Why does it seem that racism is making a comeback? Even shit like misogyny is starting to pop up more.
And don't give me any shit referencing Trump. This increase prejudices has been visibly and gradual throughout the 2010s alone.
Why does it seem that racism is making a comeback? Even shit like misogyny is starting to pop up more.
And don't give me any shit referencing Trump. This increase prejudices has been visibly and gradual throughout the 2010s alone.
Other urls found in this thread:
I think it’s because white trash is angry that minorities are starting to be treated like people. Obama being elected tipped them off because he’s black and that scared them. Trump being elected made them feel empowered. But no, by no means did Trump START this mess.
Because it's socially acceptable to be racist/sexist against white males ergo the increase in racism and misogyny from said white males.
wtf you sayong, now gays and others are allowed to marry in more countries and women have more rights and positive discrimination than ever. pls go back to your cave
It’s not that it’s making a comeback, it’s that it’s becoming more to the forefront of social consciousness.
That in turn *can* create situations where there’s pushback and more precarious situations.
Which in term gets more media and social attention, which then creates a feedback loop where shit gets crazier until it’s either resolves or explodes.
But the underlying feeling, the resentment, the negativity, it was always there... just not talked about and accepts as day to day operations until someone spoke up and said, “Hey, that’s not right” and everyone else realized... “oh yeah... that isn’t”.
Thing is. Peoples attention spans are short. So this shits often pretty cyclical when it comes to media coverage. You’re only thinking it’s crazier because it’s popping up more in the media, it don’t forget that it’s only been a couple of decades since shit like the Rodney king riots.
It's not really that it's making a come back. That's a really generalized way to look at shit.
The last 5+ years have been turbo sjw to the point where people got sick of it, so now is becoming more and more common to look at that shit as completely insane.
Peoples political views shift from one extreme to another.
Let me put it like this.
I work in a warehouse. Mostly guys, but there are a handful of women.
A handful of women who'd jump the gun to label us sexist and go running to HR at the slightest bit of offence.
However, get the men alone and you'll hear it all about women.
Lifting 20-30kg boxes one at a time out of a trailer?
>"I'm a woman, I shouldn't have to do it.".
"Equal rights, what the fuck are equal responsibilities? Fuck that shit"
Is what they very well might be saying.
So, talk about misogyny all you want. But when most of these fare-weather feminists are shitting on men ("all want one thing") while demanding that the law and the company punish the man who talks back - or when they try to get equal pay, but "I'll do the easy jobs because vagina - you're man, you should do hard work" not willing to accept equal responsibilities, then why the fuck should I ever take their opinions seriously?
Why the fuck should I even consider that we might be equals, when too few of them are willing to act it?
No, on the flip side, the few women who do actually act as equals, will be treated with respect. But far from the feminist mantra, women who are actually equal are a minority.
And with that, the concept of equality is a lie, at least where genders are concerned.
The only difference, is that now men are starting to speak up more against this bullshit.
As for race; this is simply an expected consequence of identity politics. It is a double edged sword who's users have only just realised they have cut themselves.
Once again, the old mantras that sold us on equality the first time have been abandoned "Judge by the creed, and not by the skin" to "All white people are evil, lets celebrate breeding them out of their own country - which actually is genocide under UN law".
Equality was mis-sold, of course those who previously supported it now want a refund.
New ways are replacing old ways, and change always results in Righteous Indignation and Outrage; one last temper tantrum as they're being forced out the door.
from a yuropeans perspective, i think it's due to the increased push for multiculturalism and the following friction between the values between people. information is not as controlled as it used to be, and the proof of this friction can be spread fast and plain for all to see, like videos or blog posts etc.
i don't necessarily view myself as a straight up racist, though i definitely feel that my country and europe as a whole could benefit from kicking a significant number of people out. in the past i didn't feel like this, i thought that people were pretty much the same and just wanted to get along, but since moving to a bigger city and being closer to shootings and rape and violence and the scum, i've become more cynical. could be age too.
american race relations i have no insight into
It's a predictable byproduct of corporatist policies eroding the middle and working class. A lot of these people were sold the American dream of class mobility. They recognize that they aren't anywhere near where they imagined they'd be, so they blame it on minorities and illegal immigrants, or the incompetence of whoever is in office. Throw in a lack of basic education and you get misguided world-views solidified into these ignorant folk.
