white femanons, how do I go about getting one of you as a gf?
White femanons, how do I go about getting one of you as a gf?
Don't be brown.
Give white girls weed and they will be yours.
well shit
Only joking lad. Just be relatively attractive and well educated. I have never dated a black guy but if a black guy sparked my interests and had similar interests to me, I wouldn't refuse just because he was black.
Asian on the other hand.....
Protip user:
Never take advice regarding anything from a woman. They don't know shit about shit and only give a damn about what's in their best interest.
As for how to slay white bitches, it's easy. They're no different than any other bitch, just be attractive. That's it. No more, no less.
Take it from another Black guy who fucks PAWGS every other day
just bee yourself
I feel your pain, brother. Looking for a QT asian girl myself, only ever been able to pull white chicks.
My advice - if you want to just get laid seriously go anywhere where there's liquor and white people and wear a rugrats t shirt or some other non threatening shit. You'll practically get abducted and snu snu'd especially if you have some "african novelty" like a fro
For a gf - rule of thumb is seriously to broadcast that i'm a "dork" in some way which makes me not as intimidating and approachable. the shared interests door is already open, really the biggest problem I've run into meeting girls through shared activities/interests is running into the girls who just want the black D to piss off their ex/dad or the girls who just want the black D because they have a fucking PROBLEM with black dudes.
or go to the gym regularly and talk to the girls who obviously have no idea what they're doing and are snapchatting. They LOOK out of your league, but they're the most desperate.
Don't listen to this dribble user. As a Black man, you're either Alpha (maybe Omega), or you're literally dead. There is no Beta (what that user's post is describing) for Black men. You want to not get taken seriously by everyone including your own race, go ahead and listen to that guy's advice on presenting yourself.
If you actually want to get laid and keep getting laid, you have to know your product (you) and your demographic (white women).
Step 1. You need to be attractive to bag ANY attractive women.
Step 2. As a black man, its important to just have a solid frame. You can be a thug or some fucking nerd, but never let anyone fuck with you.
White women is a very general conquest, you have to specify which type of white women you're looking for by the way.
Hang around shitty gyms like Planet Fitness (especially on pizza day)or Jenny Craig centers.
Stupid niggers.
From one blackanon to another, why specifically white girls? I've tossed the idea around and have definitely had some interested but I can never muster up more than a passing interest in them compared to black women. I know black women have their issues but I couldn't see myself being with a woman of any other race but them longterm. How could any other woman even understand what you go through in life and identify with you? How do you think your kids would feel not fitting in with whites or black? I'm not trying to talk you out of it but these are some things I think about. Also I'm very marriage minded. I know a lot around here just want some pussy but getting into that you have to be ready for the fact that you may fall for a girl or get her pregnant.
Also have you seen how white woman do their men? That's with everything going for them. Now imagine that relationship with several of her family members, friends, coworkers, the strangers you pass in the street questioning her or outright shunning her. What are the chances a white woman would be down to bear the potential shame and social ostracism of dating you?
>" I'm not gonna try to talk you out of it"
>proceeds to try to talk user of out it
>"How could any other woman even understand what you go through in life and identify with you?"
"Yeah, because you're also Black that definitely means you had the same problems as me all your life. Nah, doesn't matter if you're upper class or some other circumstance where you barely see or care about that shit, you're Black and that means you identify with who I am as a person."
Dumbass, men and women barely identify with each other and we're all human, but you think being of the same race means "u know mah struggle"? Hate to break it to you but you're more likely to die by the hands of someone of your own race than anything else.
>" I can never muster up more than a passing interest in them compared to black women"
Either you've never tasted the grass on the other side or you're a race-loyalist, but for who exactly?Let's see.
>Loud, rude, obnoxious, very masculine black women who will drop him just as quick as any other women of any race would under the right circumstances.
He owes no one any loyalty because they share the same skin color. Decent Black women are a minority OF a minority, so excuse him if he doesn't want to waste his time playing needle in the haystack.Not to mention the who fuckset of issues black women have as a majority.
>"What are the chances a white woman would be down to bear the potential shame and social ostracism of dating you?"
News Flash bruv, Blacks discriminate against each other already on trivial things like how they speak, what they wear, their skin tone, etc.Blacks are the only race to openly ostracize each other and all the other races are laughing.
He knows perfectly well what he's getting into. White women are fucking black men out of status, fetish, or to make daddy made, so he should enjoy the decline.
Just don’t act like this
>(Part 2 of )
You know how quick a black woman would jump on the dick of any other race of man? Quicker than you typed that bullshit up.
Know why most don't?
Most men of other races aren't attracted to Black women and won't give them a chance. Most non-Black guys, even below average looking ones, openly admit being damn near hunted by Black women, but you're here online trying to defend them? Get real you simp, they are no different than any other race of women.
Thanks for your input. Just curious what race are you?
dont be a fucking creep and be confident
Translation: Don't be ugly. Be attractive and confidant.
I would also add: If she says no, it's a no.
walk around with the alpha act and see how many people you find attractive run and hide subconsciously. My perception could be an extreme, but having grown up around and gone to school with predominately rich white people, no matter how much they say they do they innately despite "black culture" and fear it.
Unless you're fat or a manlet, a black dude with confidence is ALWAYS going to look alpha. what is some white dude 5 inches shorter than me going to call me out and say I look like a nerd? Not fucking likely.
The dork act (and by act I really mean like...a single piece of clothing) is juuuust enough to entice them into approaching and making them believe you're not a grill toting gangster. It doesn't have to be a waifu shirt, could be something mainstream as fuck like jurassic park.
