Kikes invented everything

Invention is innately subversive, as it destroys jobs, create jobs, delegitimize some powers while legitimizing others. Therefore, it is within Jewish interest to invent things and also research new things, simply because the mere act of publishing findings and sending new inventions into production would subvert a nation to a degree (see: poltard-tier weavers when some weaving machine was made).

Jews invented the Slave Trade, and most likely queued up the Polluted Factory Meta, simply because they know the wh*te goyim would whine about nigger rights at some point or other, and also because there is nothing more pleasing to a Jew than a goyim working 24/7 in a polluted factory while dying to some lung cancer or whatever for his entire life.

It is the Crypto-Jew Galileo who postulated that the Earth goes round the Sun, and not the other way round, most likely because it will subvert the goyim's faith in the lord Jesus Christ and make His bishops look like fools.

The Crypto-Kike Thomas Edison electrocuted animals with his DC current to falsely prove that AC is dangerous.

Alan Turing is an anti-Nazi, which means he is a kike. He also did a lot of computer-related stuff. Nuff said.

Israel is the greatest startup nation in the whole world as of today.

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wait.. so u b sayin.. we wuz galileo n' shit?

Didn't read, Jews are evil though I assume this says and agree.
1488 gas the kikes race war now

Gutenberg the Press Patent Thief too
Newton who had to have special favors to be a philosopher or whatever because he was a heretic (read: kike)
Tesla is batshit insane, probably because he is a kike and kikes are very likely (compared to boring, stable, wh*tes) to be batshit insane

>Alan Turing was a kike
And a faggot, sure, but he was pretty smart; gotta give the guy that.

Without crypto-kikes you will not even have the term (((Turing)))-complete

Leafnigger spotted

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yeah but so is bobby fischer
a kike who is pretty smart
so every kike in existence

Refute my points
>Kikes are evil
>Kikes love Jewing others
>Kikes can flawlessly disguise as a goyim
>Every inventor of note has these traits or is known as a kike

We also wouldn't have any problems in the world
Camps a make 'em lamps, camps a make 'em lamps
All these yids in the oven, they ain't rubbin' hands
Camps a make 'em lamps, camps a make 'em lamps
These yids bakin', until that skin is tanned
Camps a make 'em lamps, camps a make 'em lamps
All these yids in the oven, they ain't rubbin' hands
Camps a make 'em lamps, camps a make 'em lamps
These yids bakin', until that skin is tanned

[Verse 1]
Curly hair, that beak long, always there when you need a loan
Wherever you are they feel at home, usury's their income
They rip you off and then some, it ain't nailed down it gets stolen
Every nation gets a central bank so Shlomo can control it
When my crew comes, all the jews run
N.S.D.A.P. make a hebrew flee
I snipe them all from my balcony, filling ditches to the brim
They're going down in the shower like a faggot after gym
Do not drop the soap it might just be your next of kin
Rats everywhere, bureaucrats and plutocrats
Leeching off our tit, hold my beer I'm gassing that
Some brain bashing, some masturbating
And it ain't a death camp without some lampshading