Hey there,
I'm new. Don't judge me please. Maybe I'm wrong in this thread, just move or delete it if you have to... but I'm desperate. I'm searching for an advice. And help... That may be creepy and way too dark, but I'll just be straight: ich want to commit suicide and I don't know how. I'm scared of pain. And no I'm not stupid or a teenager. I'm 29 and a lady which is so tired, I pray every evening that my heart will stop to beat... thats it. I thought about it for years, now I'm searching for help... cuz I'm too weak to just shoot myself...or stab in my heart. Sounds ridiculous hm? But I'm serious. please do respect my wish. Even if you can't help, don't be mean.
And sorry for my bad English, im german....
Help me, would you?
Something about suicide
If you're too weak to shoot yourself then you won't be able to do it another way, shooting is the easiest
I've often thought of suicide in the past. I think many people have. For me though I think it was mostly self pity. What makes you want to kill yourself so much?
>im german
Do it kraut, for the betterment of the anglo race
So, you can shoot me, would you? Maybe I'm a chicken, but who would do it for me? Serious question...
Great... another scumbag. I'm not kraut. I'm searching for help. See? No? Go fuck yourself....
I'm tired of this, tired of fighting, I feel like 135 years old. Too much for one life. But this shouldn't be a therapy :D
I just wanted to know what you guys think is the best way... cyanide? Or carbon monoxide? I don't know... :'(
Not killing yourself is the best way. Life is full of possibilities. Death is final. You say you've thought about it already, so I'm sure you're aware. There is no coming back from death. I'll not advise you on how to kill yourself. That would be childish at best, and horrendously irresponsible at worst.
What is the cause of this pain? Depression? Sickness? People you are around?
I see... thank you anyway.
Maybe I'm wrong here.
Sry for bothering you
Nobody is going to do it for you, that's called murder user.
Why don't you try some crazy shit you've never done before? Go out and do things you'd never do normally, what do you have to lose? Your life? Sounds like you don't want that anyways, but maybe you'll find something enthralling that makes life worth living. Don't give up without searching and don't give me some bullshit like
>I've already searched
>I've done everything I still hate myself
Bullshit, you haven't done shit yet. Get out there and live some life. Get on a bus and just go somewhere and do things? Broke? Just start walking and ask random stores if they'd like help in exchange for some sheckles. You shouldn't have bills, you're just roaming the land.
Long story... does it matter?
Life isn't easy, you all know for sure ^^ I'm tired and want to find peace... that's it.
Am I that wrong?
What's causing you to be tired though? Are you simply jaded of life? If so, many people if not most people, go through periods of life like that. If you offered more information we might be able to offer better solutions instead of allowing you to mope. I suffered from depression before and I was completely numb. I wouldn't have even turned on a computer. That tells me you at least have some room for help. As I said, life is full of possibilities and death is final. No one comes back from death. Plenty come back from depression.
Hey, don't hurt yourself. Call someone.
Aww. Oh my. Now I'm feeling bad, because I asked. I shouldn't bother others with it. Not even here... there are so many nice people, try to help me. That's amazing, thank you so much.
I tried to run away, tried to get stronger, tried to convince myself... I had a life full of ups and downs, and I'm not depressed at all. Just tired. Not sad. Not rueful. Tired...
This OP. Can't expect people to help you kill yourself with out a little story. Gotta give to get back.
Hey there,
I'm new. Don't judge me please. Maybe I'm wrong in this thread, just move or delete it if you have to... but I'm desperate. I'm searching for an advice. And help... That may be creepy and way too dark, but I'll just be straight: ich want to commit suicide and I don't know how. I'm scared of pain. And no I'm not stupid or a teenager. I'm 29 and a lady which is so tired, I pray every evening that my heart will stop to beat... thats it. I thought about it for years, now I'm searching for help... cuz I'm too weak to just shoot myself...or stab in my heart. Sounds ridiculous hm? But I'm serious. please do respect my wish. Even if you can't help, don't be mean.
And sorry for my bad English, im german....
Help me, would you?
Don't feel bad. There is just a problem of suicide in my small country, so I'm loathe to ignore someone who says they want to die. Maybe you just need to vent or something?
I see... sorry for worrying you...
I don't think this is the right place to share personal information. And I did not mean to worry anyone. I'm so sorry. It's my fault, I thought someone would say, hey babygirl blabla is the best way to die. But I was wrong.
Sorry. I'll find a way by myself.
Thank you all for standing with me.
No problem. Feel better.
Suicide is not the answer. If you feel like going through with it there are many different crisis lines you can call and talk with. Also many local crisis beds and facilities that can help you see the value in yourself and get you back on your feet. Professional help is the answer!!
Suicide is never the answer, if your absolutely committed though get a big ol' shot of heroin n fade to black
Don't get me wrong, but.. just one life is nothing to be bothered I guess. People die every day. Old ones and even young kids... because of diseases or war or whatever. I'm nothing special. Sooner or later everyone dies. If someone wants to, why trying to stop them? Isn't it a lack of respect to try to change their mind? Just my thoughts. Sorry
Anyways, I want to thank you all for your words! I'm grateful for that. I really am. Be happy and healthy you all. And take care of yourself. Better then me ^^