. And most people WANT good looks, even if they’ll settle.
I think most people eventually lower their standards to some extent, how much varies from person to person. It's rare to see a long term relationship involve two people that connected and didn't have to lower their standards at all.
Besides while it's great to find someone that has both looks and skill/personality I think people should lean more on the latter qualities as they're usually more valuable in the long run. Looks change with time.
dont get me wrong user if I seem kind of dazzled
You made me KEK so fucking hard thanks
camwhoring is for /soc/
Anyone who takes pictures this way is automatically unattractive.
do i have the ugly
be my gf
loli is not allowed, desu.
You look like 10.
Years old that is.
Not ugly, however.
I'm 20
And no, you aren't ugly.
You're cute
would wife/10
good enough to not die alone