>be me
>arguing with pro choicer
>"So user,let's start with a simple question? Do you think women have the right to bodily autonomy?"
>they literally can't answer
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me
>arguing with pro lifer
>"So user,let's start with a simple question? Do care that they are killing babies?"
>they literally can't answer
Quite differing opinions for Islamic countries.
It's not that funny
Its pretty funny
Their whole argument is they don't count as babies.
They truly don't when they're pregnant. That's part of God's punishment for women.
>be me
>arguing with feminst about busllshit issue n°51541
>user don't you think that women and men are equal
>No otherwise there wouldn't be men and women, there would be only only one sex
I guess it depends on the fatwa of the land. In general, under 40 days of conception it is acceptable to abort the child since it is literally a clump of cells. Since the soul is given in the womb at around 4 months after conception, that is the cutoff point for abortion, only done should it endanger the life of the mother.
Greeks and romans used to let die weaklings by "exposure" or at least abandon them
What is your stance on that ?
This isn’t how you debate pro choicers.
Watch and learn, what I’m about to show you will kill any pro choicer in the world and expose them for the pussy worshipping trash pushing for female supremacy that they are.
“So a women should have the right to decide where life starts and where life ends?”
>npc ramblings about how a fetus isn’t a human life until X days
So if science as a collective decided a fetus wasn’t human life until 8 months and one week, would women still be allowed to abort?
>if not yes, then they contradicted themselfs alrdy, só they’ll say yes
Is a father not an equal participant in a pregnancy?
>“Ofc he is not, this is a women’s choise only”
Now you ask them, if a men doesn’t have equal day in pregnancy and planned parenthood, is it not unjust that he is expected by law to have equal responsibility in this child’s life?
Watch the normies flip flop trying to make excuses for a clear injustice.
Simply stand by the ground that: if women have the right to choose where life begins and ends and they can unilaterally choose to carry out a pregnancy or not, then the obvious consequence is that you as a man are not obligated or morally responsible to support said child once the pregnancy has been delivered, since this was something imposed on you without you having any say in it whatsoever.
The fucking state of Islam folks.
buth then they ask you about rapebabies an downies and you've cornered yourself tho
>Be me
>arguing with a (((christian)))
>"So user, let's start with a simple question? why not believe in god since you risk only by not believing?
>"I'm not a submissive cuck so even if God was real I'd tell him to fuck off"
>they literally can't answer
>be me
>arguing with stupid frogposter
>"so dumb frog, let's start with a simple question: if kek is about repeated numerology, why has cirno gotten over 50 significant posts with good numerology yet dumb frogposters have to rely on posts that have nothing to do with pepe or kek, and if kek really was as good as people say he was, why did he get 111111112?"
Really activates those almonds
rape babies can be adopted, and ask them if we should kill downies
Keep arguing with your own people whether it is morally justified or not, jamal.
Musyrikin of mecca used to do that. Murder is haram anyways.
but rape is dysgenic
only shit tier animals and individuals rape
and what if the rapebaby is a nigger ?
Do you want your wife to give birth to a nigger ?
>yfw they sew part of your ass to your face
nah theyre defo babies, i just dont give a shit about em
abort them at birth for all i care lmao
The true redpill: WHAT RACE IS IT?
>her body her choice
i usually say literally not their body, and they dont know how to respond. they usually get butthurt and talk about how you should be able to abort severely disabled babies (red herring). I had one guy suggest that a baby gestating in his mother's uterus is a "parasite" which the mother has a right to get rid of.
they are like pitbull owners, in that they are complete NPCs, and all think and say the same things.
Shitbull owner
>lol pibble
>it's about the owner!!!
>theyre only aggressive with other dogs!
Pro-choice NPC
>her body her choice!
>b-but rape baby.
>b-but extreme disability
>it's a parasite! you should be able to kill it!!
>Hey ass face
>birth control
>no fault divorce
these this have totally fucked the west. now women who don't understand cause and effect can just fuck around
That just makes you sound dumb. It's literally their body, they own every cell of it.
why is suicide illegal then?