The problem is never addressed in mainstream discourse. It's polarized within an acceptable realm and any outside critiques are seen as a conspiracy. You're either 100% in our camp or 100% the enemy. Nuance is obscured to suit some prevailing narrative during times of political and social instability.
Newtons third law.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
[citation needed]
I don't think any of this is making a comeback, rather people are just focusing on the tiny amounts that do pop-up. Identity Politics can't function without a boogey-man to make people afraid, so that's why it's more "prevalent".
As we go into the future, white people aren't going to get some of the special privileges they once had, and to some people this change in status feels more like an invasion or an attack than a change in the structure of society.
Not too long ago, in the public consciousness, most people just thought racism is over, sexism is over, everybody is equal on the books, so what's there to complain about? But as problems persisted for certain groups of people and they started to get vocal about it, certain white people just started getting ass blasted and taking criticism of structural inequalities really personally. Racists don't want to have to adjust their worldview or the way they talk about other people.
Not to mention as it becomes more taboo, racism is turning into the new "edgy" contrarian thing, especially on the internet. So many people just don't want to talk about things like race and IQ that it makes people feel like they've come upon forbidden knowledge when they come across some "race realist" shit online. And of course, the internet loves to offend people and the easiest way to do that now is to fly in the face of progressivism. The internet also produces echo chambers where people can reinforce each other's worldviews. Do you think there would be anywhere near the amount of antisemitism there is now without the internet? I doubt it, because it gives a certain kind of person solidarity to scapegoat da evil joos and "redpill" each other on Jow Forums, reddit, twitter, discord, and the various alt right forums. Jews are a great scapegoat for reactionaries since so many of them are liberal and they've been influential in certain fields.
It's pushback against the agenda that has made cities like Paris, London and Stockholm less than 50% ethnic white
Once you live together with the brown hordes you realise why your ancestors fought them or enslaved them.
And men being pushed around by women is not funny anymore, we still run most of the vital branches of society and it chafes like fuck to be looked down at and told women should get equal wages for sub-optimal work or for work in fields that are easy and safe
Political correctness and constant brow beating for inane shit that used to be banter, even between races, has people fed up. The edgiest humour is the most offensive. Just happens to be race and not respectin' wahmen in the current year. Not rocket science.
It's because people are trying to racialize everything, so people push back in turn. Hostility is met with hostility.
are you white or something?
It never went away, not even a little bit. even if you convince yourself that whites magically universally fell in love with black people in the 70's or something, how can you not see how much black/latinos fucking openly DESPISE white people? Most of my time growing up was spent telling my adult relatives who lived through the 60's to chill the fuck out- anything that could possibly be construed as a race issue was, and going over to a white friend's house was a full night of worrying for my mother.
These things are trendy on the internet because in various places it is counter cultural and feeds off of controversy. That and the social ramifications of saying dumb shit is non-existent if you're anonymous. Also echo chambers make it easy for stupid opinions to form and proliferate without them being properly fact checked or challenged. A lot of people think that a lot of people believing something means it's true so people are quick to jump on large band wagons and believe whatever if it confirms their biases, even if stronger counter-evidence is readily available.
The internet is having an ever larger cultural impact, and is likely seeping into a lot of what you consume on your day to day. Hence this new wave of racism and sexism your experiencing.
No, this is not true; not in the least. There are some people I've known who were genuinely not racist, only to slowly subscribe to racist ideologies in recent years. So many people, much of them white, I've met throughout my life who actually were against racism, and were for standing up for marginalised groups, and were otherwise liberal; for them, too, to grow more prejudiced and bigoted against the very groups they originally sought to defend.
It may have not gone away, but it certainly is having a resurgence these days, and it's certainly getting worse. A good chunk of them are new racists.
Racism has always been a powerful for in our society. But there's still no good way to survey exactly how racist everyone is.
It seems like racism is making a comeback because of the rise of the alt-right and, to a greater extent, populism.
The "masses", as they're thought of, were sold a big lie by liberal media and centrist politicians. They were told that if they just cooperated politically, everything would go just fine. No shit, the dream didn't come true, and now people are pissed.
When the "masses" get pissed off, politically, it becomes the shitshow you're seeing right now.
It also doesn't help that these alt-right fucks are some of the few people actually thinking outside the box. Most liberals continue watching the same propaganda outlets as always.
