my friend took advantage of me when i was in a really messed up mental state. i have schizophrenia. for the past few weeks my pills have been working poorly and ive been feeling super out of it and not thinking straight and like my perception had been getting very warped to the point where i almost relapsed. i told my friend from work this and then he suddenly started trying come onto me almost every time i would give him a ride home. i kept telling him no because he has got a girlfriend but last night i was just so worn out mentally and i just gave in. which i would not have done it if i was in my normal healthy state of mind. ive told him in the past that i make bad decisions when i am out of it and not thinking straight and i didn't think he would take advantage of that. i feel shitty and betrayed. fuck.
My friend took advantage of me when i was in a really messed up mental state. i have schizophrenia...
why are you driving??
You know what to do: cry rape and send him to prison/ label him a sec offender for the rest of his life. It is the female way.
oh fuck off im not going to do that
Alina, take tour fucking meds. Drink water.
Its like that time you got stranded at the bus station and ducked that guy who gave you a ride at 1:00am.
i have to go to work and im usually not so messed up in the head
Please be sure to check back in two weeks when you're asking for advice on how to testify against him and what to expect from the court hearing.
Ill be here.
So what are you hoping for? Max sentence?
A slap on the wrist, and op to take her fucking medd.
Then shut the fuck up. "Lets blame schizo for me making poor choices like most women do, yay!"
yeah because all wimmins are meanies and wont sleep with you, right? you dont know me i wouldnt have done this if my pills were working. piss off
Nice excuses OP. You're a slut.
Get your pills in orer and move on. Lets just hope tou didnt get pregnant. No crazy babies please.
yeah no kidding (literally). i dont want kids and they would definitely be fucked in the head
Great, so just chock it up to bad experiences and do not let said person alone with you again.
Good night, Alina.
who is Alina?
>wont sleep with you, right?
Irresponsibility, blaming everything but yourself etc etc, average millennial girl
You know, you dont simply appear on your own bed with a guy fucking your brains out, "i was worn off" has to be the biggest excuse Ive heard to making a mistake
You cant even defend yourself. My advice is learn to take responsibility.
im schizophrenic my mind was fucked up and i was not thinking clearly or making good choices. you have no idea what that is like i take it. now kindly fuck off
You are alina.
A Flagstaff woman was arrested last week after police say she wreaked havoc on her own home because of a disagreement with her roommates.
According to the police report, a woman called 911 around 3:30 p.m. July 5 after she heard a woman screaming and the sound of shattering glass coming from a nearby home in the 200 block of South O’Leary Street. Officers responded, but when they got there, they found there was only one person home.
The suspect, who was soaked with water, exited the house wearing only a bra and skirt. She told police she had thrown some beer bottles at the wall because she was upset with her roommates and was moving out of the home. But when one of the roommates arrived to let police inside, they found significantly more damage than they expected.
Two kitchen windows were shattered, including one that broke when a blender was thrown through it. Many of the floors were covered in water, and trash and other items were strewn all over the place. In one of the bathrooms, the floor was covered with cleaning products that appeared to have been dumped out of their containers. In another bathroom, the toilet was damaged, clogged and overflowing. One of the roommates also reported her cat was missing. The cost of the damage was estimated to be at least $2,000.
Alina Katura Burniston-Perez, 21, was arrested and charged with felony criminal damage and disorderly conduct. She was booked into the Coconino County Detention Facility.
Hi, Alina.
btw the dude was pestering me relentlessly i told him no a bunch of times before i just gave in due to being sick of him asking and being stressed out from my schizophrenia symptoms. but really dont care what a sexist piece of shit like you thinks anyway.
Oh Hey well at least she didn't shoot up a school like the schizo boys do.
Serious question; do you blame yourself for the outcome of that situation?
That was only because they took her guns away.
Sounds like this was your fault, Alina.
I don't know. I have put myself in dangerous situations before unknowingly due to just being so out of it and mentally disoriented and on one hand I am the one who put myself there but on the other hand i become so messed up that at times i am unable to discern the differences between dangerous situations vs normal or even take care of myself properly. its like asking someone with a broken leg if it's their fault they can't walk normally. my mind was broken and i was in a weakened mental state. do you blame me?
All bullshit aside, I think you need to be more careful with the situations that you put yourself in, and who you allow close to you. Try to let this incident go, and make the future a better day.
You realize you're not only a self admitted schizophrenic but a self admitted schizophrenic experiencing flagging treatment? How can I possibly trust your interpretation of reality?
I aint a sexist. I admire very few women in my life, but they were truly idols to look up to. Sadly the general population of your sex isn't as brilliant. I dont blame the sex, I blame the media. Women are too easy to manipulate. Seems like that guy eventually got you too.
Ill kindly go now, but I hope eventually you will learn to take responsibility and understand your mistakes.
youre sexist shaddap.
my pills are working better now finally. but yeah thats been my life for the past friggin month or so. cant trust my perception. it really screws up your life
Easy, you don't want to go to court, then cut all ties with your "friend", ignore him or change jobs idc, and tell your therapist about your pills (and that story too). That's all you can do
Though I do not have schizophrenia, I have lived for years with people who do, so I do understand being mentally exhausted and giving in. Also note that I don't think this was ur fault bc obviously you showed disinterest in the guy so he's a pos for pushing the subject everyday, like a no is a no asking over and over AND having a girlfriend is the ultimate scum move PLUS he knew abt ur mental state so I also see how he took advantage of you.
I just don't see why you didn't just tell him to get his own ride home after it happened the first few times though? Sorry but there's not much of an excuse for that, like he's obviously a shit friend so why be nice and offer rides?
Imo I think the best thing to do is cut contact, maybe if u want tell his gf (who cares if she doesn't believe you, a relationship is never the same when someone is accused of cheating by an outside source, and ruining his relationship would be deserving after what he did) and move on in life.
Learn from this and cut people off who don't respect your first answer. Make better choices about the people you put yourself alone with. Good luck