(and here's why that's a good thing)
So the police can legally enter someone's home when they are committing suicide
But it is about the owner
Science as a collective say life begins at conception. Cell division is life. That said, as long as it keeps killing niggers, I'm probably choice.
their body their choice
>Be me
>Arguing with globalist
>"So user, let's start with a simple question? Do you believe that we should open the border to anyone who wants entry?"
>"Jews were involved with 9/11 in one way or another and no plane hit the Pentagon"
>they literally can't answer
also why is euthanasia illegal? it's probably a better analogy since you go to a doctor to end your life. It's my body, I own every cell? what if I don't want to live anymore
It's amazing the propaganda they pushed
Euthanasia is legal. Suicide is not. It's still their body but the government tries to stop you from making impulse decisions which is a good thing.
It's not illegal lmao
yeah only in a few countries or states. and that only came into affect this year
It's been legal in my country for 17 years
So all breeds are the same? Border collies are not more intelligent than chihuahuas? Shitbulls are not naturally more aggressive than labradors? What about all the owners mauled by their shitbulls theyve had for 10 years? One breed is responsible for over 60% of all dog attacks.... BUT IT'S NOT THE BREED, IT'S THE OWNER, RIGHT?
theyre literally BRED as fighting dogs.
well why don't you kill yourself
Because I don't want to die
Are you talking about the little woman in the womb or the woman who wants to murder her?
are you a fucking pussy or something? afraid of death
Just because I don't wanna die doesn't mean I'm afraid of it (I am but that's not the point), just like not owning a cat doesn't mean you're afraid of cats
You say Koran, I say Quran
>be me
>arguing with pro lifer
>"So user, let's start with a simple question? ?>Do you care that most abortions are minorities and leftist?
>"yes, that's why I support abortion"
>they literally can't answer
do you believe in the death penalty?
No and nice digits
we're cucks m8. now be a good goy and renew your propaganda license before the new year!
He's from the Netherlands. Suicide is hip and trendy there.
Every "progressive" country tries to outdo each other by becoming as degenerate as possible. They allow homosexuals, prostitutes, euthanasia,transgender surgery for children etc etc. Lets not forget how their entire history as a nation started with them become (((merchants))) and atheistic jews. Spain straightened them out for a while, but that did not last long.
but you think killing unborn children is okay?
I say crayon
I think the joke went over your head. It's impressive considering you were standing on your soap box.
i didnt open the image. i get that it's a nigger joke now.
>be me
>arguing with cunt
>"So user,let's start with a simple question? Do you think women are human?"
>no they are dumb savage animal who should be raped and put in cages
>they literally can't answer
abortion pisses me off since women have so many options to not get pregnant. It's just being fucking lazy and irresponsible if you have an unwanted pregnancy
Personally wouldn't do it if the kid is healthy and if it was my own choice to get pregnant but I can't decide that for others
You say burka I say burqa
No, the real way to combat pro choicers is to say you're 100% behind abortion and support it completely. But you support it as a tool for eugenics. Then go on to tell them about how Planned Parenthood is strategically placed in poor neighborhoods where blacks, mexicans, and various undesirables will get the vast majority of the abortions. It's purely population control, like spay and neutering street animals.
Then say your favorite feminist is Margaret Sanger and if the pro-choicer is a true turbo-feminist then she will absolutely flip out at that one.
>sup butt head
it's pretty fucking simple don't have unprotected sex unless you want to roll the dice that you might get pregnant. just fucking take responsibility for your actions. I get it, if people are that fucking dumb they probably shouldn't breed
allah akbar
Well people still do breed and would probably get unsafe illegal abortions instead of safe legal ones if we made abortion illegal also what about people who were raped/who can't continue the pregnancy because of health risks/handicapped babies?
implying the people who have unintended pregnancies are not major risk takers with low IQ.
The only time I like a polak