And I'm gonna talk about it more than dismissing it as a shitshow.
People are sick and tired of the liberal news bullshit about how blacks and Muslims and women are just so helpless, and how the big strong white man needs to help them. Big strong white man is liable to be in debt, divorced, maybe addicted to drugs...Things aren't peachy for many people, and nobody wants to hear a spiel about how hard it is for minorities (including gays and women), who probably behave dysfunctionally anyway.
Imagine being one of the self-identified "decent folk", just trying to live a normal life, but then a sweeping political movement pushes to turn your child into an athiestic, pot-smoking transgender prostitute. After all that, they gen der tekker guns away. No, thanks!
what is it with yanks and races
why are they so obsessed with them
Americans think that they're God and whatever they believe is true.
It isn't.
It's not making a comeback, it's just that the racism that was already there is getting stirred up. It was always there, it's just that now it's being dragged kicking and screaming into the public eye.
Because it was always there and everyone was too scared to be open about it.
But times have changed, and now people are willing to say what they fucking thought.
Political correctness was always a meer simple paper sheet.
>As we go into the future, white people aren't going to get some of the special privileges they once had, and to some people this change in status feels more like an invasion or an attack than a change in the structure of society.
What special privileges, fuckboy? Like having a right to exist in the countries we built?
It's you faggots who drove me to this. If you evil oppressive whitey then as a capitalist it behooves me to supply your goddamned demand.
Fuck, London, Paris, Stockholm and no longer white cities. They're full of trash people who stab, steal and rape and everybody just accepts that it's how it is. It's fucking stupid.
Kids nowadays are becoming increasingly amoral. No standards for for human decency. Just the other day I saw a white kid riding on a bike he looked about high school age and he made fun of a mexican man for doing lawn work on a really overgrown yard. Why anyone would want to do make fun of a man for doing honest hard work is beyond me.
>So many people, much of them white, I've met throughout my life who actually were against racism, and were for standing up for marginalised groups
Here's the trick, slick: white people ARE a marginalized group now and have been for decades. But nobody will raise a finger to help us. So we have to remember that we once had teeth.
>You're such a piece of shit, that I'll just have to be an even bigger piece of shit! And a stupid one at that.
The moral highground is up for winners to debate. If they'll be shitty at me then I'm a fool to not be shitty right back.
In the past, black people had to go to separate schools from whites. I don't see how that compares to a Mexican being made fun by a kid on a bicycle.
I don't know what greater point you're trying to assert by saying that cities like London are bad because there's more non-whites in them, but I'm not going to let that trigger me and propel me into behaving a like an idiot.
I figured the white privilege poster must have said something annoying if he triggered you so badly, but reading it now I can see he was actually just 100% factual and you proved him right. It's almost like you are his samefag to prove he was right.
Political correctness went so far that society's temper snapped. The west had just about gotten over the idea of homosexuality for good, and things would've stayed that way had nobody poked the issue.
But they poked. Hard. The pendulum has to swing back, and the force with which it does is all your fault.
Enjoy the ride, just make sure it's from the back of the bus, nigger. All of the authoritarian executive tools that you created will one day be in the hands of the so called far right. You were warned, now lie in the bed you made.
Blowback from SJW's and virtua-signaling idiots
It's like that chinese dress situation, where a bunch of Asian-Americans and whites got angry over """'cultural appropriation""" whilst actual Chinese people were applauding and celebrating that a white american woman was fascinated by their culture
It's easy to blame the ideal itself but the real truth is, people want to be seen as forward-thinking and 'progressive' at any cost. I truly believe we'll get to Star Trek levels of liberalness one day but this was inevitable, we needed the reality check because we've lost the plot.
These things have continued to exist, but most racists were rightly scared to be racist bogota in public. Obama's simply being elected emotionally scarred rednecks, crackers, Midwesterners, and hillbillies of all stripes. (Much the way 45s election did the same for big city liberals). Fox and the far right, nut so conservative, and klan type peole capitalized this shock with a steady stream of propaganda and rhetoric, boosted, in the last few years by Russian troublemakers. 45 is the incoherent backlash forObama.
Hopefully 45 will just burn all of Washington DC to the ground just like Cercei, once his kids are incarcerated and he has barricaded himself insidetheoval office with Kane like streaming.
>45 is the incoherent backlash forObama.
Obama was a shit president and the only reason he gets accolades is because he's black.