Okee, be nice, hot and make em laugh. Also, be clearly romantic (hugs, flirts, physical complements) from the start so she knows your not just a friend. Also don't go for a thot who isn't clearly into black peeps, they just don't really date more normal looking black dudes. Trust me, I'm a bi femanon so I know my shit about what girls like.
>Act Alpha
Alpha is a mindset you learn, not an act. Regardless, I never told OP to act like a damn thug you misunderstanding cunt. I told him to not be a pussy, no more no less. You can keep being a basedcunt all you want, but don't put that on OP
Trust me, you don't want that.
White women are fucking awful.
Just get an Asian mail-order bride like the rest of us.
>Looking for a QT asian girl myself, only ever been able to pull white chicks.
I'm white and most interest I get is from asians. Let's switch.
In my experience asians have their own view on what comes into question when dating since their families are often kinda traditional in that sense. If you're an asian girl you either date another asian or a white man. That gets narrowed down further by what asian nation they're from. For example most of them look down on chinese as subhumans, so dating one is out of question
what's wrong with girls of your own race? Why not stick with them?
I would trade that any day! I think the easiest is to go for asians that are already mixed (rare as fuck though). You think a black american has hangups, what until you meet a blasian chick. But at least she hasn't been told that anything less pale than the fucking moon is voodoo magic
I never said you told him to act like a thug, I said that as a black man, more people will subconsciously treat him like one unless he makes a concerted effort to broadcast that he isn't. And if you think alpha is a mindset, you should know that an alpha wearing a reptar shirt isn't going to get any less girls than one with a bro tank or in a suit.
best not go outside race
Human femanons, how do I go about getting one of you as a gf?
>tfw black and most of my looks comes from asian girls
They're almost the only ones I match with on tinder too. It's so strange.
Oh yeah, I'd like to add to this. I did some thinking, and the dislike is indeed there, but, at least in my anecdotal experience, it's largely from the guys. I never feel any hatred from the girls, and no that does not mean they all like me or some dumb shit, but negative auras usually stem from the males.
>all that larping
your women don't care half as much as you do
My wife is Asian, and the only thing she hates more than the Chinese are black people. It varies a bit, mi deng.
This, sorry bud.
I have sex with brown/black men but not as a bf. I have too much respect for myself and my parents for anything official.
>get loads of pot
>roll joints
>go to concerts
>ask hot girls if they wanna get high
>go outside and roast one
>hang out or whatever. talk to them after the show. ask if they want to chill sometime. all casual.
>don't even need a wingman
>rinse and repeat
Then you just take them for sushi and go on a long walk and talk. It's pretty easy if you try.
What is she?
Kek is she vietnamese?
Holyshit checked!
Go to a leftist college, they are looking to prove how racist they aren't by treating you completely different because the color of your skin. Plus they are usually sluts so that should make it easier.
Well of course, not everyone will like me sometimes I don't even exist to them, but generally I seem to be fairly well received. It's all about how you look and dress.
The real question, as a european, is why everyone is suddenly a racial fetishist? Asians and whites, black and whites, latinos and whites. Asians chicks always bother me in the club when I just want to fuck a blonde girl. Fuck it all, we need another purge.
>I have too much respect for myself and my parents for anything official.
Yet you still have intimacy with them. Alrighty then.
>Fuck it all, we need another purge.
This. A global one god willing
be nice and confident and dont fucking be a creep thats all we ask
walk into a bar and look for these signs
purple or blue hair (red is for trannys)
heavy drinking
stupidity, but you can assume that if she already has the other thing in the list.
You have respect for yourself and yet you defile yourself by mating with literal subhumans you probably don't even know. You should be gunned down or raped to death by your pet apes you filthy traitor! One day you'll pay the toll.
So you'd rather have a low IQ, hidious ape man decended from slaves then a civilsed, cultured high IQ Asian?
White women need to be eradicated, they are the scourge of the world.
>hidious ape man
Excuse me, I'll have you know that a lot of black men are attractive as fuck.
Also, *hideous
I have a black coworker (phd student).
He unironically thinks tinder is racist because people give up based on his face.
But is he ugly though
Yes, I already said he is black.
>Massive disproportionate luber lips
>Flat gorilla looking nose
>Black skin
>Smell like garbage
Pick one of these whore. And better yet kill yourself before you spread more of your filthy race mixing diseases around untermensch!
Good post
Made me reply
I'm not baiting, whores like you should honestly be imprisoned or executed. That what would happen to you throughout most of history.
White women are truly abhorrant creatures. not only do they lay with subhumans by the hundreds but commonly even their dogs but I suppose that's no different. Absolutely disgusting, you should have no rights what so ever and be regarded as property.
Oh really, how do you look?
>Whats wrong with black women?
decent ones are a minority of a minority, most are big apelike cows, or miserable and somehow bitchier than white women. They also seem to have a really strong draw to feminism and SJW politics, lets them blame someone else for being unattractive gorillas.
Not to mention how agressive and quick to fight most of them are. Also the way many of them speak is fucking insufferable if you have two or more braincells to rub together.
you would have better luck finding a real life unicorn than you would a decent black woman who is also single.
OP is confirmed white guy impersonating a black on Jow Forums to incite race tension. Black men do not even talk like this about black women, even when they hate them.
Whites and Blacks make me sick. Fuck this thread and the crybaby faggots on both sides of this issue.
Fucking bait thread.
>Asian guy is asshurt white girl would choose a black guy over him
Literally why? Also most of you have flat noses too, remove that shit.
So you use them? Lol liberals are fucking racists.
being black on tinder sucks ass
Being on tinder sucks ass. Talk to people you faggot
You're doing gods work user. White women need the BBC.