What are we hiding?
And don’t say aliens
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Didn't realize Bongistan controls space as well
>OI M8 u got a loicence for that space broadcast.
It's Aliens, you dumb ass
Or, the fact that the military space program is far more advanced than we have been led to believe
>Oi, where's your space broadcasting loisence
And I bet if they get a licence it'll be with the proviso that NASA has its finger on the kill switch at all times
ok this makes me mad. is this some more complicated story or do they really require licenses for broadcasting the earth?
flat earth
earth is bigger than they say
secret nazi base in antartica
that one island called frisland that existed on ancient maps but doesn't on modern maps
exposing weather maniupulation
How much fucking hubris do you have to have to declare that you own 28 billion light years of vacuum and people need to ask you first if they want to send a radio signal anywhere in it?
anything to prove that the moon landing is fake like ACTUALLY FUCKING GOING THERE
wow we WILL NEVER GO TO THE MOON becuse of the fuckign retard us's fake moon landing
How does that feel?
>inb5 flat earthers show s up
they have propogandists that show up to spam and pretend they have some realism or conesensus when none of them can even relate to a topic so who fucking cares what they think
>they are all zealots of a CULT
>you must have a license to show images from territory we have no (in)tangible claim to
Leave it to bongs. I guess it makes sense if it’s considered broadcasting using radio, tv, or maybe even newspapers, but it’s not this case at all
This, you can't make this shit up.
What gives?
so the nasa mars mission was faked again then????
>Military space force
This, the iridium launches are part of the same programme as the x-37 to secretly build up military infrastructure in space in violation of the outer space treaty
i was just thinking about this
and THINK we WILL NEVERRRRRRRR go to teh fuckign moon
cuse it will prove the united states never went to the moon. by HOW they go there. And people will say what the fuck 10 feet of leaded walls on the spacecraft? or other shit likee that to protect from the radiation field.
>but how did we do this before.
THINK man no moon landings becuase of the us's fake fucking pretend shit
hiding other large habitable land masses. there are more than 7 continents.
that supossed to be mars?
looks like the atmosphere breaks the light. just like when it's winter and you open your window and your heater is right under your window and you can see the hot air moving.
that's an alien
planet (n.)
late Old English planete, from Old French planete (Modern French planète), from Late Latin planeta, from Greek planetes, from (asteres) planetai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," a word of uncertain etymology.
They took normal hasselblad cameras to the moon, took professional quality photos with them and brought them back. No fogging, no radiation damage to the film, no focus problems. Makes you think
you wouldn't listen
yea we will never go to teh fucking moon cause of the us's propoganda
the next time they tell you that buzzword ((("Progress"))) or some shit about advanced shit. fuckign niggers could advance more than us because of the babylon fucking niggers in the goverment
Unrelated perhaps but this really reminded me of this
holy shit...put down the bottle, drunk, and go to sleep.
go fuck yourself you stupid zealot
This is a slide thread. This was news back in April and was solved in time for the next launch.
The US government has a law that restricts companies from just publishing satellite images to prevent it's enemies from using those images as free intelligence. You have to get a license to take and broadcast images so there's oversight and North Korea doesn't get current spy satellite level photographs of US military installations.
SpaceX got hit with it because the government found out that they were livestreaming views from their rocket launches. SpaceX argued that it wasn't technically a satellite photo, the government told them it was, SpaceX bought the license, they went right back to posting pictures.
This is a slide thread and was probably started by one of the idiots posting the flat earth memes.
>i was just thinking about this
>and THINK we WILL NEVERRRRRRRR go to teh fuckign moon
>cuse it will prove the united states never went to the moon. by HOW they go there. And people will say what the fuck 10 feet of leaded walls on the spacecraft? or other shit likee that to protect from the radiation field.
>>but how did we do this before.
>THINK man no moon landings becuase of the us's fake fucking pretend shit
Why dont you reread what you posted, faggot.
>"Basically, Donna Hare, who had worked for NASA, told him about specific buildings where they were airbrushing UFOs out of photographs before releasing them to the public for NASA, said Jan Harzan, of the Mutual UFO Network. "He wanted to go find that stuff, and in his search for that information, this is what he stumbled upon; literally a secret space fleet within the US Navy."
nothing personel kid, no licence no broadcast
Logically speaking there are only 214m possible reasons for secrecy. Chief among them is (((they))) don't want you to know what it is.
that's really fucking stupid. they wouldn't shop the photos, they just wouldn't release them.
literally every nasa photograph is shopped
You idiots. It's forbidden because it will reveal the truth of flat earth. Only (((NASA))) CGI photos are allowed
we will never go to teh fucking moon
my post 195771690 to clarify this shit
but we will never GO TO THE FUCKING MOON NEVER because ? ?? OF US PROPAGANDA
and any excuse they can use to charge money, its just an intimidation tactic anyway. but they will never let an inkling of any way that we could ever go to the fucking moon ever go on.
which means we will never progress which is the exact reasojn for their propganda is to stop progress, and to stopo information flow to degrade society. its like having a vacuum cleaner than you can fix yourself. it tears up, you change the wheel, the belt.
or its like the new vacuum cleaners. some new stupid ass shit. itll work for a few months but becuase of the new stupid shit it uses like some weird suction, once that plastic piece of shit thing cracks, you have to get a new one. tahts an example of progress being removed. same old technology
im trying to progress peoples thoughts to get this shit gotten rid of but you the shill comes in angry about it
go fuck yourself, or think. last option
>multi billion dollar organization
>doesn't pay a fifteen dollar Ham licensing test fee
to remove ufos?
SpaceX did something that NASA gave up on long ago, making normies care about space travel. We can't have that, so that is pretty much the only reason.
or to add color or just to look nice or whatever man.
sometimes they're literal drawings
>muh slide thread
There are worse threads and this is still highly relevant you sad cunt.
Yeah we use cgi and filter the images of earth or else you get hit with vile jew sorcery directly affecting your business credits
by what? making it all totally propoganda and fake like nasa is nowadays just a black hole money project?
it was before photoshop
their funding would get cut off if they said
> hurr durr thanks for your tax dollars for our space photos but you can't see them
There are resolution restrictions for publication of aerial photography of the US. They've been in place since the Cold War. I think it's absolutely bullshit and probably has more to do with commercial agriculture and evidence of industrial pollution than military Intel.
Fucking brits, messing everyone's fun.
oi !
what the fuck? if it's not america saying this they should broadcast them 24/7 just to fuck them off
it's a film of the reflection in the glass, that's why you see the stars too
cant see stars in space
what is light?
>poor brainlet honestly thinks the dust particles/little specs on lens are stars
their lies are so ridiculous they put us backwards instead of forwards to promote their lies and propoganda
>2nd vid
>tthere is no time delay the whole time delay thing is, meaningless
>could be instantaneous
all the theories collapse
>And don’t say aliens
It's aliens
is it one way glass? why can't you see whats on the otherside of it?
I cannot take a meme flag’s point of view seriously. You literally discredit any point you’re trying to make by hiding behind a memeflag
the CGI division is not ready yet
Flat earth
The memeflag poster is right.
t. high credibility flag
>loisonce inspectors carry guns
>normal police can't