There's your word. It's always been there, admittedly I really believe racism and misogyny are going the way of living in caves and chasing animals all our lives, but it's easier than at any time in history for fringe groups (like unapologetic racists and pseudo-nazi garbage) to find one another. Because these people are finding large groups of likeminded others, they feel like their selfish nonsense is resurgent, coming back into vogue. Then you have a human cheeto who lashes his presidential hopes to the rising star of internet xenophobia, racebaiting, and literally trolling all his opponents into submission. Whether he was aided by a foreign government or got lucky playing moneyball with electoral votes is still up in the air, the point is that now there's an unapologetic misogynist bigot running the country who continues to say and do racist and misogynistic shit, so the world's shittiest minority is just getting even more proof positive that they're right and everyone else is wrong. This is what happens. It's not more prevalent, it's just more visible because they all think it's OK now. They're president, after all.
>found the echo chamber keyboard warriors
Could you please take this discussion to /pol?
Because everything is being labeled as racist or sexist for the sole purpose of virtue signalling.
And when everyone is racist, no one is.
And when nobody is racist, everyone is.
I was going to Evergreen State College when one of our teachers last year got forced off campus because a mob of black students went after him because he pointed out a racist email. The administration didn't do anything and bowed to whatever demands they wanted.
The students claimed the campus is systematically racist, and protested against this, despite the fact this college is the most liberal, minority-supporting school you'll ever see.
Liberal colleges and white people are easy targets because they try to be accommodating and therefore won't defend themselves.
Shit, my wife works security at a casino and gets called racist all the time by blacks because she asks to check their ID to come in (anywhere appearing under 35 gets checked).
This response right fucking here.
Everything is "racist" nowadays.
Why is this on Jow Forums? Wasn't there a different board to discuss such things?
Trump is a symptom, not a cause.
The general swing to an angry and resentful right that elected him also took the forms of racism and blame-everyone-but-me thinking.
Racism and misogyny have been at the same levels they have always been. The difference you are seeing is due to societal backlash towards moral imperialism. People want to be left alone, more or less, and the relentless virtue signalling from the media is pissing everybody off.
Trump is only partially related. He is our Samson, and hopefully has the strength to break these pillars.
Things tend to go in cycles of popularity so it is seen as edgy or something. Current generation in ascendency grew up calling each other gay at school and joking about all you had to do was follow the damn train cj and are shitting on the generation behind them who are heavily into social justice. There is a real blindness to the dangers of overconsumption and capitalism in the west and the developing world being a shithole alongside overpopulation is a convenient scapegoat. Why is my society getting worse? Can't blame inequality and lack of social mobility due to a system which is stacked against everybody except those at the top so lets confound and tar those calling for equality and social mobility with labels like they just want to help out all those overpopulated brown/black shitholes who are coming for our precious quality of life. People get confused or something and end up being slightly racist because they think equality is going to unfairly take from them.
I mean, 90% of the resources are consumed by the top 25% of the population. Climate change, conflict, resource shortages are all problems we outsource to the developing world who pay the price of high living standards in the west. We love to make out this is entirely their own doing, that they are intellectually inferior, that they are subhuman, if only they had the presence of mind to have the american dream and rise above their situation they'd be doing what we are doing. Never mind that the american dream is denied to those in the west as the world gets stitched up ever tighter by a minority of super rich people who love to have you blame minorities.
I'm not saying you should give all your shit to minorities in order to fix the world. I'm just saying it is kind of a thing that the developing world is the garbage dump of the developed world and is kept destabilised for the benefit of the elite and it'll only get worse as climate change develops and resources become more scarce and valuable.
Because it's not racism.
It's sociopathy, they love to hate, a race is an easy target. Once that target has gone, they will focus on another target.
Depends what you define as racist, OP. Many things deemed racist these days aren't racist. Generally because those who decide whats racist are far leftist hypocrites who actively encourage everything they deem inappropriate, just on the other side of the spectrum.
And in no way construe that because I feel the far left is idiotic that I'm in any way right leaning, either. I'm left with my ideals, but many liberal view points in current year are pants on head retarded and done out of political agenda/selfishness rather than any actual selflessness/betterment of society.
It'll be the day the world ends when people just take things as they come and apply a bit of logic and reasoning to it instead of prescribing to some ideology which determines what they should do.
