Has Molyneux Gone Mad?


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He's a jew, still

the modern world sucks! fuck white males!

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

That is a beautiful tweet.

This. Fuck Drumpf and fuck wypipo

what is china and japan

Those are the 3%.


Egypt gets a mention too

He is trying desperately to win back his viewers he has pissed off by showing his true colors as the kike shill he is.

China had to deal with asian niggers.

you'll never see someone with a chinese bias admit this, but china's technological renaissance was sparked by alexander the great's push east which greatly expanded the amount of greek goods making their way to china through india. it's even where they get their lion symbolism from. there were no lions in china.

You know he's correct.

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He's trying to be the edgiest of CivNasties. He's basically a coward afraid to confront the Jews, even though he knows their evil is true.

>through india

>Calling Weinstein a coward


No, he's just trying to be banned so that he can make a free speech video and beg for shekels like a bitch.

He's the e-thot of philosphy.

He's retarded. It has nothing to do with white males and everything to do with a culture that values exploration and experimentation. It happens that white people are associated with that culture but the mere presence of white people doesn't guarantee it.

Molyneux senses which way the wind is blowing. He has to play to his audience. He's great at doing his balancing act. He gets right up to the line, but won't cross it.

So do I read him right? The technological advances where between in the cool nothern Europe and the US, then in the cool Asian states?
So they issue is, that the other countries didn't need to survive in snow and cold weather and never developed high IQ or the need for ingeniuty?
What is his point exactly? The south can BTFO
for gibs, but he is going into the deep end with his statements.

This. If we keep ignoring him will he name the Jew?

What horseshit.

Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Assyrians, Phoenicians did far more and they were all Middle Eastern.

Eurocucks couldn't compete until the industrial revolution eons later.

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>viewers he has pissed off by showing his true colors
When was that, care to point out the tweet?

>culture that values exploration and experimentation
Western culture allowed for more individualism within the group. Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures, however, are much more unforgiving when it comes to individuals. I think this plays into it. Also, when Asians are born, they're raised to believe that they are stuck in a certain trajectory in life. For example, their exam schools to get into a university will determine the kind of jobs they get, the kind of women they marry, where they'll live, the kind of car they'll drive, etc. Westerners are more likely to "Go For it" and believe that there's a chance that they can "reach the stars." You know, I think the phrase I'm looking for is "Black Pilled" to describe Asians.

Get your dates right you stupid kike

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IQ and genetics are linked, abo

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I think he is working his way slowly down the logical path. It’s only a matter of time before he he has to face his own cognitive dissonance.

>egyptians, babylonians, assyrians
not before 800BC
did what, exactly?

after* 800BC

Welcome Stephan. We are happy to have a scholar on our side. Keep pushing fren, the white man is awakening from his Jewish induced slumber.

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He’s trying to make everyone forget about his face plant re: Jews. Sad and transparent and real cringe tbqh. He’s one of their “control agents” and he becomes worthless if we see he’s just another good goy.

Also Russia/USSR is not part of the Europe

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I've seen this thing before. He's dancing around it either because he cannot accept the truth or because he knows the truth and is afraid to admit it.

Ignore Israel they’ve been trying to convince people they wuz phoecians for thousands of years.

>IQ and genetics
The Chinks have a 105 I.Q. and act like fuckin' barbarians. I don't get it.

What did they do? Synthesize rubber? Invent the internal combustion engine? Discover and harness electricity? Create steel?

Oh you mean they invented the wheel, watered some plants and wrote a few words?

Meanwhile white men can take dead trees and convert them into torque, heat and noise. Or lift themselves 30,000 feet in the air using heavier than air materials. Land on the moon, cross oceans.

Anything important in the modern world you can thank a white man for.

>did what, exactly?
Pretty much everything in the middle East between 7th and 13th century, Al-Razi, Avicenna to name a few

Molyneux is still a retard. Stop shitposting about that bald creep and his fucking cult already.

But that’s only women and minorities were being oppressed!

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That's funny how westwhores laugh at niggers for their WE WUZ narration and then post shit like this.

Your ancestors were the niggers of antique Europe. Greeks and Romans treated them like animals, which they were and proved it by ruining Roman empire and plummeting Europe into 1000 years long dark age.

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But do they really? Or is that just a very often repeated lie?

