What are some good tinder openers
What are some good tinder openers
U want sum fuck?
Hey :)
do you like anime?
I tried this once
"You have 2 choices. Either you meet with me this evening and we have a fun time or you dwell more in your cave and crave more for cock."
It didnt work.
I bet I can run faster when I am horny than you can when you are scared.
show bobs show vagene bich
Hey how are you?
Unironically a good starter
Hi I'm not really used to this tinder thing, but I was wondering if you'd like to meet up?
Serious answer
I just open with something related to their profile. It’s pretty annoying when they don’t have anything written out. If that’s the case I’ll try to get something from their pictures. And if it’s just a bunch of selfies or pics of them drinking with their friends I’ll just hit them with some random question, like would you rather be a pirate or a ninja.
Good luck m8
"im looking for something casual"
a good "opener" isn't going to make the difference between getting and not getting laid you autistic faggot
Hi :)
This. It has worked for me quite a few times.
If she responds, good. If not, she can go fuck herself. The effort some guys make trying to be funny (in a forced way) for a random bitch are cringeworthy sometimes. You have to assume every girl on Tinder is a bitch looking for an ego boost until proven otherwise.
open vagana, bitch lasanga
do you want $10000?
lmao no it depends. if youre dtf be clear. if you want romance, be clear. girls are lookin for their own hustle just like yall are. i like to see fucking hilarious profiles and openers. also deep questions work too.
Can you give examples of deep questions?
I send a gif of a cowboy along with the phrase "Howdy Partner"
The correlation is reversed. No "good opener" can guarantee an increase of success. A "bad opener," however, is definitely guaranteed to hurt your chances.
So the question OP poses is still valid. I'd reformulate it to: "how not to fuck it up on the very first message."
An example of a bad opener:
>hey :), something I didn't mention in my bio - I'm 5'6'' and balding I hope that's not a problem
reading these tinder threads is like watching chimps discover fire.
It's hilarious. Delete that shit before you get hurt/aids.
I think its good to avoid default openers like "how are you doing?" or "what movies/series/music/etc you like?"
I just go on talking about stuff and skip all these questions. For instance, if something interesting happened on my day, I will just start like "sooo, today i..." and go on. Or start some more deep conversation. Like you already knew her/him. But remember to skip the default stuff, because 90% of the other people will be asking this, and it makes each conversation to be the same, instead of something unique and worth.
What are you on about? I used it back in 2014, got laid with three different girls and one end up being my gf of 3 years. It's just a tool, it doesn't do magic, but it works at what its for.
I'm about 5'6'' (goddess. why the fuck you guys use this fucked up metric) and balding, and I do start with that sometimes.
Also, consider that every female I met irl from Tinder liked me.
Me too brah, but I don't think its the best thing to say right in the opening line... Just saying. It's interesting it works for you, though.
I specifically go for the default openers. We are all adults here, if you have to start assuming the girl has the attention span of a fish, it's no good. It reminds me of people that try to make their CVs all colorful and original. Really? Those tricks are superficial.
Too bad there are no known statistics of success with this kind of thing.
i must be astronaught: cos im gonna crash into uranus
Do you like eggs?
>are you an archeologist
like.... "why do we call every single species of dogs dogs when we distinguish crocodiles and alligators?" i want to know you're smart/clever, instead of saying "Hey" like a boring fag.
Thanks for reminding me that women who use tinder are by and large worthless. Only with a millennial woman could that question pass for anything other than completely retarded
this only works on a certain types. i use to do this shit. and all i got was 'lol idk"
Are openers really a thing?
I'd answer to someone saying something about my profile.
I'd even answer to "hi :D"
but i wouldn't answer to a trying-to-be-funny opener that anyone could send to anyone.
>that question
Mnehh. And the first thing you say to someone on Tinder is not the time to get clever anyways. I really, really, prefer starting with a "Hey" and filter out retards like yourself.
*Usually* the best bet is to try to related to their profile in some way, especially their pictures. But if you can't do that because all the pics are typical/boring, then you have to use other methods.
Personally I look for someone with a sense of humor, and a good funny opening is good for weeding out people who are too serious and uptight. Two of mine:
"I came here to eat ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum ;P"
"All you need to smile is a colon and a big D :D"
If they like it, great. If not, who cares. It's worked a few times.
Fucking genius, added to my arsenal
How long should I wait to double text on Tinder (if at all)?
I mean Ive got nothing to lose if she hasnt responded, and theres the chance she just forgot about the message right?
I dont fucking know man
Right away. If she doesn't like it, fuck her. But every minute it passes she's losing interest.
I have a lot of tinder success, I break it down into phases though
phase 1, have a good profile, in a bio less is more, don't be basic. If there's nothing interesting about you then just say nothing. That way there MIGHT be something interesting they don't know about, but if you say "I like food and traveling and breathing air" with your first picture being a sunglasses selfie and a gym selfie, they know you are basic
phase 2, the opener, you need to say something memorable but not corny, this is dynamic and situational. Specifically I try to target recognizable locations in the background, more impressive if you can discern what country the picture was taken in if it seems foreign
phase 3 possibly the most important but most overlooked phase GET THE CONVERSATION OFF OF TINDER ASAP
of all else fails I default to the tried and true
>excuse me?
>I just needed something to break the ice ;D
women get constant matches, every time they get a new match you get pushed further down the pile by all the other guys sending them messages. If they never respond it might not even be because you did something wrong, you just got lost in a sea of cocks slapping her in the face
this is why phase 2 needs to be done tactfully, I will have no more than 3 back and forth exchanges before attempting my transition to regular texting.
by getting the convo off of tinder whether they realize it or not they have already made a very small commitment to going on a date with you, from there it will be easy because there are less distractions
phase 4, the meeting. This is where I always fuck it up so I have nothing for you, my dates range anywhere from disasters out of the gate to successful at first but they quickly lose interest in me after a few meetings because I guess I'm a bore irl