Because you cannot deny reality forever. Xenophobia is natural. Everyone is xenophobic by nature. Outsiders will destroy you, your society and your people. There is no two ways about it. It is nature.
what the hell are you talking about
I swear to god you stormretards are getting dumber everyday
Racism never left. Only people in Western countries like to pretend that racism isn't a thing.
I'm not that guy, but I can see how xenophobia is pretty natural from the male perspective. What do we want to do? Reproduce and have the resources for those we care about so we and they feel safe. We kind of live at the expense of others, life is opportunistic and selfish. We work together in social groups to survive and we show loyalty to those groups as an instinct as it is helpful for survival and as time has gone on the size of these groups and our ability to picture larger groups has allowed us to develop concern and empathy with those who we'd usually ignore at best, wage war and exterminate at worst. Thing is, I'm not 100% convinced for the average man on the street that things have moved on to a one world system. It might just be beneficial to a ruling elite or wealthy minority to project the image of everything being interconnected and every face being a potential neighbour with thoughts and feelings, but I can't say it is helpful to the average person trying to get by. There is capital in interpersonal connections, family dynamics, roots, ceremony and cultural differences, it is just ones that can rarely be exploited or commodified by those outside the community so we don't value them. If we get rid of them we are more vulnerable as consumers which is great for business, maybe good for society as a whole, but perhaps not so beneficial to the individual. Also it assumes those who rule us are benign and on board with this, I suspect they live very differently to us and are happy to keep it that way.
Pipe down your monkey hootings, nigger.
The Cane Toad is introduced to Australia. Went from 102 total toads to 20 million in about 30 years. Utterly destroyed the ecology in Australia. Native animals died when trying to eat them or when the cane toad ate them, depleting native fauna immeasurably. And they didn't even do the job they were introduced to do. An invasive species. Grey squirrels in England. Beavers in Tierra del Fuego. The English in Ireland. The English in America. The English pretty much anywhere on the planet.
Everywhere that a group of non-natives have entered, the natives' lives have eventually been destroyed. Plants, animals, people. It is nature. Survival of the fittest. Denying our nature and ignoring this biological principle of survival of the fittest, is genealogical (and occasionally actual) suicide.
Because of retards like you and this guy
Who screech and stomp their feet, calling everything "hate speech" when it doesn't perfectly represent their idiotic socialist world-view.
It's a reaction to the retarded idea that only males can be sexist, only whites can be racist etc. so one side gets a free pass. Hate breeds hate.
>It's a reaction to the retarded idea that only males can be sexist, only whites can be racist etc.
Lets use our noggins and see if we can recall which groups have historically been the most sexist and the most racist. Lets also see if we can use that same noggin to differentiate one side getting a free pass for being racist and one side merely reacting to hundreds of years of being shit on. Believe it or not, the two things are different. Not a lot of critical thinking happening over there in your part of brain-town huh?
>your forefathers were bad
>ergo you need to be punished
> see if we can recall which groups have historically been the most sexist and the most racist
I will bet on arabics, or perhaps chinese.
The Arabs?
Because of American identity politics and the fact that nobody actually wants to solve racial issues, but come out on top.
>forefathers spend 500 years shitting on minorities, slaughtering natives, committing genocide, stealing land and resources and setting up a political/financial system that specifically excludes minorities from being able to invest infrastructure
>forefathers spend the next 200 years making sure minorities received the shittiest educations and lived in the shittiest neighborhood
>forefathers pass all of these resources they gained off of the backs of slaves and dead natives to you and your family from generation to generation while minorities receive nothing
>current day minorities want to make changes to the system so we can create a level playing field and compensate for the historically disproportionate access to wealth, land and business opportunities
>instead of participating in any kind of meaningful dialogue that acknowledges historical fact you throw your pale white body on the ground in an autistic temper tantrum and scream "REEEEEEE MINORITIES ARE RACIST AGAINST MEEEEEEE I NEVER OWNED SLAVES WHY IS EVERYONE SO RACIST REEEEEEEEEE"
>I will bet on arabics, or perhaps chinese.
Sorry, wrong answer. Care to try again?
Not him, but I don´t see how that quit reason to his argument. Also, you are supposing that whites are not a minority.
