Muslim pedophile ring gets exposed in Finland

>muslim pedophile ring gets exposed in Finland
>main concern of media is how can we help the "refugees" and be better cucks

People are currently very angry about this and all finnish forums are filled with threads about how to get muslims out. Still the media tries to blame finns and how we didn't give enough and tell us that this is our fault. And the best part is, today is our independence day.

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Other urls found in this thread:

In britain, in spain in france all the same. If your muslim you can gang rape white girls legally. Gas them all

I don't want anything more than that. Same fucking thing happens in every western country that has muslim communities. Still they are always isolated cases and has nothing to do with islam. Nothing to do, while their prophet himself had a 9 year old wife and every muslim should be like him.

At least comment sections have been pretty redpilled, although it isn't enough. We need to get rid of Muslims in Meincraft

Target them individuallly. Burn their homes and shops. Make them go back to whatever sand desert they came from

Hahahah the state of things. And that’s what politicians will do. More gibz and more niggs.

Finally, haven't really seen anyone except media and politicians defend muslims. I hope people will stay angry and take this land back to us.

This is an average Finnish person.

good get rid of them

Why are Finnish preteen girls meeting with Muslim men from the internet?

translate finngol language

Lisää apua pakolaisille JA HETI, ettekö vitun uunot nää että niiden on tosi paha olla. ei ne muuten tollasta tekis. tää on kokonaan meidän ja tän paskan maan systemaattisen ja yhdyskuntarakenteisiin rakennetun rasismin syytä!


How far is Finlland from producing someone like Luca Traini or Breivik?

Fin living in Canada here, can confirm. People here are too friendly though, I just want to be left alone and not have people constantly ask me "Are you ok?" when I have a piece of maple flavored licorice and start moaning.

single mothers

>This should have not happened! We must help refugees more!

>Oulus children hunting shouldn't have happened - more reason and help to refugees now!

Whole article is about how racists (anyone who doesn't want millions of muslims in Finland) ruined the discussion about immigration and that's why refugees raped children. I'm pretty sure there's lots of similar articles in Germany, because this is europe-wide issue.

This is just an isolated incident ppl, Finnish men groom little girls too. Far right fake news, nothing to see here. The one who get's annoyed is always at blame! Joyful moments of games, new cultures to enjoy of and exotic food!

Don't get me started on Canadians.

Nah it’s your average muh poor refugees garbage. Title has it as “(common) sense and help for refugees now!”

Like all white women (close enough), they have a deep seated desire to be blacked. I don't blame them. I'm a white fin male who is straight, but even I have fantasies about succumbing to the majestic and powerful BBC. Already decided that if I do get a GF, I'll forego having any children of my own and instead let her have sexual relations with a black man so she can give birth to beautiful caramel colored babies. He can have sex with her whenever she wants of course, but I'll always insist on NO CONDOM. Got to get her to pump out as baby of those babies as she can!

And now the media is saying that ‘the neonazi march is starting and people should go and counter protest it’.

Don't you have a gallon of bacon grease to consume fat ass?

at least I can afford a gallon of bacon grease, europoor.

Great to have you shit on this thread mutt.

The MSM and the politicians are not going to have any success with their narrative, not in here. People are getting more pissed on daily basis and this blame shifting is only making them more mad. You can target our wealth, our culture and our health but the moment these subhumans start to touch our children the game get's a set of new rules, our rules. This will escalate and the damage control from the left will only speed up the process.

Finn's don't really care if you call them racist, we are unlike the rest of Europe.

sorry to shit on your racist thread about brown men who get to be the pedos you only dream of being.

Canadians are subhumans and should be ovened as soon as we get rid of Swedish people.

>Gas them all
Too expensive with those fucking taxes.

kill yourself burger your birth is mistake

Ok faggot, nice bait. 1/10 b/c I bothered to asnwer.

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Nobody wants to be you


So it is just one person's view about the situation. Rest of Finnish people are completely and utterly pissed.

Why don't you just "help" them fuck off back to their hovels in Asia since they're never going to stop being pure cancer and demand a cultural ethnostate they can't sustain themselves anyway?

are you going to do something with the anger or you going to just sit

#NotAllMedia #Ilkka
>Record number of refugees are arriving to Finland
>Shooting might be the best thing

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Actually Helsingin Sanomat has a writing about how bad nationalism is and Kaleva has a writing about how racism is one of the biggest problems in Finland. So once again, problem isn't the migrants raping children, but people who get upset because of that.

I'm guessing your sauna is hot as hell

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why dont you go to street and beat niggers with steel pipe for fun?

Fuck off D & C shill.
No more (Yous) for this cocksucker

Journalists need to be gassed.

>gather a few lads
>have a few beers and put on yellow vests
>march into your local no go zone
>refugees are no longer a problem

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We should have started talking about mass deportation in my country when this shit started to break.. but no, our overwhelmingly leftwing traitorous press took the side of Jihadi rapists.

I've no doubt this shit is happening all over europe wherever there is Islamic migration.

Get mad and get them out Finland before any more get raped.

so send a message to your media first

>post video of comedian being silly for the sake of humor
>"Dude, all people from his country are like this :DD"

Seems like a pro to me.

The only help a pedophile needs is a shot in the face.

Hieno rölli Hermanni

onneksi ei jouduttu koukkuun

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Does Finland have a based party?
the clock is turning they're only 1% of your population you need to do something fast before they get more numerous

Unless people start lynching journalists in the streets, it's over for western nations. If we can't deal with the traitors, we deserve to be gone

Great Journalist genocide when? It takes one Nazim, not even a Breivik, to give them back some of the pain and terror they would let us suffer just to have an occasion virtue signal.

