I want to have sex but I can’t find a guy who is willing to commit to a relationship with me. what do I do?
I want to have sex but I can’t find a guy who is willing to commit to a relationship with me. what do I do?
Same. Except I'm a dude
We need more information in order to give proper advice OP. Still... why don´t you try changing the way you have of meeting guys. Go to places where a man willing to commintment could be, like... church perhaps?
Also, nice unrelated pic,
I'm not OP but where do you find these guys if you're an atheist?
Not him, but I was straight up abstinent til marriage til about 23 (when I basically met a girl, fell in love and thought she was the one, got my heart broken, and basically said... eh.. fuck it, let’s see what life is about)
You could find me:
At school
At work
At a bar playing pool
Hanging out with my friends
At a restaurant after work having a craft beer and dinner
Doing online dating
Out on a run
Hanging out with my best friend (a gay chick) doing random shit (park, tennis, rock climbing, whatever).
Overall, finding relations is pretty hard to be honest, but that’s everyone.
>have sex without a relationship
If all u want is sex then just find someone youd care to share bodies with for the night. If you just want to get into a relationship so u can have sex, then youre pretty shallow & not ready for a relationship anyways.
Prostitutes still an option, given where u live.
Check the basements of 50 year old couples' houses. That's where all the God hating NEETs are.
One night stand?
Lose weight
If you give it up on early, there is little reason to commit to a relationship. There is easy women, and there is not so easy women. Not so easy women tend to make better mates.
If you give it up early*
a woman who wants to rope a man into a faulty relationship just so she can have sex without feeling guilty is a landmine.
why don't you just grow as a person and try to socialize more? because that would be very difficult? good things in life don't always come easy.
you could try having a monogamous casual relationship. it's basically dating except without all the hard parts.
sorry tubby no sex for you
Keep trying but with a different type instead of the only cares about sex type guy you're trying with now, find one that actually cares. No details because you gave none.
This, no one fucks a fatty, I know from experience.
Anime conventions.
My first time was with a fatty and I loved it. Eventually married the girl. She was initially confused because she thought me “handsome”, but that body type really gets me going.
So false.
I can find guys to have sex with only me but there are always unreasonable demands. Not at first but over a few months they start telling me how to dress and act and not talk to other guys but at the same time try to get me to have a threesome or watch as another guy has sex with me or some other sexual perversion. Not down for any of that. Men today are scum.
>Men today are scum