Any reliable figures on how much money this cretin makes?

Any reliable figures on how much money this cretin makes?

Attached: paul-joseph-watson.jpg (300x300, 22K)

From his expenses, it's safe to say it's a considerable amount.

I imagine you'd be shocked.

Truly fucking worthless, so probably quite a bit

I'm willing to guarantee that your animosity against PJW proceeds from envy at his success since you don't have the level of charisma, industry or intelligence requisite to gain his sort of massive influence or effect the sort of change he is in the world. While you carp on Jow Forums and effect nothing he makes a single video and influences millions of young minds and usually for the better.


5-10k per video

Being a content creator is risky though. What are you gunna do when you run out of ideas because you were basically stealing them from memes and throwing in some editing?

Also let's not forget he's prone to getting shut it downd any minute now

Hey Paul!