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>He's the e-thot of philosphy.
Yeah, no doubt all of these e-thots turn on their computers in the morning and see what /pol has said about them.

In Hong Kong, if you test rural Chinese which is the majority of their population, they’re lucky to score 95


>into metal work
I don’t think you’ve met any niggers have you

LMAO at this wh*te cumskin. From 800 BC to about 200 BC, science was largely dominated by Persians and Middle easterners. From 200 BC to about 700 AD, it was Indians who were the dominant force in science. From 700 AD to 1000 AD, it was muslims who were dominant force in science. From 1000 AD to 1500 AD, it was Chinese who dominated science. Only from 1500 AD onwards did europeans enter the scene.

Molyneux although not supreme leader quality, absolutely went off today, shitskins and kikes mad af ITT

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Fake and gay lmao, wh*Toid sources would list every invention in ancient Europe as “white” when the Indians, Middle Easterners and the Chinese figured out the same stuff. Take Pythagorean theorem for example.

Of course, if you count from 1600-2000, majority of inventions were mostly white men in this era so I’m not denying that BUT! A a large part of those were JEWS, so I’m not sure if Jow Forums likes this.

>Only from 1500 AD onwards did europeans enter the scene.
And we still did 1000x more for the modern world.

He's gone full 14
next he's gonna go 88

>He's a jew, still

Actually he's not. It was his STEP parent who was.

He's Goyed and Jew-pilled.

They were smart before mohammed forced cousin fucking.

A smart man would never confront the jews directly, they have to be outsmarted and destroyed from an angle they'll never expect

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naturally, I am merely stating what they did then

Science doesn't 'belong' to anyone. It is built by contributions from everyone. Arab scientists weren't like Jow Forumstards, they openly acknowledged that their knowledge of maths came largely from Indians and alchemy from Persians and Greeks.

Great, now that being right wing is getting mainstream I'm going to have to hide my views in fear of being associated with retards like this.

>It has nothing to do with white males and everything to do with a culture that values exploration and experimentation. It happens that white people are associated with that culture but the mere presence of white people doesn't guarantee it.
In large numbers yes it fucking does. Genetically, white people are cooperative, think of the future, intelligent etc. We are born like this. So any large group of white people is going to exhibit those qualities.

For the same reason any large group of black people is going to be shit, because genetically they don't think about the future, are low intellect, actively ignorant, uncooperative etc.

>Pythagorean theorem
Pythagoras was white. He had no semetic or asiatic facial features.

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The salt in those responses.
Thanks OP

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>Pringles Original
nigga those are the least saltiest crisps i've tasted in my life

He was white, I’m not denying that, but he wasn’t the only one with the theorem. We call it the “बुद्धायना प्रमेय” (Buddhayana Pramaya — aka Buddhayana’s Rule).

they cheat on everything.

next step in intelligence and genetics is mapping morality traits to genes for individual critical thinking vs tribe mentality.

then quantum conscience vs npc genes.

But because of European advancement starting from 1600, the theorem is unanimously attributed to Pythagoras.

What a god

His theorem is basic af. You guys can have it... Anyways Indians have high IQs why are you even in this fight?

There's no way this is a real account. Which one of you is this?

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All of those peoples were racial caucasoids though.

every single time

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We're not exactly at gas the kikes in the overton window yet but for molymeme to embrace pride at being a white male is pretty huge compared to the shame thrown around everywhere else

because they are liars.

There is no real rankings of worldwide IQ. No proper tests have ever been done.

However, PISA gives a pretty good idea of intelligence because it is uniform and universal. This has never been done before. So if you are actually interested in intelligence look there. All of the other data is nonsense, especially Lynn.

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proud of my skin colour, lads.

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I can't wait for Taiwan to get Xi'd.

moly is doing the logical thing which, in a time of illogical reign, will seem mad

>Indians have high IQs
No, upper caste Indians have high IQs. Brahmin caste indians have high IQs. 90% of India is retarded dogshit

take it from the side and pull your hair back jew

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RIIGHHHT.... It wasn't Greeks that formulated modern political western theory the entire world is mimicking (usually badly), and if not are largely commie degenerate shitholes.

