Dry Counties

>there are still places in the USA that don't allow the selling of alcohol

Why is this allowed?

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What do you mean "allowed"?

Counties should be allowed to do as they please, but, why is Marijuana a schedule I drug?

should counties be able to ban cars?

In Texas they've been getting rid of dry counties within the last few years because studies show that DUI rates actually increased compared to wet counties. Alcohol drinkers would drive to the next county, get shitfaced at a bar, load up their truck with cheap beer then head back to their home county.

And the reason why there are so many yellow counties in because of puritan values; liquor stores are closed on Sunday because Christians don't think you should be consuming alcohol on Sunday.

Fuck off we have state and local rights. Well what’s left of them.

Countless villages in Alaska are dry, the photo is off

Do not forget the rights of local people to govern themselves.

Moonshining is still a big thing where I live and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find out that local government is working with the shiners to keep liquor sales out.

>muh based south

Weed is healthier than alcohol.

The map is inacurate. In my state, the Yakama Nation prohibits the selling of alcohol.

Most indian reservations have no alcohol.

Used to be in a semi dry county. Could not buy alcohol on sundays. No liquor allowed in stores, taxed and regualted by state in state owned stores. Then it became no beer until after 12 pm on a sunday. Liqour stores closed on sunday, so no liqour.
Moved away and found semi dry cities or cities with strange laws. One city would not sell alcohol of any kind after 8pm. Another would not sell cold beer at all.
There are places that let you stop at gas stations and fill up containers from taps so long as you keep it out of your main cab.

This all meant people stocked up or found border counties to buy on restricted dates.

Because we allow local autonomy you fucking autistic kraut

Our name, The United States of America, is also a very accurate description of what we are, a federation of separate states. All of them are self governing.

>Pine Ridge

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Fucking based, alcohol is poison.

those states with red in them are literally the biggest shitholes in the country so who gives a fuck what they do

apparently they can only ban things, not legalize them?

Can a county legalize the selling of cocaine?

Yes you faggot. Look how abstract the idea of individual liberty is to a European.

>banning things is freedom

Federal law is above local, therefore you can ban a federally legal thing locally, but not locally legalize a banned federal thing. States are basically smaller nations, and their provinces (counties) also have a level of autonomy.

It is if the community agrees to it retard.

>communism is freedom if 51% voted for it one time

Kill yourself.

>groups of people should be able to decide for themselves
>euro had brain malfunction

Yes. Alcohol is degenerate

I grew up in Kansas and it isn't nearly as dry as that map makes it look. Yes there are lots of little towns with 1,000 people and 1 store that sells alcohol and that store doesn't sell alcohol on Sundays. That doesn't make it a "dry" county. It just means there are some restrictions on selling alcohol.

And the few true dry counties are a joke because there are liquor stores literally on the county line on the neighbouring counties, so people only need to drive like 20min to get to alcohol.

>Look how abstract the idea of individual liberty is to a European.
Pretty gud
>mfw its true

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Destination for ethnic state confirmed

What are you talking about state street have legalized marijuana despite being federally illegal

>individual liberty
>small daddy government banning things is okay as long as big government doesn't force them to do it

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states aren't counties.

Stay the fuck out of my state, maple faggot. We're full.

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>American in favor of banning things because the majority voted for it


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>Individuals giving consent to placing rules upon thrmselves is scary authoritarianism.
Wow, Euros have no concept of abstract values or how they need to be pragmatic. Plus, if were living in an authoritarian regime, what " I have no bull, and I must be cucked" nation do you live in?

Im fine with locals banning things at the local level. If a small community wants their community to be a certain way then more power to them. It is large central federal governments trying to make a "1 law fits everybody" that fucks things up.

fair point, we always assume that the system works
we need to require IQ tests before you're allowed to fucking vote

Nigel pls

Banning the bad things, that is

Burgers BTFO

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To be honest, that's my exact view-point as well.

People have a right to self determination. If the citizens wanted to abolish dry county laws they can when ever they chose. One of the few instance where democracy works as intended. And dry counties only ban the sell of hard liquor.

Then you move over a county line, its literally the basis of Federalism you fucking dipshit. Its meant to break down government into the smallest possible governing bodies so that the decisions made are within your immediate communities and theoretically with your peers. And if they want something you truly cannot stand and is a deal breaker for you, you move over a county or two and its not that hard or expensive. This is how governing a large body of people is supposed to be done efficiently. Don't shit talk it and make our bloaded federal government even fucking worse.


I completely agree, just move. But his claim was a community-wide election always per definition increases the freedom, it doesn't matter what they vote on, just because it was a local election.

The smaller the scale the better democracy works. More weight per voice in decision making. If you're hell bent on trying to make democracy work that's the way to do it. It's hard to subvert hundreds of small counties.

Well first that map is deceiving, yellow counties sometimes have dozens of towns. For instance in ocean county, NJ that is listed yellow there, only one town is dry.

the map is inaccurate,
my house doesn't allow alcohol