So I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me. This was after she talked to me about how she would like to have kids one day, booking a hotel for us for a small getaway, and everything being fine.
What the fuck kind of person does this shit?
I'm like a 5/10 and she was a 9/10, don't think I'll every get another girl that I care about.
Should I neck self or nah?
So I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me...
well... I would say stop being naive and judgmental... Become more observant of yourself and others around you because you'll be going through a reflection period. I'm sure there were signs that she was a poor choice and you a poor judge of character and a sign of that is you referred to her as a 9/10 and that essentially being your only required quality in a person.
Well thats not the only quality. There weren't any signs. We had been dating for 5 years and she was extremely loyal and this was completely out of character. When I tried to confront her calmly and nicely about how I thought certain people had different intentions with her she called me controlling. This person turned out to be who she cheated on me with.
cut all contact and move on
plenty of cunts in the sea
relatable af.
>What the fuck kind of person does this shit?
a very selfish one.
>Should I neck self or nah?
probably not. do you have people in your life who would be irreparably fucked up for the rest of theirs if you were to do so? that's the only reason i haven't yet.
As someone who is starting to piece myself together after the same thing happened to me, I am telling you to hit the fucking goddamned gym. I became a fat, depressed loser after my 9/10 gf cheated on me. Do not let yourself go.
OP, you're in for hell. I don't know how long, but it took me 4 years to finally stop feeling sorry for myself and regain my balance. Do not let this bullshit steer you off course. You will recover in due time.
Godspeed you ultimate nigger
She wasn't 9/10. Also, maybe you could talk to her Chad about how to please her better? Maybe that might save your relationship. If not that, perhaps open up to being cucked?
yes, he should ask himself what he did wrong to make her cheat on him instead of being judgmental and putting it on her.
>Should I neck self or nah?
No, and if you must kill yourself, at least take the trash with you.
Never met such a self-hating cuck.
I don't know man, some people are fucking selfish and have a complete other side to them that they can conceal for a long time.
Thanks giga-nigga, I'll hit the gym again. You know whats really fucked up though? Even though she is the one that cheated everyone will be giving her sympathy and patting her on the back to make her feel better despite her being a cunt, while the male in the relationship is disregarded.
Also, I feel shitty and like theres a knot in my stomach. I know it sounds like absolute faggotry but were you able to get past the stage of feeling sick and not being able to eat?
Doesn't have to be like that my dude. Just be honest with your friends and family about the whole thing. What did she say when you confronted her about it? How'd you find out?
Cut all ties with her, get your own place, hit the gym, act like you don't give a fuck, and make sure she knows that without actually having to tell her that. You can let those close to you know how devastated you are.
It's gonna be tough man but you're more than your relationship with her. You got this!
lol i just got cheated on too with my 1yr gf. she had a relationship with some other guy for several months behind my back, only way i found out was i looked on her phone. be single for awhile, dating will just hold you back and ruin your fucking life. find your purpose in life, think about a career, forge the best version of yourself. dont let a stupid female destroy you, its just not worth it man. respect and learn to love yourself first
I called her and she gave me bullshit so I asked her to come over. I asked her if she had anything to say for herself and she lied over and over. Basically I just said listen, I know what happen, provided proof and she went into waterworks. She said she didnt mean it and that she loved me and that he initiated it and she didn't intend to. Basically tried to guilt me so I told her to fuck off and that I deserved better, and she agreed. She said she was ashamed and I walked the fuck out. I found out basically because after warning her about certain guys I saw notifications from him pop up every few days and after brushing it off I confronted her and she lied so eventually I just looked at the messages. I really genuinely appreciate the support man, thanks. I needed this.
Actually I meant to say I drove to her place*
Thanks man. I found out the same way. I always hear that you should try and learn to love yourself but I dont know how to go about doing it. I find it hard to believe I can fully accept myself, especially after being so adjusted to a relationship and having someone to lean on for support. I'm trying my best to be the better person in this clusterfuck.
>some people are fucking selfish and have a complete other side to them that they can conceal for a long time.
preaching to the choir m8. be glad you got closure.
You did the right thing, OP. You dodged a bullet there either way.
Whatever you do, don't get back with her no matter what she says or what she tries. She'll always be like this and she won't forget you let her get away with it if you stay.
I don't know why girls always try and protect relationships with guys that want to be more than friends with. I've seen things end up this way too many times.