For some Americans, their identities are politicized whether they like it or not. Its easy for white people to tell minorities to stop playing "identity politics" because their identities have never needed to be politicized. You've never had to march for any rights. You've never had to sit and listen to your grandparents tell you stories of being spit on in restaurants, bitten by police dogs or sprayed with fire hoses. Your identity has never been political because its never had to be. You've always been represented and spoken for in our political system because thats the way it was designed. Minorities don't even get to opt out of identity politics because even if they're not actively involved in any civil rights movements they still wear the politics on their skin. They don't get to opt out. They're lumped in with the rest whether they like it or not. "Identity politics" will seem far less confusing to you when you do some research and actually figure out what it is and why it exists.
>Be arab
>Preach Islam
>Conquer all land in Arabia, Persia, the north of Africa
>Conquer almost all of the iberian peninsula
>Keep on preaching Islam
>Go conquer subsaharian Africa
>Try to teach Isalm to subsaharian africans
>Decide blacks are too dumb to be understand Islam.
>Meanwhile treat women as worthless objects
>Some guy on Jow Forums said there were not sexist nor racist
>this unaware
Re-read your post and see if you can see the irony in it. Those "white trash" you love to dehumanize aren't really that bad, you're the only one who is upset about people being treated as humans ;)
that argument goes both ways. its the same one which stormfags use to credit themselves, by citing that their forefathers built the country and therefore they should be treated better than those who immigrated and contributed nothing to the state. inherited oppression and inherited boons like that doesnt work, because it ends up as a game of who did/didnt when neither party did anything because it's history.
i never owned any slaves, and you were not a slave. why should i pay for something my forefather might have done? we have, in broad terms, equal rights.
im replying to bait, am i not?
Racism = power + prejudice
Therefore it must be the Jews, whom hold the most power and are the most prejudiced against non-Jews, amen my redpilled brother #based.
Case in point of what I mean. This cancer is spreading here to Europe where it does not even have historical and cultural relevance. Fuck off with your bullshit and be a productive member of society or off yourself.
Here is the big thing:
One cannot retroactively own self-defined oppression and subsequently invoke it as a political and legal power tool. Why? Because it is intellectually lazy, dishonest and just plain blackmail.
Once again, fuck-off if you dont want an actual solution, but just want to come out on top or 'take revenge'. We got better things to do.
That all happened in Ireland too. Except the Irish Catholics in the occupied part of Ireland, that have been oppressed for eight entire centuries, are now more successfuly and intelligent than their oppressors.
Why can they do it but niggers can't? They didn't even have equal rights until 1999, way later than niggers.
Arabs are literally just now allowing women to drive cars. Over 100 years since women got the right to vote in the West and Arabs still treat their women as though they are children.
>women arent children
who are you quoting?
>we are nothing but slaves to our primal instincts
nice excuse for bring an asshole
haha wow you said nigger
uhhh people aren't toads
homo sapiens and shit remember? diferentiate yourself from south asians, native americans or sami all you want, you're still human beings and beyond your phenotypes and cultures there's hardly any difference between each other
why do people say that racism and misogyny is a reaction from sjws?
there is no justification for being a fucking dickhead
you don't need to be a misogynist to point out flaws in feminism, a fascist to point out flaws in socialism or a religious fanatic to point out flaws in atheism, if you catch my drift
The racial gap has never been wider than it is right now. And those who feel discriminated against are the ones continually making it worse.
Race was an after thought until Hussein Obama came along
>racism is making a comeback
It never left. Anti-discrimination / anti-segregation laws are about as ineffective in eliminating racism as anti-drug laws are in eliminating drug use.
Segregation was only officially rolled back in the late 60's. There are many people alive today who can personally relate stories about being banned from establishments, schools, etc. purely because of their outward appearance. Well, if they're alive, the other guys are alive too, right?
What happened to the Birmingham bombers who killed little girls in churches? What happened to the people throwing rocks and turning firehoses on demonstrators? What happened to the business owners who wouldn't hire non-white just on policy? Think they just evaporated into thin air?
The people who were in their 20's for segregation and jim crow (for example, Bannon, Sessions, and Trump) are now reaching their twilight years and this is their last gasp before they get the fuck off the planet.
And a lot of right-wing snowflakes nowadays try to flip the script and say they're the ones being oppressed for imaginary racism and this is a "reaction." No, racism is the original movement; it's modern "political correctness" that is the reaction.
I literally listed two explicit examples of homo sapiens being an invasive species and destroying the native people of a country.
