How are leftists going to argue against science on this one? Borders are real

How are leftists going to argue against science on this one? Borders are real.

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Just out of curiosity, how does the right explains its obsession with wolves?

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Wolves represent white people or something.

Just out of curiosity, why do canadians suck their fathers dick every morning? I always found it strange

we're not autistic if that's what you're implying

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What makes you think that?

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>we're not autistic
>not autistic

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ok maybe a little bit but I just awoo because it's fun not because i believe in it

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>ok maybe a little bit

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Because it's a way to wash one's penis

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wolves are predomesticated dogs as niggers are predomesticated humans

Chimps form these "biological nations" as well, and have even been observed waging war with neighboring tribes.

Wolf packs are families. I don't think any leftist argues that you should be able to enter other people's homes freely

>I don't think any leftist argues that you should be able to enter other people's homes freely
you'd be surprised.

Adolf means "noble wolf"

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>white wolf walks deep into every other land

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Wolves go out and get shit done, they dont just lay around reproducing and expect another species to bring food to them.

i do not understand why you should be allowed to freely enter nations when unwanted then

that was the fault of the white man and colonialism dude

Leftists don't give a shit about reality!
They are driven by FEELINGS and emotions. If it feels good, it is good. Simple like that.

BTW those wolves are obviously oppressed by the wolves patriarchy...

yes goy behave like wild animals

Wolves got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one.

I saw four wolves with me mates yesterday while /outdoors/ in the woods. Those beasts were huge.

Is not the pack the same thing for wolves as tribes are for humans? Tribes are the natural foundation of human social systems, as packs are for wolves. Are not nations not merely a super-tribe?

This is a valley, goy. Geographism is a scourge of our past, we are all #OnePlanet

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White wolfs are dicks?

Before Pinochet coup d'etat an horde of commies came to my grandpa property and tried to divide the land between the group families they brought with them. Of course he called the neighbors and drove them out but they will keep trying to do the same almost every week.

Today people underestimate commies.

Team white wolf

No, it's a contraction of "Adler Wolf", meaning "Eagle Wolf". They name is the same as the Norwegian/Scandinavian "Ornulf".

no it's from Old High German "Adal" and "Wolf"

the nation is just the logical evolution of the tribe, which was formed as families of humans grouped together

>how can you argue against these multi-colored scribbles on a satellite photo

i know, right

you gave me a kek, user

they are proof that wolf packs have a concept of territory and borders

>the right
go back to wherever you came from faggot

white group are a bunch of cunts, they're the ones who enter the most to other groups's territories

Holo is my waifu and I want her to teach me about currancy speculation

>Wolf packs are families
no, they're groups of families. kind of like a nation. retard

I must AWOO but I have no fangs.

Commie apologists today can whitewash Allende because he got nipped in the bud.

>white bois invading every other territory
doing us proud lads