We have Perussuomalaiset ("The Finns", literal translation "Ordinary Finns"), but they're kinda pro-israel and most of their politicians are retards (except for based Halla-aho)

Attached: Halla-aho mestari 10 out of 10 maymay.png (1600x1200, 1.68M)

>muh paedos
>muh rape
What age were the girls and how frequently were they “raped”?

We need to make Halla-Aho into our Reichschansler

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A little over 10 years

So maybe just got their periods :(

muslim dogs smell period blood of virgins and attack

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Call for a boycott of all halal food and all muslim businesses and everything connected to muslims just silently stop doing any business with them and pretty much anything else.

>Parlamentary election in April
>shit like this happening
Say it with me, NEW PRIME MINISTER

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Only good journalist is a dead journalist.

Hmm that’s young enough to classify as paedos probably. Still the thing with these “rape” gangs in the west is that the girls go meet the shitskins numerous times so I wouldn’t call it rape. Unless you Finns are different

This is what they do user the fool women because the media tells them muslims are people.
They shower them with gifts and lowbrow shit like that for which many women obviously fall for then they invite them over to their place because idk why you'd accept it but again women are dumb, then the rape them, this coaxing shit can go on for months.

They didn't go to meet, they captured her, held her in an apartment for months and didn't let her go

Absolutely OP. 100% true.

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Well then that’s pretty clear cut, hopefully you Finns throw the book at these lads

Is your media Jewish?

>Burn their homes and shops.
That's only gonna make them feel more at home desu

And yet no man will do anything to hang those muslim.

I expect you soulless ice nigger to violently purge the country

another finn here can confirm

Broken homes and daddy issues. They are not targeting beloved daughters of middle class or rich parents, they target divorce kids with absent fathers and indifferent single moms who can be manipulated by just giving them positive attention. Since those girls are often already problem kids doing badly at school and getting into trouble, signs of abuse easily go unnoticed since adults in their lives don't care.

finnbros, drop redpills all over social media
collect all articles on UK pedo gangs
get all your buddies active
if this spreads you can still prevent it

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Thing about The Finns party is also that they really have no other unified agenda than anti-immigration, and outside that the party members can really ramble all they want. Halla-Aho himself isn't even a conservative in any ways outside resisting immigration, he is pro-choice and carefully pro-euthanasia atheist who has illegitimate child with member of a rival party, but it tells something about importance of resisting multiculturalism that he still keeps getting conservative votes.

same shit happened here, they always target underprivileged kids

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Use this energy Finnbros, SUFFER NOT THE MUSLIM TO LIVE

When are we organising european batalion death squad and take down the filth ?


Report the crime.
No excuses for pedophilia.

They are people which sould really be putted in a atrocious death. I love how media in france barely spoke of what hapenned in france. I really hate media.

What was the reaction in britain about this kind of fuck ? Why do this kind of shit are not explosing more.

Can't you just take some of the pedo muslims on a ride to one of the nice remote lakes in the north and then "forget" them there?

first oust globalist shills frog, they are ones behind (((diversity)))
read on urban warfare, organize IRL in small groups and focus on critical targets this weekend
never ever use electronic coms for planning
right now shit is slowly boiling
I can bet you there are lists of known paki pedos and if anything kicks off like in France they might be collateral damage


>throw the book at these lads

That equals 4-5 years in protective custody which means they'll be out in 2 and half years tops. The state will only throw the book at you if you avoid taxes or smuggle snus/drugs

They're talking about tightening the sentences but since they never actually go near the max sentence when handing it out it's useless, besides the damage has already happened.

Yeah I was dumbfounded by this also.

How the fuck is it always our burden to set straight some worthless niggers who refuse to better themselves? We don't need to do anything other than kick them the fuck out.

request court documents, make list of them and their families, wait
Jow Forums will archive this for you

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Lol he legit used to post on Jow Forums
Funny guy

>has nothing to do with islam.
Because it doesn't. If these sandniggers did this same thing in their own countries they would be lynched immediately.

You've swallowed the PC pill and don't understand the real reason behind it.

Their GENETICS is what's making them violent. Sand niggers are brutal creatures and need the iron fist of Islam to rule over them, otherwise they act exactly like this.

He sometimes tripfags on ylilauta aswell. He also ran in the municipal election as a candidate for The Finns

How the fuck have vigilantes not killed these literal shitskin muslim pedophile rabe gangs yet?

its coming burger
we are still civilised but it's running thin


Sorry user, I think you spelled "Pakistani" wrong.
It's ok, I know you Western people don't know that Islam =/= Pakistan.
It's not your fault that you're ignorant as fuck, it's (((Their))) fault!!

>how racists ruined the discussion about immigration and that's why refugees raped children

Oh, that's an extreme idea even for German leftist-infested media standards. The argument seriously is that the "refugees" raped children out of frustration over racism??

The most common pro-immigrant argument in Germany in such debates is that "German men rape women too". Or they tell you that you "should not take political advantage of such crimes" and try to shut down a discussion even before it starts.

They are Iraqis.
>"German men rape women too"
That's the most common argument here too. Easy to debunk when you ask how many natives rape foreign women.

Anyone who is going to an hero needs to be steered toward killing journalists and politicians who work for this.

If a breivik murdered a hundred or so leftoid cocksucking globohomo worshipping journalists, then maybe they'd individually think twice, knowing that they are finally being held accountable.

Attacking these subhuman animals that they are importing to replace us via demographic genocide is pointless, like stomping a few ants, the other ants don't care, and quickly take their place.

It is these MSM journalists working tirelessly to destroy white nations and peoples, and with no fear in doing so, that need to start being made to bleed

You're all the same.

>boycott of all halal food and all muslim businesses
Nobody else other than turbocucks and other muslims use those businesses or eat halal meat. Normal person doesn't do that

Just reminding that journalists are worse scum that earth has to offer.