>blows 20 million
"give monies pls"
Blows 20 million
>be mentally unwell
>make poor decisions
>is a faggot
>can’t make money
Dude he already sucks cocks... he can charge for it.
What is he Greek or something
Well he does openly say he's gay.
>be mentally unwell
fine china
And wastes his money. One of us, one of us.
Blows 20 million... guys
>Half Jewish
>Nigger lover
So fucking BASED
He spent all his money on high class prostitutes so he can lick the finest rectums in town.
completely squandered all the good will he created owning feminists and stuff on live TV... blew it all for attention-seeking histrioncs until people got tired of cringing
Literally who....?
He's gay, Schlomo
Other than via shills like OP I never see anything about trash like Milo. Are these shills actively following this gay Jew around looking for something to spam on Jow Forums?
Why are Germanic socialist flags always American?
why doesn't he sell some of the luxury crap he covers himself with?
He was owning feminists for attention. He was a professional low substance edgelord. His bandwagoning against feminists in vidya was some of the shallowest pandering I've read.
because you got some sick doppels yo
How does a faggot blow through 20 million dollars in only a few years?
I was going to say dollars or dicks?
>blows 20 million
Is that a new faggot record?
thats what happens when an imagine-driven sodomite with no morals gets rich. HIs plastic surgery and huge teeth look awful too.
Pay debnts milo lol
I think he actually invested 20 million and the leftists destroyed him before his investment could pay off. There is a difference.
So youre telling me a degenerate kike with impulse control problems has squandered his money?
Degenerate wearing the crucifix
He's attracted to blacks
He's gay
Not the biggest fan of Milo, specifically because he is a huge faggot, but you're ultimately right.
Every dip shit here that even for one fleeting moment didn't think this literal nigger loving like faggot shouldn't b have been gassed will hang on the first day of the rope
At least we know his lazy, impulsive Greek genes cancel out his scheming, acquisitive Jew genes.
>smell of burning gyros wafts from oven
He blew alrite
Knew he was a fucking controlled opossition faggot
>doesn't pay debts