>1.Your country
>2.Your rightful claim to the UK after they inevitable lose the war against the EU
Claiming Cornwall for Germany
>1.Your country
>2.Your rightful claim to the UK after they inevitable lose the war against the EU
Claiming Cornwall for Germany
>be Northern Ireland county
>be named Tyrone
potato niggers makes more sense now, doesn't it
Go and fuckyourself OP you faggot, I’m going to form a blockade at the Tamar, many Cornishmen will join me, Cornwall will remain ethnically white
All the counties that were once under the Danelaw
Cornwall, Wales and Scotland are all Celtic and rightful Gaelic clay. Germany can have the Anglo-Saxon settled areas like Northumbria and Wessex
England belongs to Northern Germany
>Coming from a country that couldn't even claim itself.
We take Yorkshire for the Cossack Crusade against pakis, hindus and dindus.
come home
like the east scottish islands and shit, or were those viking invasions before the normans?
based and celtpilled
if britain goes to war against euroniggers i will go back and fight for my motherland. i might die but i promise ill kill atleast 50 g*rms before i go
>United Kingdom
>United Kingdom
it already belongs to us
This kind of stupidity is how Russia lost an entire generation
Why did they name a part of Northern Ireland after the negro stereotype?
The first president was Afro-Irish
Reverse colonization NOW!
My family once held land in Ipswich, can I become duke?
All of it and the empire too
Windsors can suck my nuts
Like half of England including London.
Try half the UK
Hans, if there was a war and we lost, the second you step on English land I will personally feed you to pigs for being a weak invader. There will be no law to protect you.