I'm 12 weeks pregnant with my fiance baby and I don't love him and I love another guy. My fiance is jobless with no skills. I think he got me pregnant on purpose because I was hinting on breaking up with him but that's besides the point. I work in a warehouse and met another guy who is working on his criminal justice degree and I'm about to get a new job in IT. I want to be with the other guy but I know I can't because I'm pregnant and now I'm just hating my life more and more. I cheated on my fiance with him and ever since then I can't get wet for my fiance. What should I Do? I can't hack it as a single mom and my fiance just wants to join the military.
I'm 12 weeks pregnant with my fiance baby and I don't love him and I love another guy...
It isn't too late for an abortion. If you're not into that kind of thing, break it off with your fiance. The child doesn't deserve to grow up in an environment like that.
Late term abortion, hopefully it sterilizes you
if you don't do it then the kid is going to be right where you are right now, posting on Jow Forums asking the most painless way to kill himself
Terminate the baby and break it off with your fiancé.
Alternatively, give birth to the baby, give it up for adoption, and move on with your life.
This is going to be extremely difficult personally because you've made large sweeping strokes to change your life and you're attempting to back out of them. It's perfectly okay to change the direction of your life, just know that friends and family alike will take it in turns to determine how they feel about this.
Your true friends and family will stand by you.
Oh dear.
I won‘t tell you what i think about your past decisions since that won‘t help you atm and it also won‘t change anything.
Your best option is to try to work things out with your fiance. Trust me. I was a single mom for a few years and holy shit you won‘t do that to your kid, yourself and your kid’s dad if it is in any way preventable.
Have you ever actually loved your fiance? Not trying to pick on you, i just need to know of there‘s some foundation you can work with.
Poor baby, he has to die because of your stupidity.
Fucking roastie is going to blame her man for getting her prego and is now going to search for gold in another man's pockets...
Keep the child and raise it and love it and protect it.
Not going to abort. This was the first time I ever had sex. And I did love him. But now that he has no job and just sits around the house all day barely doing basic chores I feel like the dude.i work 40 hours a week 10 hour shift. Pay for all the food, rent, doctors appointments, paying for his phone and internet. I got into a fight with him today asking why he didn't pull out and his answer was "you didn't tell me not too" that's when I realized I just got pregnant by a retard. I'm just so mad right now. I just took off. In the car right now crying. I know I fucked up hard and I do love this kid and would never think of aborting it. I did love him at one point but now I don't know.
Just become a loving housewife
That‘s good. That‘s something to build up on.
What happened to his job?
You fucked up big time by cheating on him but i think you know that withou me telling you. It indicates that you‘re seriously unsatified with how things have progressed. This would be the moment for couples therapy.
I mean, he probably thought you know qhere you are in your cycle and it‘s safe if you don‘t say anything. Yeah, that‘s a bit retarded, but no ground to have your kid grow up without a father.
Have dou wver had a hobest talk with him about how him being unemployed effects you and your relationship? And by talk i don‘t mean „fight or argument“ abd i also don‘tmean „playing the blame game“.
If you are the sole provider then dump that guy - especially if you don't love him. It's better to be a single mother than to spend the rest of your life with a retard. Try to find someone, or get that other guy if it's possible - your kid needs a father figure in his life. If you'll stay with your fiance you'll regret this.
You'll also regret being a single mom ya know. Stick with him you hoah
He quit his job to go to college but dropped out. I've been trying to steer him into a trade skill but he's unmotivated too. I feel bad for cheating on him n I don't think he'll do anything with his life even after the baby his born. I'm not going to try to get with the new guy I just had sex with him out of passion. I don't even think he has strong feelings for me idk I'm pretty oblivious to guys advances towards me. Even then I wouldnt make the new guy raise my baby. I'm about to go back home n talk about it. Depends on what he says I'll either try to work it out or tell him to GTFO till he gets a job. I am tired of taking care of him when he's been jobless for half a year now.
keep cheating on him with well endowed men and show your fiance the video footage!
Give birth to the baby and then kill yourself.
give birth to the baby and then sacrifice it in a satanic ritual.
You both sound like utter idiots.
Why would you become his wife when you're so dissatisfied. If you're keeping the baby, do you really think it's going to be a good thing that they're gonna feel partially responsible for their parents unhappiness?
im with this guy. cover yourself in animal blood and give birth to the baby on a satanic altar of storms. then, kill that fucking thing!
this is the shittiest bait i've ever seen
>not going to abort
this is the stupidest thing you can do at this point! what are you thinking? you don't want to be a single mom, don't want to stay with your fiance, and is the guy you want willing to raise your ex-fiance's baby? it's bad enough you let him cum in you (that's both your fault not just his), but that's already happened. you gotta get your shit together before you're responsible for someone else's life.
