Can you rebut me?

Japan needs immigrants
>our population will lose 300,000 people yearly basis untill 2100
>this indicates our consumption goes down, less supply needed
>Thus, Economy shrink rapidly. people lose the jobs
>meanwhile, they have to pay extra tax because aging population generate less workers and more welfare dependent olds

So, only rational solution for this problem is accept AT LEAST 200,000 imigrants per year and stabilize the population dynamics to maitanin economy.

Prove me wrong. Retards

Attached: 14524418016521.png (399x536, 105K)

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don't worry my dear jap
the SUPERIOR BLACK MAN will black your country and raise its fertility rate

Attached: Abdul-Mitsu_1-300x203.jpg (300x203, 16K)

Thank you.
I think diversity will make this nation vivid.

why dude
I've seen this fucking thread countless time for over a year
Is this a fucking bot or what is your end goal OP

Japan needs to reform how it wages it's finances and manages governance

all the single men masturbating, clouding their heads with oxytocin, this is partly the problem

You see /ptg/ trump thread every day

Why don't you complain about it?

>he thinks that the country of Japan, after hundreds of years of having a monolithic culture where in some instances they hate other asians will flip into being pro immigrant overnight

that's a containment general, this is thread that asks the same question as it did numerous times already and got answers every single time, yet I see it almost every fucking day here and I don't understand what is your endgame here ( other than (you)'s I suppose and same people telling you the same answers over and over again )

>implying there is no pol which show that over 54% Japanese approve to open the border for foreign workers
>over 65% young people aprove it too, this mean Japan is gradually pro-immigrants nation

Continual, unending GDP growth for all eternity
Don't you know that furthering materialism is the only thing that matters?