It wasn't a Greek who invented the steam engine and the railroad. You know, the literal engine that powered the Industrial Revolution. It was not westerners that advanced mathematics and created entirely new concepts that are bedrock of modern mathematics. Sure India came up with the idea of 0. As far as everything else goes no, no one west of Pakistan all the way to Syria who was not Greek or Roman had a hand in any advanced mathematical theorems. This is why everyone knows about Pythagoras and Newtons laws but cannot name A SINGLE Arab or Persian mathematician or their original concepts.

Greeks were making most of their greatest advancements between 750BC and 100BC you fucking idiot. Rome made s shit tonne of advancements up to an including Roman concrete well before the birth of Christ. Advanced metallurgy and coinage was already under way including the invention of MAIL by the Celts as early as 160 BC. The Egyptian's had a head start. Aryans in far Persia had a head start. Anywhere arabs dominated there was practically 0 progress in any field.

Rome did not just lead the way in political theory until he 5th century AD from about 200BC, they also surpaassed EVERYONE else one earth in architecture, materials production and planning on a scale not seen again until the Industrial Revolution. Rome's highways alone put them on top of literally everyone else in this category until the railroad was popularized by the British. Their aqueducts some to this day still functional could make water go up hill without the aid of pumps.

Rome was also the most advanced medical field in the world UNTIL THE ADVENT OF GERM THEORY in the latter half of the 19th century. They mapped the human bodies blood vessels, and were capable of surgery thought impossible until after the first world war!.

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Stefan Molyneux gets exposed as a JEW by JF:

Stefan Molyneux runs a cult where he convinces vulnerable people who had a decent childhood that they were abused by their parents

Here's what happens when you give Stefan Molyneux money but not as much money as he wants

Stefan debates Stefan on whether or not concepts exist and contradicts himself left and right

Molyneux: "Fuck physics, make iPhones."

Molyneux: "Nothing I say is original"

Stefan Molyneux tells followers to cut off all family that disagrees with his ideology

Stefan Molyneux believes the world needs his show for its survival

Stefan Molyneux forgives his mother by not killing her
Stefan caims he doesn't think about his mother any more

Stefan Molyneux initiates force, proving all of his moral arguments invalid

"A lot of people in my head are desperate for me to fail"

Adventures in Stefan Molyneux's parenting:

Stefan and his 6.000.000 first jobs:

Molyneux Throws Hissy Fit when Cornered:

Stefan can't answer a simple question:

Stefan Molyneux Will Not Admit He Was Wrong:

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100% aryan, lad.

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a few technological advancements over about 5000 years, and also "china" isn't a monolith, it's been inhabited by tons of different people for a long time, it's just that the chinese kept calling their invaders "chinese" and declaring that they hadn't been invaded
not technologically relevant until post-WW2, everything they had prior to that was copied from europeans. I like japs, but they haven't been particularly useful in the field of technology

He's a fuckin loser who will do anything for attention and money.

This. If the niggers weren't retarded, they'd bring up this argument.

>No white males
The term is white MEN, Stefan. Animals are males; humans are men. "White male" is a propaganda term designed to disparage white men.

Conversely, one uses male and female as adjectives. I've seen reference to "women scientists," "women authors," and so on. The correct word to use is female (or male, if you're talking about a man). But they use "women" as the adjective here because it sounds more fempowering.

How is he a (((jaw)))?

japan is white, and what about china? they aren't making any advancements to anything, at best they're playing catch-up with the real cutting edge which isn't at all public thing

>brown eyes
kek, I bet you were living in a mudhut 100 years ago

Oh? Please tell us of the wonderful inventions that they created. Also, yeah, no shit we didn't accomplish much until later, we weren't at their level of civilization at the time, we mostly lived in huts and killed each other. Civilization isn't about who was first, but who lasts.

He's right

>hurr da arabs invented stuff and so did da chineses!
We know. It just pales in comparison to the white man inventing EVERYTHING else, which adds up to 98% of significant inventions.

>we wuz indians

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Why are you counting Jews are white now?

>Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Assyrians, Phoenicians did far more and they were all Middle Eastern.
of those, only persians were at all 'middle eastern'
the rest were, at the time much like greece and italy and sweden etc. once were, stark white

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Gunpowder, the printing press, the compass, and Arabic numerals were all invented by non Europeans.

The Western world didn't surpass East Asia economically until the 1800s. A third of Germany's population was exterminated in the 30 Years' War.

I mean there's a lot of history proving how shitty Europe was for a very long time. He should tighten that timeline to the past 200 years to be more accurate.

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his mom was / is a jew