You deserve this situation just for cheating.
Dumb woman
>got me pregnant
so are you telling me even though it's 2018 you can't take responsibility for getting pregnant?
A, dumb people problems
You're a whore and you fiance is man child. Abort the baby because it doesn't deserve to grow up with two retarded parents.
>Fucking roastie is going to blame her man for getting her prego and is now going to search for gold in another man's pockets...
What a stupid fucking whore
memes aside adoption is probably best answer here
Have an abortion... no other option.
Jow Forums I'm really shocked I have to ask this out of OP, But ok roastina what color is the baby gonna be? be honest with us
This has to be bait.
Bad bait at that
"I'm not going to abort, but I'm also going to play the victim so I can have my cake and eat it too "
Lol, things are gonna turn out swell. enjoy your future misery.
If you love it kill it.
You’re a fucking fool to think anything good would come of having that ugly little retard baby. You let crazy stick its dick in you.
You'd better trap a new man as fast as you can or else you're a future single mother
>but not all women are gold dig-
all women are gold digger because of the maternal instinct.
jesus christ I'm starting to envy gay people
Wowza. Bait is stretching pretty thin these days...
I mean the obvious answer is abort, break up, but I'm going to go out on a big ol' limby-limb here and say you don't ever do hard work, just whatever's enough to make the pass
don't, nondisclosure of STDs is totally free game for them and there is an intensely popular subculture in gay circles for "pozzing," I think I saw it called fireflies or something lately, but you just give people HIV and ha ha ha that's a thing gay people do ha ha ha
Dating's crap, just fap.
Call Dr. Phil because this train-wreck needs to be televised!
Abort the baby, and break up with your fiance. If you can't abort the baby give it up for adoption. If you can't do that either ur fucked. Good luck.
idk. you fucked up. it's not his fault you don't adhere to proper contraception.
While I'm baffled you've managed to make the wrong decision literally at every point up until now - that makes me wonder if you're trying to fuck up your life - I will give you actually advice since this affects your baby.
If you won't get an abortion, given the situation, you most likely will need to continue working with your fiance being a stay-at-home dad. Also, stop fucking cheating him, emotionally immature and an awful thing to do.
You will also probably want to find a pregnancy support group in your area.
A spirit inhabits your fetus, please be mindful and let adoption overtake abortion.
Are you quoting, then pasting the text underneath?
The soul enters the baby with the first kick. It's not a real abortion before that.
If women became property of the father like it was in traditional societies these women would be picked with actual men and women would learn to become women.
Western women can't pick the right man for a husband and it shows. She deserves what she chose.
>don't love him
>he's a deadshit
>accept wedding proposal anyway
being this retarded
>implying every woman chooses a husband poorly
>implying most women are happy with their assigned husbands and dictated lives
Gr8 b8 m8
The only successful white marriages I saw were Christian marriages that were mostly arranged and approved by the father.
Put the baby up for adoption, anything else is a negative.
>Even then I wouldnt make the new guy raise my baby
Kek. Why don't you put the guy with the degree's name on the birth certificate as the father. That'll show him.
Too bad the other guy won't like you loose vagina, stretchmarks and excess fat after birth you dumb cheating whore.
Get an abortion, dump the army guy, date the criminal justice major.
But know that criminal justice is consistently ranked among the worst college degrees a person can get - the field is stagnant, the pay is shit, there's little potential for advancement, and the professionals are unsatisfied.
Also, the only criminal justice major I've ever known was an obese, degenerate misogynist who wore leather pants, a leather vest, and a leather cowboy hat to our high school regularly. I'm not joking.
if i were a woman, id say marry him for the alimony then divorce him a year from now and make him your little monetary slave. keep the kid to keep him paying.
and if i were to consider fetuses as human, id suggest murder suicide
instead, im just going to suggest suicide
Adoption and breakup.
why would a criminal justice degree mean anything... he is still working on it as you said, and it isn't a great degree, either. You are just as shit of a human it can get.
thats not how alimony works. He doesn't have a job. Alimony is paid out to a spouse that stay's at home while the other works. The man would actually get paid alimony.
I have my computer science degree and I can't help but feel pity for the dude in his useless criminal justice degree
Kill the flesh baby. Kill....
I was born into only slightly better circumstances than this, and my life is miserable.
Spend the next week planning and following through with an abortion, or give your child a lifetime of pain (unless they are female, of course)
And if it isn't, FUCK YOU
>Implying females are not responsible for getting pregnant
Nice bait
>you didn't tell me not to
Also dumb bitch use condom.
OP, get abortion and dump deadbeat. Problem solved!!!FACT!!!
You’re a bad person for cheating on your fiancé. Wake the fuck up and abort the kid you piece of trash.
