What's your excuse that you're not from the land of the young bulls?

What's your excuse that you're not from the land of the young bulls?

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Idk man, what’s any excuse to be alive at all?

Based Magyarbros

>Bulgarians are Turks
color me surprised

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fuck that i want belgium's name

This map is autistic. If you think such cultural groups or ethnicities exist you are retarded.

Slavs, Germanics, Romanics etc. are only regarded as language groups.

Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland have more in common with eachother then with Russia or Ukraine because of their proximity and proximity means similar culture, traditions etc.

The map shows the etymology of each country's name, not ethnic barriers, you autist.

>map about etymology of countries' names
>categorized accordingly by language groups
You are the one autistic.

>poortuguese reading comprehension

AH won't never happen again, stop trying bitch.

>slovenia a slovakia people of the world
how about go fuck yourself, marinescu

>People who row boats
>white people who row boats
Lol. Suo(mi) means swamp.

It's people of the word*, not world.

Italians being BVLLS once again

>Land of rabbits

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color me retarded

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cool as fuck

Well, technically I am.

It's not "kinsmen", it's just derived from a name of a tribe who COLONISED it. Both old and new.

Not sure thats right.

I mean England is germanic and means Land of Anglos

Britain is from Latin Britannia which is from celtic Pretania which means Painted Ones

United Kingdom is self explanatory

Fuck yeah!

I wonder if it has to do with that quote from Ceasar about the Belgae:
Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae (Of all these, the Belgians are the bravest/strongest)

what is this jewery?

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I think the map explains the names of the people as well. Like they don't refer to the Franks by their name, but by what the word "Frank" meant.

The one above has less conjuncure. I know for certain nobody knows what serb and croat actually mean. That map replaces unknows with a random hypothesis. I'm sure it does that with sole other areas too.

Well the field thing makes sense. Poland comes from Polanie tribe, which comes either from field (pole) or glade, clearing (polana) which itself comes from logs (polana) cleared while building a fortified village.