Are you fucking retarded?
Racism isn't making a comeback, it's as low as it ever was. People are just talking about it more now.
Sexism on the other hand sure is and let me explain why. A bunch of dumb sluts decided that they want more rights and no responsibilities to compensate for. So they took every issue where females were disadvantaged, pushed for equal outcome in those issues then ignored the issues where men were disadvantaged. All while insulting and blaming men for all the evils of the world. And somehow this turned into a global movement that turned a good bunch of women and part of the media into misandrists. So, of course, as a response a bunch of men got pissy about that and turned into misogynists.
>Racism isn't making a comeback, it's as low as it ever was
2c has been deposited in your account.
>tfw your children can't go to the school your tax dollars fund because they're black
Interesting how state-sanctioned segregation is considered a mild, harmless form of racism by the right
I read'em
you're mixing concepts
the english, no matter how shitty they are, are still homo sapiens
you can't mix in geopolitics and economic explotation when you're talking about how certain species are harmful to the enviroment
having a different culture, language or skin tone doesn't change your species, and the english exploiting natural resources and vasalizing other people has nothing to do with them being alien species that fucked up everything
>tfw your children can't go to the school your tax dollars fund because they're black
Show me where that happens.
this is great and accurate for some blacks. Yet no addresses it. Blacks barely did anything positive for the United States. The end of slavery is what allowed the American economy to become the power House it is now.
Slavery is a terrible idea for multiple reasons, which is why whites, the most successful race throughout history, are the first to make it illegal.
Blacks that live in the US should consider it a blessing that the events that led to their ancestors meeting and eventually giving them life happened.
Black people should be on their knees everyday thanking God for white people. Even if your ancestors, hypothetically, met anyways in Africa and were not sold to Europeans as slaves by other Africans, youd be living in Africa. A shit hole full of diseases, famine and war.
>oh no! feminists are disregarding men's rights!
then get up your fat ass and fight for YOUR OWN rights, faggot
why should women care about issues that don't affect them? it's your struggle, not theirs'
Go start your arguments somewhere else retard. I was explaining why it happened, I wasn't complaining about it.
Besides the slaves were NOT necessary to the development of the United States. It's not like the had special skills or abilities. In fact having slaves most likely slowed down the development of technological development of farm equipment.
Except I'm not even remotely? Are you actually mentally disabled?
It's a rhetorical question, you obviously are fucking disabled.
Find me a single place on the planet where another group has moved to and the native population has been better off for it. One.
Racism has been supremely prevalent all along. Just the racism that you and others refuse to call racism (anti-white racism) has been the kind that'a been front and center for years now. People have been backed into a corner to a point that they stopped giving a fuck about being PC because when you tell an entire demographic (white men) they have no valuable perspective, they're the cause of everyone's problems when in reality they've carried western civilization on their backs to promenence and everyone else is just leeching and enjoying the fruits of their hard work and accomplishments, they tend to stop giving a fuck what you think and start getting real with everyone.
White people are the only race in the history of the world to end slavery.
It's a sign when even people with left wing backgrounds are calling this sort of stuff out.
Because human beings are incapable of holding a sane, objective, middle of the road view on things so it's one extreme or the other
>moving the goalposts
I was showing only that racism was not "low" as a response to the statement "it's as low as it ever was".
Of course it doesn't happen that way anymore.
However, the people who endured that system, and the people who fought desperately to preserve it, are all still alive, in their 60's and 70's now. Millenials don't seem to grasp this fact and are shocked by the concept that there's racial tension in the country.
Racism is the original action. Modern "PC culture" is the reaction.
It comes from the same place trannies come from.
The internet.
Minorities can now get online and build groups and share ideas. So just like tranny A in Ohio can discuss hormone pills with Tranny B In California, racist lady hater in Florida can discuss issues with bigger beater in new jersey.
Really, blame smart phones. Those opened the flood gates for mental midgets getting online. Who knew that having to install drivers to get online was a wonderful idiot filter.
Jesus Christ you're spot on
I'd argue it's the other way around. Nigger A and Nigger B can get on twitter and scream about how much they hate whitey and now all those sheltered white people who never experienced niggerdom before are getting to experience niggerdom and becoming racist.
But yes, Facebook is pretty much entirely to blame for the current state of the West.
Why are you losers so obessesed with me. Honestly. You place me on a pedestal.