You fucked up hard you spineless cunt. Dump the deadbeat abort the baby
If you love the kid then abort it instead of bringing it into this pile of shit you created. Dump the loser. Fuck the criminal justice guy for fun. Use a condom. He’s getting a criminal justice degree - which is useless so don’t hold your breath.
>be a guy
>don't have a job
>be a bitch
>refuse to communicate
>hate the person you're with fervently because you don't wanna be the only one working (how's that feminism "working" rofl)
>totally sane
Keep the kid and tell your dude you cheated, see how things unfold he may just bounce.
women are never happy, it doesn't matter what they want at large
Yeah try to date the other guy while you are pregnant with this guy that you cheated on.
Let me sum it up for you OP:
>you are a retard for having unprotected sex with someone that you don't have long term plans with
>you are a retard for having unprotected sex with someone that you do not trust
>you are a retard for having unprotected sex when thinking that pulling out is a safe method of contraception
>you are a retard for having unprotected sex with someone that you cheated on
>you are a retard if you think you know what love means in general
>love is aborting an unwanted child
>love is not having a child unless you know you can provide with all the love and possibilities it needs
>love is knowing that after that child is born, all your needs and wants should take a back seat and the primary focus is the child's development
>love is not cheating on your partner and being honest with him
>love is admitting that you let this situation happen from start to now
Your relationship will be shitty op and there is no easy way to fix this except abortion and maturing yourself.
You are a retard.
Abort the child , it doesn't deserve a cheating single mother whore raising it. You should abort yourself too while you're at it.
get abortion, problem solved
Lel stupid bitch fend for yourself. Women like you is the reason why I have no respect for women anymore.
I know right. Since when does the inferior sex have a say in life or death?
I heared black men are trending.
Men like you is the reason I have no respect for men anymore.
>I think he got me pregnant on purpose
how did he do that without you consenting? did he replace your pills? made holes in the condoms?
You can't help the way the you feel, just how you react to them. I think you should consider an abortion if you are not in the right situation/relationship/mindset to be having a child. It a LOT of hard work and not easy so abortion is always a choice no matter what anyone tells you. Leave your fiance cause it's not right to cheat on someone and you no longer have feelings for them. If you depend on your fiance financialy maybe start saving up or working extra hours so that you have money to get your own place. You have choices and calling you nasty word isn't going to help you.
A cheating slut gets pregnant then backs out after, stop the fucking presses.
rise above your animal instincts and abort that fucker
You wanted to leave him before you got pregnant, you want to leave him now, but one might be joining the military? Sounds like a sure bet for smooth sailing.
Why women like you insist on ruining your life and staying with useless men is beyond me.
New hotness should have no control of whether you stay or go, that's a whole different pile of shit for a different day. Dump this guy, I don't care how good he fucks you.
Have it, you will age about 10 years older than you are and no man but a little bitch boi will fuck you because single mothers are for fucking losers like you.
If you don't get this abortion you WILL regret it. You'll either be tied down to someone you hate, or wind up a single mom AKA being non-dateable for the majority of your life. I know I wouldn't date or be with a woman that has a baby from another man.
>I got into a fight with him today asking why he didn't pull out and his answer was "you didn't tell me not too"
that's a perfectly valid answer though. If you didn't want to get pregnant and you knew he wasn't using a condom why not use birth control? Can't get mad at him for not pulling out.
>I did love him at one point but now I don't know
you could try seeing a couples counsellor to talk through this shit. It sounds like your fiance is going through some shit too.
mods take the shot
The kid will grow up fatherless, you won't have enough money to send it to proper schools, and you won't have enough time to spend with it yourself. You're going to make your own life miserable by overextending too far to support the kid, the deadbeat biological father's life will be ruined by child support payments, and any step father you find will secretly resent you. The kid will one day tell the stepdad to fuck himself, run off to the loser biological father and listen to all of his advice treating him as a hero.
Do you really want to go through all of this? It really doesn't matter if you persevere through it in some glorious display of strength and character because you'll still be poor, overworked and unmarried, and raise a fatherless kid to repeat your mistakes.
I mean it's your life, do whatever you want. Just bear in mind that the odds are overwhelmingly in favour of what I've described above.
>Something gay people do
There's entire gay-centered organizations dedicated to stopping the spread of HIV and the pozz thing you're talking about is seemed like one of the most disgusting and vile things out there. It's like saying straight people are gross because some of them like scat. Stop spreading misinformation, most positive people only go for others/fully disclose their status and the rest go on prep and get tested regularly.
Don't be a retard
How the fuck did you not know he came inside you? Did you think his cum just vanished into thin air? You could have got a morning after pill at the pharmacy and have been done with it.
Now you're dooming a child to a shitty life by not aborting it, you let love blind you into being used when in reality you need to break it off with this leech and kick him out.
>I'm pregnant
>I'm in love with another guy
Well you fucked up