My friend believes that if you can't afford a child, you shouldn't have one. I am a product of parents who couldn't "afford" me. Is this statement cruel? I think it's wishful thinking and naive of him to just present his argument so cut and dry when there ia so many factors. Most people who are born to people who can't afford them, are minorities. Telling minorities to not have children, is cruel and a type of eugenics in itself. Am I wrong? I feel conflicted, I would want the best for any child, but when the system is set up the way it is, is it fair?
Should poor people have children?
People with low education and low income shouldn't be allowed to have children. This is how you create high school drop outs and drug smokers.
> drug smokers.
You smoke moon sugars?
you refine the sugar to get skooma you dope
Khajit desperate
The problem I have with some low income families is not so much their lack of resources but their own lack of knowledge and education to properly raise children. Oftentimes I see young kids being ignored by their parents and raising them in environments that can destabilize their otherwise normal development under parents that pay attention to health both physical and mental/emotional.
It depends on the families, some despite not having any money are genuinely caring families that can nurture and raise healthy human beings. I have also seen VERY UGLY families that will likely only destroy the lives of their children and in the case of some minorities because they hold on to cultural beliefs that do nothing but harm in the long run.
Money is important but I wouldn't single it out as the single main concern.
Funny. My mom and dad both dropped out of school in the 7th and 8th grade respectively. I have a college degree, and make a decent salary in marketing. I'm also saving money to invest in real estate and have been contributing generously to my retirement fund.
Folks in my situation have a tough hand at life, but to think they shouldn't be born is ludicrous.
This is a good point. To play devil's advocate I've noticed the most uncaring and troubled families are middle income. That is where the real latch key kids are made.
I'm this poster and my mom was always reading to me. PBS was a staple. My friends from high school on the other hand, it is like their parents abused them, and then stuffed an iPhone in their hand on Christmas to shut them up.
I don't get all this negative attitude toward the poor. People are fundamentally flawed. Yet, people don't realize a scapegoat when they're latching onto one.
If you can't be responsible enough to supply yourself with a decent income, how can you expect to be responsible enough for a child? Is it fair for a child to go hungry? To sit in a classroom, expected to learn, when mom and dad might not be home to provide guidance or care?
There are sacrifices you can make for a child if you REALLY want one, and think they can emerge from the shitty situation you've put yourself in, but don't have a kid to have to force them to sleep in the corner of a rent controlled apartment and question if this universe has any hope.
And having less minorities in the West is a bad thing how?
Well, it's more of a practical matter than it is a judgment about poor people. Prenatal care alone is ridiculously expensive. Babies constantly need things, and need care. You can't just leave them alone in the house when you want to go out.
That's why having children when you're poor is a bad idea, just think about it. If you're too broke motherfukers and then one of you has to quit the job to take care of the baby at least temporarily and then you have to go to back to work and pay for daycare, not to mention diapers food baby seat, etc. Then what happens when the kid is sick and has to go to the doctor.
What's the kid is 5 or 6 in can go to school someone has to take it to f****** school and then it needs clothes for school and then if it wants to do any extra curricular activities that also cost money. Etc etc.
I'll give you a personal example. My sister doesn't believe in abortion because she thinks it's quote murder. After getting divorced she hooked up with a real loser who is an unemployed Community College student. Since they've gotten together she's had 3 kids and now she may be pregnant again. She lost her job and now they both stay home all the f****** time and guess who pays for their f****** kids and all of their stuff?
Their food comes from the government the kids Healthcare is Medicaid from the government and once they run through his student loan refund guess who pays for everything else like thei'r f****** transportation?
My parents.
Why do people like that need one kid let alone three or four?
When my parents die they won't exactly be leaving us a trust fund. No one will be around to pay for their child needs or babysitting for free or picking their kids from school.
The current system we have doesn't offer much of a safety net for low-income families. It would be emotional and monetary suicide.
It's unfortunate that we allow society to function like this, but it does. More people are reconsidering having families due to economic anxiety.
To answer the question, no they should not.
I don't think it's as important to have money, so much as a decent eduction, an understanding of the enormity of having a child and a decent set of morals. In my experience, poor people tend to lack these and therefore make worse parents.
A lot of the time it's just because they lack the self awareness to care for another human being properly. This is often because they themselves weren't cared for properly as children and its a very hard thing to learn.
I think planning for a child and waiting until you're financially stable is probably the more sensible and successful way of starting a family, but there are always exemptions.
I think most people that say such things never even plan to have children, so why should they have a say in this? My husband was poorer than me in my childhood and he became a CEO, we have a great life and people that believe you should only have children when you're financially stable also don't think of the cons that come with it. Many well-off parents like to spoil their children, they become entitled and have emotional issues because they were never disciplined, what's more important, wealth or parenting?
I say anyone, rich or poor, educated or not can raise a child if they take the time to learn and pass that knowledge on. Denying peoples fortune for stereotyping rather than observing the individual is pretty uneducated itself. A child is always a blessing, a new father/mother should have the courage and strength to give them a loving home, the rest shouldn't matter, it's about the motivation.
>decent education costs money
>most schools for low-income families are dilapidated shitholes
>"I don't think it's as important to have money"
Simplicity is a virtue, not a vice user.
that's interesting. I got into drugs by hanging out with all of my rich private school friends. Most of them were born with a spoon in their mouths, had trust funds, inheritances in the stock market, and didn't really need to go to college because mommy or daddy is going to give them a high paying job if not the whole damn company anyway.
Still ended up paying for them half the time or having to pay late fees in rent because my scumbag roomies that were eons richer than me "forgot" about rent to buy coke and weed and the extra couple hundred bucks didn't affect them
Turns out having incredibly successful parents makes you just as if not more prone to being a lazy leech
I feel that having children when you're financially unstable is basically child abuse.
If all you're going to do with your money is buy your kids stuff they don't need and don't raise them properly that's pretty much what you can expect. Also, if you don't monitor them and allow external influences to shape them beyond the boundaries of your own teachings you can similarly expect them to turn out the wrong way. A lot of people i see with successful parents or at the very least parents loaded with cash turn out the way they do because they lacked discipline since they were kids as well as a truly genuine upbringing that taught them humility and other more desirable morals.
I speak from experience as most of the guys I grew up with are decent guys and had parents with enough money to make it and at least buy their own place. Other families within my own were ruined by upbringings centered on materialism. This rarely if ever turns out fine because the younger generations are brought up to envy and hate others that happen to have more than they do. Surprisingly, I don't know of any drug users and I suspect this is something young kids develop when they're curious about trying new things and end up developing bad habits. External influences are also often the reason they pick this up.
I believe the term he meant was dope sniffers
people I've met from poor/working class families still end up using for sure, but typically
>less likely to ask for things, especially shit they can do/get themselves
>less likely to flake, they realize your time is limited and you could be relaxing/making more $$ in the time you're planning to spend with them
>don't think anyone owes them shit, unless it's been agreed upon beforehand
>pay rent on time
>are ok with less disposable income in general, don't think money is the key to success
>willing to share even when they only have 15 bucks or a couple of nugs to their name
Stop fucking censoring yourself idiot, fuck....
Had a good laugh, thank you and bless you user
>Telling minorities to not have children, is cruel and a type of eugenics in itself.
Nah I think you can safely tell them that in this part of the world children are fucking expensive and you're expected to put a lot of time and resources into them
I think the fact that a lot of people are so immiserated that they can't have a family without putting themselves in such financial strain is a tragedy.