My ex-gf (first girlfriend, too) of 5 years was fucking this guy she assured me was just a friend not even two weeks after we broke up because I couldn't deal with her crazy anymore. That was a year ago now. I still miss her, but I know I definitely did the right thing there.
yea but in the grand scheme of things, she doesnt matter. you need to learn that words are worthless. its EASY for any person to say over and over again that youre the best thing thats ever happened to them, theyve never felt this way about anyone, etc you know all the hollywood lovey dovey horseshit. thats the first lesson, stop giving a shit about whatever the fuck she ever said to you, because its all bullshit.
next, when you meet the right person, the only way youll ever know they are the right person is by their actions, and if they stay by your side. so you never really know for sure, all you can do is go with the flow and hope for the best. because you never know.
family should always come first, unless youre in a situation where your family sucks. but if not, family are the only people who will really always be there for you. friends and women are usually disposable. its a fucked up truth, people are shit. learn this quickly, and let her go.
The insane thing is that she has told me she was uncomfortable with my relationships with girls that I was friends with, even if we barely talked. In fact, days before this I had a discussion about people who cheat with her and told her that I dont know how people can live with themselves and she agreed. Its always someone they pretend is just a friend man.
once you get used to being single and get to do whatever the fuck you want youre gonna feel good man. youre no longer shackled to a stupid lying cunt trying to control your life while getting rammed like a whore behind your back. no longer have to answer to someone taking advantage to you and lying to your face and manipulating you.
So my advice to you would be this - care more about your development as person than the development of your penis.
Women do not make men happy and vice versa. Instead, we learn to find satisfaction in ourselves and our “right action.”
If you have this philosophy, her cheating on you is simply a fact that comes and then goes. Why? Because you never depended on her for “happiness” in the first place. Now that you know her character, I argue it should be a weight off of your shoulders. You’re now free to continue your life’s journey unfettered by a liar.
Context: I still don’t have hard proof that an ex that was important to me cheated. I spoke to other girls in a sexual way... but when confronted, I was honest with her about it and why I was doing it - there were problems in our relationship. I thus learned to always confront my issues headon because, if I don’t, I’ll be tempted to tarnish my own character. Better to break a relationship that probably wasn’t going to satisfy me in the long run that to tarnish my own character. Lesson learned.
She probably revenge cheated. She never came clean about it, but all the clues were there. Maybe that’s the way it needed to be in her mind for her to regain her self respect. ... Can i really be that angry that I hurt her badly enough that she tarnished her own character to try to repair an unfixable hole in her mind?
Should we get upset when people hurt themselves to “relieve the pain”?
When we have introspection about our own flaws and character and tolerance for the humanity of others, then these acts that seem so devastating seem strangely natural.
I no longer feel much about it except sadness. Sadness at my own character flaws. Sadness at her character flaws. Acceptance that we were both in pain. Forgiveness for whatever she did to herself and to me.
And determination to be a better person for my own sake.
I think you should use this experience to become a better person.
> she was uncomfortable with my relationships with girls that I was friends with
That's a pretty hard line for me. No one tells me who I can be friends with. But also I'm the kind of person who never compromises. Either way, sounds like you did the correct thing. Block her out of your life and focus on yourself. Much like that cheasy saying, you gotta love yourself to love someone else. It's true. You gotta go into a relationship in search of a companion, not someone to complete you.
gurantee the dudes dick was way bigger than yours,.lol you a cuck. girls will never cheat on a hung homie, only dicklets get cheated on. sux to be u
Hope you're still keeping up with this thread.
Yeah, that happened to my ex. She was friends with someone in my friend group, but I didn't know it at the time. Eventually they started hanging out with her while I wasn't there. She infiltrated my friend group and they kicked me out because wouldn't you rather have a 9/10 to hang with than some 5/10 loser like me? Of course she'll be treated better. After she cheated on me, she got in a 3 year relationship with another friend of mine. I had to watch this from a distance and it fucking stung.
I still get sick thinking about it, but not as much as I used to. Again, you'll get better with time. So rather than being consumed by some blinding rage, it just becomes an uncomfortable memory you're quick to push out. If I dwell on it, yeah I break down. So don't fucking think about it too much and hit the gym. I just started a few months ago and now I don't think about what happened anymore. I'm starting to open up to other people again, especially girls. You can (and rightfully so) exercise caution and skepticism when entertaining a new relationship, but that's the name of the game. Battle scars, OP.
Cheers you beautiful faggotron. We're in this together.